The Full-level Boss is In the Female Respect

Chapter 303: really good

Chapter 303 is really good

   "Those who are connected by blood will always be a family."

   "This is what your parents have always said, the reason why the Gu family is your natal family.

  Whether you say it or not, this relationship is here. We will definitely support you and support you. "

   "My parents said that you were a young widow and raised a great treasure. No matter what, you have made contributions to the Gu family and are a great contributor.

   Now these are all what you deserve, just see if you want to draw a clear line with us?

  But, even if you want to, it’s impossible, hahaha..."

  The two brother-in-laws spoke one sentence each, without letting Widow Gu interject to say no at all.

  Actually, Widow Gu listened to these words, and felt very warm in his heart. Of course, he knew that the members of the Gu family were okay with him.

  In retrospect, he took advantage of the orphans and widows all these years. Although he was a little unhappy, he still let him in the end.

  If it weren\'t for the protection of the two elders overtly and secretly, and the help of sisters and brothers-in-law, he might not be able to raise Dabao next to each other.

  He\'s an asshole, but it\'s not that he doesn\'t know some things, it\'s just that he can\'t say it.

   Now that the brothers-in-law have talked all the way here, is it a step down for him?

  So, he really can\'t say anything to draw a clear line in the future.

   "Well, Dabao is a member of the Gu family. I will always be Dabao\'s father. We will be a family from now on."

   Widow Gu said these words with lowered eyelids, and he also felt a little embarrassed to face them, because of the past ten years.

  The two brother-in-laws of the Liu family just opened their mouths to smooth things over, "Look, everyone said that you are lucky in the future. In the future, you will have two natal families. Who dares to bully you? We are not just a show."

   "Hehehe...Look at how much the third prince cares about you. Those who are afraid of being bullied don\'t know who it is."

   "Hahaha~ that\'s not it."

  After such a joke from the brothers-in-law, Widow Gu couldn\'t care less about it, he was already shy.

  He also wanted to control his emotions, but he couldn\'t control them at all. Anyway, his ears and cheeks were stained red.

   Everyone also knew that it was too much to say, so they started to change the subject and talk about other things.

   In this way, Widow Gu slowly recovered his mood.

  After lunch, Widow Gu led the men to drink tea and talk in the back. After more than a year, the scenery in the garden of the Gu family became more pleasant.

  It is so colorful that people can\'t keep their eyes closed.

   Being in such a scene, for those of them who are busy in the field all day long, it can be regarded as a moment of relaxation.

  They also know that Dabao\'s family is really different from them, and they are fundamentally not on the same level.

  But they are not jealous, they are all peasants, and they know the importance of being down-to-earth and down-to-earth.

  They drank tea and watched the scenery in the back, chatting casually.

  The women continued to drink in front, and also set the time for the three books and six rituals on the wine table.

   Regarding the issue of where to arrange their marriage, the Gu family meant to listen to the third prince. After all, she is a member of the royal family, and the rules are greater than theirs, so she can\'t come here as she pleases.

  The Gu family and the Liu family have no objection whether it is done in the village or in the capital.

  The third prince has also considered this issue, and she also discussed it with the emperor when she left Beijing.

   "I still think it\'s okay to do it once in the village first, and then make it up again when I return to Beijing."

  According to the intention of the third prince, she felt that since Liu Lan cared so much about the thoughts of the villagers, she had to hold a grand event in the village in a lively and splendid manner.

  It is also to let everyone in the ten miles and eight villages know that he married her Zhao He in a serious manner, and no one can gossip.

   As for going back to Beijing to make up again, she also wanted to make a face for Liu Lan.

  Although few people in Beijing dare to provoke him, few husbands who claim to be famous and aristocratic families really think highly of him.

  So, she also wants to let those people see that she, Zhao He, holds this person in her palm, and wants to respect and respect him.

  Whether they are sincere or not, they must bow their heads when they see Liu Lan.

  Speaking of which, she was thinking about Liu Lan.

  The people at the table are not really stupid, even if they didn\'t figure it out right away, they understood it after the old lady of the Liu family said something.

   "It doesn\'t need to be so troublesome. If you can, just do it once in the village. There is no reason to be married twice."

  The old lady of the Gu family also said, "How can one get married twice? Not good.

