The Full-level Boss is In the Female Respect

Chapter 243: is her person

Chapter 243 is her person

   Regardless of whether the idea is good or not, and whether there is a chance these days, the third prince has no intention of giving up in Zhuangzi these days.

   Anyway, it\'s okay. After getting up every day, I take Liang Ming for a walk around Zhuangzi, hoping to meet my sweetheart and come out for a walk.

   That person likes to be lively the most, he must not be able to sit still, maybe he will come up with it.

   However, the calculation of the third prince has come to nothing.

  There are people accompanying Gu Widow every day, but he doesn\'t have extra time to spare.

  Not to mention the four families who stayed together, even the other families change their tricks every day in order to curry favor with Widow Gu.

  So, Widow Gu is not boring at all, on the contrary, he copes happily.

  Of course, how could he not be happy if someone was accompanying him and coaxing him?

  But Ning Su and Han Yu are not very able to adapt to this kind of people coming every day, and they feel uncomfortable when they are tired of coping.

  After two days of company like this, the widow Gu who saw it sent them away to play by themselves.

   According to the words of taking care of the widow, "You two just don\'t want to be on the stage, and you don\'t want to see big things. If it\'s over, I don\'t need you to accompany me. Go and play by yourself."

  Although the words were not pleasant, Ning Su and Han Yu left happily.

  They are not as energetic as the father-in-law to deal with people they don\'t know at all every day. The father-in-law is used to it in the village. They just want to stay quietly for two days.

   Although Widow Gu said disgusting words, he only said them when there was no one else, and when there were people, that was also to praise his two sons-in-law.

  In his opinion, this is a good son-in-law who doesn\'t go around carelessly. If he has that kind of skill, he might as well serve his family\'s eldest treasure well.

  This man, he can’t just hang around outside all day, he can only be serious if he serves his wife well.

   Moreover, he also hoped that his son-in-law would soon give him another granddaughter. Now that their Gu family has a big business, how can Baoer be a girl.

   No matter what, I need to add four or five more. If there are more, it is naturally the best.

  Gu Chao is also thinking about this aspect. Of course, what she thinks about is the production process. As for the result, she doesn\'t think about it yet.

   Ning Su and Han Yu, who were finally released from the front, were finally caught by the long-planned wife-owner.

   So, did they get a break, didn\'t they get it, or were they hurt and happy?

  Hehehe... This night, until both of them were in a daze and their minds were all muddled, they still couldn\'t figure out which one was more tiring.

  Looking at the two husbands whose faces were moistened by the heat and enthusiasm, Gu Chao was of course unceremonious.

  In the end, he still reluctantly hugged her left and right and refused to let her go. After taking her back to the bedroom, it was another night of tossing.

   It never came to Zhuangzi, these days she hasn\'t had a good time, and she has to take care of this and that, and no one takes care of her, she is also wronged.

   After finally waiting for the opportunity, she can let it go, and she doesn\'t know when the next time will be? hum!

  Ning Su and Han Yu thought it might be because they stayed in the pool for too long, as if their brains were full of water, and their bodies were also full of water.

   Otherwise, how could they be so soft? I didn\'t even have the strength to lift my arm.

  However, their good wife and master has endless strength, and all of them are used on them.

  The wife-owner also lied to them, saying that they don’t want them to use force, just enjoy it, and look at the final result, who is enjoying it.

  How could they not be tired after enduring so much strength? Otherwise, where did the wife-master\'s strength go?

  They are not really stupid, they are not so easy to deceive, they are the most tired ones.

  Uh, knowing that they were so tired that they fell asleep in the end, both of them were in a daze, and could only hum and chirp unconsciously occasionally to express their dissatisfaction and protest.

   It\'s just that this protest is basically invalid, and their good wife and master just ignored it and refused to accept it.

  Naturally, the next morning the two sons-in-law failed to get out of bed to pay respects to Widow Gu.

   This kind of thing, after the first time, I don\'t care so much about it later, and it\'s not that Widow Gu doesn\'t know the whole story.

   In order for the Gu family to flourish, Widow Gu happily accepted it.

   It\'s just that Zhengjun Han is a little embarrassed, wondering if his daughter-in-law is like this, I can\'t tell.