  There are big rules in Beijing, so go back to Beijing to do it, and then we will all go. "

   There are two families who are so reasonable, and the third prince is also grateful, but she still thinks that she should discuss it with Liu Lan before making a decision.

  So he found a reason to cover up this problem first, "Then wait for news from Beijing to see what the emperor means."

  She did write a letter to the palace, but she didn\'t say this, because they had already agreed.

  The emperor asked her to act cheaply, which also meant to take care of her family.

   Looking at the meaning of Gu\'s family, what she wants to hear most is Liu Lan\'s meaning, and she can do whatever he says.

  The wine lasted until about two o\'clock before it dissipated. The third prince was already drunk and was helped back by Liang Ming.

  The few people here are similar. When they are in a good mood, they can\'t help but drink a few more glasses, and the wine is also attractive.

   But it doesn\'t matter, Gu Chao\'s spirit wine won\'t hurt his body after drinking it, and he\'ll be fine after sleeping, and he\'s full of energy.

   Once the women fell asleep, they didn\'t wake up until the next day.

  Mr. Tang Matchmaker was with the woman at the table. He had to know the details of the two marriages and had to be present, so he was naturally drunk and stayed with Gu\'s family.

  He hasn\'t stopped being surprised since he entered the Gu Mansion, not only because of the ease of the marriage, but also because of the shock he received inside the Gu Mansion.

   Sure enough, as the rumors outside, Gu Daochang\'s house is like a fairy cave, making people feel as if they are in a fairyland.

   After drinking the wine in Gu\'s mansion, he felt that he was really almost like a fairy.

  In Zhao\'s mansion, the eldest son Zhao Lin anxiously waited for his mother\'s good news at home, but the wait lasted for a long time, and finally his mother was helped back with the smell of alcohol all over her body.

   Forget it, she can only take care of her mother and take a rest first, and she will have to ask Steward Shu and Liang Ming about the marriage proposal later.

   "Don\'t worry, my son, the prince is just too happy so he drank more.

   This is the spiritual wine specially prepared by Daoist Gu. Even if you get drunk, it\'s fine, just sleep on it. "

   With Steward Shu\'s explanation, Zhao Lin felt at ease.

  She also knew that her mother was too happy, but after all, her mother was old enough to get drunk and hurt her body.

  She has been suffering from frailty and pain, so she naturally knows how uncomfortable that feeling is, so she doesn\'t want her mother to experience this kind of discomfort.

  In normal times, she also told the people to pay more attention to the mother\'s body, and asked the mother to take care of herself.

   Basically, there is no such thing as drunk, so she is worried.

  After the mother settled down, Zhao Lin said: "Let\'s go out and talk, don\'t disturb the mother to rest."


   In response to these words, the two of them followed the prince out lightly, and then gently closed the door, and ordered the servants to wait on them carefully, just in case the prince woke up and needed anything.

   "What did the Gu family say?"

  Although he asked this way, Zhao Lin already knew it in his heart.

  Didn’t the housekeeper just say that mother drank too much because she was happy? Things are definitely going in a good direction.

  But she still wanted to hear what they said, exactly what happened.

   "Everything else has been agreed, but the matter of where to hold the banquet has not yet been determined.

  But both the Gu family and the Liu family said to let the prince decide, and they have no objection.

  The meaning of the prince is to wait for a letter from the palace before making a decision. "

  They didn\'t know that the third prince had already discussed this matter with Huanai, so they all thought that what their prince said was true.

  Zhao Lin didn\'t know either, and her mother never raised this issue with her.

   That\'s right, even the third prince himself didn\'t expect that this matter was settled just after she arrived in Gujia Village.

   Originally thought it would be a long time, and she would continue to work hard, but happiness came too suddenly.

   It is precisely because of this that the third prince has not discussed this issue with his daughter yet, and plans to wait until the matter is about the same.

   In the past two days, because things were too tight and too excited, she just forgot about it.

   But it doesn\'t matter, it\'s only ten days, they are not in a hurry.

   And the attitude over there also shows that it can be done anywhere.

   In this way, Zhao Lin was completely relieved, and asked the housekeeper to send someone to send Geng Tie to the capital quickly, and they waited for the reply from Jingzhong with peace of mind.