   The embarrassment was only for a while, and later he thought it through and he was relieved.

  As long as the children are doing well, there is nothing wrong with this. Besides, they all feel that it is fine, so why is he talking too much about being that bad guy?

  This matter, he knew it and kept it in his heart, but he couldn\'t ask his son.

  It was the day before the Li family\'s banquet, and everyone was preparing to go home.

   It was also very early in the morning on this day, the third prince got up early to tidy up, and then waited in Zhuangzi\'s front yard.

  As for who is waiting, everyone knows it well, but everyone knows it, but no one dares to go forward and talk.

  This person is not someone they can casually joke about, and neither is that one.

  So, they, just wait to watch the excitement and listen to the gossip, and they won’t participate in anything else.

  Fortunately, the members of the Gu family are planning to go back in the morning and make repairs in the afternoon, otherwise the third prince will have to wait.

   After dinner, everyone was ready to leave. A lot of things were already packed last night, so it would be no problem to tidy up the daily things today.

  So, at the end of the hour, the third prince waited for the person she had been thinking about day and night.

  Widow Gu was walking ahead, so of course it was easy to see someone. When someone came over with a smile on his face, he thought that he just took her things in front of him, so it was not easy for others to look at him.

  Thus, the third prince finally got a good face from his sweetheart. This was the first time in history. She felt a little unreal, and wanted to look up to see where the sun rose from today.

  Unfortunately, today is cloudy and we cannot see the sun.

  The third prince naturally knew that it was impossible to talk to his sweetheart directly, so he could only go there for the reason of meeting the elders, but she was satisfied even so.

   After exchanging pleasantries with Gu Chao, he followed the Gu family out of Zhuangzi and went down the mountain together.

   Along the way, she will definitely be with the Gu family, and she can get closer to the Master.

  Although she couldn\'t speak, she was as excited as if she had been injected with chicken blood when she thought of the good face her sweetheart gave her.

   Thinking about it again, since her sweetheart has already forgiven her, it should be no problem if she asks him out to listen to plays and go shopping after she goes back. this a bright future?

   There is one more thing that needs to be put on the agenda, and that is the matter of going to Gujia Village to buy land and build a house.

   When the people from the Gu family returned to the Gu family, she didn\'t know how long it would be until she came back. It was impossible for her to wait in the capital all the time. In the end, she might wait until her sweetheart was abducted by others.

  By then, it will be too late for her to regret it.

  So, I still have to look at her under my own eyelids to be at ease.

   Moreover, she has nothing to do in Beijing alone, and she still suffers from lovesickness. Even if she wants to find someone, she can\'t find so many suitable excuses.

  So, it’s better to go directly, we’re close, and we can meet whenever we want.

  As the saying goes, the moon is the first to be near the water, so Lie Lang is still afraid of pestering his daughter?

  The old saying is never missed, and that\'s it.

  Since he had made up his mind, the Third Prince didn\'t want to delay for a moment, so he immediately ordered Liang Ming who was riding beside her carriage.

   "Liang Ming, let Steward Shu go to Gu\'s Village in person after we go back. We must find a good place, preferably a place close to Gu\'s, and start construction now."

  When Liang Ming heard her prince\'s order, she subconsciously pursed her lips. She knew that her prince would definitely have such an order.

   "The subordinates will do it when they go back, but it\'s already winter, and it may be difficult to find a suitable craftsman to start work, or how about waiting until the beginning of spring next year?"

  The third prince in the carriage frowned slightly. She didn\'t want to wait until after the beginning of spring. Now it\'s the end of October. It will take more than four months for the snow to melt after the beginning of spring. It\'s too long, and she can\'t wait.

   "Give more wages, and you can always find someone. Craftsmen will be found from Beijing. If it is really difficult to find, the king will go to the emperor to ask for a reward. If the royal craftsmen are used, it is said that the king wants to build another courtyard."

  Seeing that his lord is so determined, Liang Ming didn\'t say anything else. She could see that as long as it got involved with the lord of the Gu family, her lord would be irrational.

   This is not the prince who had no desires and desires in her family before, this is obviously a young girl who has just begun to fall in love. For that person, it can be said that she doesn\'t care.

  But it\'s understandable, her prince is forty years old now, and after finally pretending to be someone in his heart, he should be a little popular.