  On this day, everyone in the Gu family village watched people from the Liu family come to the Gu family, and the prince from Zhao\'s mansion also entered the Gu mansion with a matchmaker and heavy gifts.

   This matter has been reconfirmed, nothing has changed, and some people who speak sour words have also shut up, and they are all flattering words when they open their mouths.

  The Gu family was already something they couldn\'t envy. At most, they just talked bitterly behind their backs to balance their minds.

  Up to now, they dare not even say sour words.

   In the past, the Gu family was ordinary people like them, but now they are relatives of the emperor. Widow Gu can no longer be called Widow Gu, he is a serious prince and husband.

   I heard that he is still Zhengjun.

  The Gu family has been really lucky in the past two years, and they can\'t stop it.

   But it’s okay, although Liu Lan remarried, but Gu Chao is still a member of their Gu family, so they have something to do with the third prince, right?

  In their Gu family village, there is also a royal husband, a decent nobleman.

  In the future, they will be able to straighten their waists and speak louder when they go out.

  Actually, even if there was no such incident, their Gu family village would still be the first in Shili Baxiang, because they have a Gu family.

   This is just icing on the cake, and it is also of great benefit to them.

  As for those sour people, everyone has a steelyard in their hearts, and who doesn\'t know who.

  But because of the reason of the third prince, it is good to make them restrain themselves, at least their ears are clean.

   When there were only father and son, Mr. Liu took his son\'s hand and instructed him earnestly.

   "Lan\'er, you are a lucky person, and you are blessed.

   Marry to the palace in the future, you should restrain your temper.

  The palace is no more strict than ours, and the rules are stricter. Your husband\'s family is the royal family, so you must pay attention to everything.

   And your mouth, don’t be too quick, just change what needs to be changed.

  Even if the third prince values ​​you, there are still people on her head, so you can\'t always make things difficult for her.

  You are backed by Dabao, and Dabao is also capable, but in the end, one or two times is fine. If there are too many times, it is not easy for Dabao to do it here.

   There is also the eldest son, you should treat her well, don\'t ask you to treat her as your own child, and don\'t be too unfamiliar, after all, it is the only child of the prince.

   After you have children, you can\'t favor one person over another, and a bowl of water should be equal.

  The position of the son, don\'t even think about it, let\'s live in peace and stability.

  It doesn\'t matter if your son is old, a family and a beautiful family are better than anything else. "

  Listening to what his father said, Liu Lan was still a little awkward. When he got married for the first time, his father also pulled him to give him careful instructions, and it is the same now.

   Only this time, he remarried, and his mood changed a lot.

   "Father, I know, I don\'t interfere with the son\'s affairs, and I haven\'t thought about that position.

   As for children, I\'m afraid there won\'t be any. How can I have children at my age.

   It is enough for me to have Dabao, and I don’t want anything else. "

  Other things, he didn\'t know if he could change it. If Zhao He despises him in the future and doesn\'t treat him like he is now, he will come back.

  Anyway, he has a daughter and a granddaughter, so he will never leave him alone.

  Just these thoughts, he dare not tell his father, otherwise he will definitely be scolded.

  He also knew that he was the one who remarried. If he came back, how many people would gossip and watch the fun, and the Gu family and Liu family would be even more ashamed.

  This is just his last plan, the worst plan, and it doesn\'t have to be like that.

  At least, judging by the way it is now, Zhao He treats him well.

   Well, actually, it’s really good.

  Thinking of this, Liu Lan couldn\'t help but feel a little hot. Fortunately, the light is not good now, so he should not notice it.

  Hearing what his son said, Mr. Liu felt relieved. It\'s not like he hasn\'t heard of the dirty things of the nobles.

   It was just to fight for power and profit, and in the end even family affection was ignored.

  Although he was also happy for his son and was pleased that he had a good home in the end, but he was not the same as his son became that kind of person.

  They have nothing in the first place, and now that’s enough, it’s not worth it to tear apart the family that’s been made for things that aren’t their own.

   "It\'s fine if you want to understand, people\'s hearts are fleshy, as long as you treat your son well, she won\'t ignore you if she inherits the palace in the future.

  Don’t say that you won’t have children. You have a good body and you have taken good care of them in the past two years. It is not impossible to have children.

  The third prince also looks healthy, and she has had children. You are all fine, no one can tell. "

  (end of this chapter)