   Moreover, she thinks that her prince is very good now, better than the previous prince who didn\'t care about anything and didn\'t live like a real person.

  At least for now, she feels that the prince is really alive, for her own sake, and in a respectable way.

  I only hope that the prince can always be like this, and can get his wish.

   It would be even better if Shizi\'s health could be better in the future.

  In Widow Gu\'s carriage, Chunfeng and Xia Yu glanced at each other without saying a word, and only quietly looked at their master\'s expression.

  Since I met the third prince just now, the master seems to be in a good mood, which can be seen from the master\'s eyes.

  It seems that the gift from the third prince played a big role.

  The carriage in front was taken by Gu Chao and his wife. The contented Gu Chao was half lying in the soft cushioned carriage, with Fulang in his arms, and squeezed the soft flesh in his palms from time to time.

   It can be said that it is very comfortable, happy like a fairy.

   Ning Su and Han Yu are also lazy and lack energy, mainly because they are tired.

   Now leaning in the arms of the wife-owner, they don\'t want to move anymore, their eyelids are drooping, and they can fall asleep at any time.

   On the second day, Gu Chao took Gu Widow and Ning Su to Mr. Li\'s residence to attend the full moon banquet.

   Erlao, Han Yu, and the children were resting at home.

  Han Yu couldn\'t go out, Er always felt a little tired and didn\'t want to move around, the children were still young, so there was no point in going to this kind of banquet, I was afraid of trouble.

   It is impossible for Widow Gu not to go. No one can stop him from such excitement. Ning Su is the head of the Gu family, so he has no choice but to go.

  Having been in Beijing for such a long time, and with the contacts in Zhuangzi these days, Widow Gu and Ning Su have known many lords and husbands.

  So when I arrived at Mr. Li\'s mansion, I immediately integrated into Fulangdui, and there was no embarrassment.

  Gu Chao naturally went to the women\'s family and did not go with them.

  The third prince also came early, but today she didn\'t have a chance to see Widow Gu. When she came, Widow Gu just entered the backyard, and she couldn\'t catch up, lest she offend other husbands and sons.

  In the end, I could only sigh. I went to the female relatives, but if I couldn’t see my sweetheart, it was okay to talk to Gu Chao.

  By the way, you can also ask them the specific time to go back, and then see how to arrange the remaining time.

  After she went back yesterday, she had arranged for Steward Shu to take people to Gujia Village, and she believed that she would come back with news in a short time.

   "There is a happy event at home and we can\'t delay any longer. We are planning to go back in the middle of next month."

  Since the third prince asked about it, Gu Chao didn\'t intend to hide it, and it wasn\'t something that couldn\'t be said, anyway, she would know sooner or later.

  It’s already twenty-three today, and there are only twenty days until the middle of next month. This time is indeed a bit short.

  The third prince was thinking about how to arrange the remaining 20 days, and it would be best to make his sweetheart unforgettable.

   Unforgettable things are also unforgettable people.

   "I don\'t know if there is any happy event in Daoist Gu\'s family. When the time comes, my lord will come to ask for a glass of wedding wine."

   Thick-skinned or something, the third prince thinks this is nothing compared to his sweetheart, as the saying goes, only thick-skinned can eat enough.

   Isn\'t this a good opportunity and a good reason to visit? It was sent to her by Gu Chao, how could she not grasp it?

  Gu Chao smiled and said: "It\'s my husband\'s natal sister getting married at the end of next month, if the prince is free then, please do me a favor and drink a glass of wedding wine.

  It’s just that the countryside is definitely not comparable to Beijing, so please don’t dislike it. "

   "Don\'t dislike it, don\'t dislike it, this king happens to be able to experience the local customs, but I have to trouble Daoist Gu to entertain me."

  The third prince smiled so hard that his eyes narrowed. She couldn\'t be more satisfied. To have a legitimate reason to come to the door, it was Gu Chao himself who invited her.

  The meaning of this is quite different, how could she not understand.

  She is more and more confident in her heart now, as long as Gu Chao, the daughter, does not object, she will not be afraid, and just chase all the way forward.

  As long as she doesn\'t let go, hehehe... Liu Lan will be her person sooner or later.

  (end of this chapter)