The Frontier Alchemist ~ I Can't Go Back to That Job After You Made My Budget Zero

CH 9

“Old-style magic crystals? I may be able to help you, but why specifically old-style?”

I ask the village chief.

“Well… I hope you don’t take offense…”

The chief hesitates, but it looks like he knows this conversation won’t advance if he doesn’t tell me, so he continues speaking.

“I’m sure you know about the total revamp of magic guns that happened during the war a year ago.”

“Ah, yes. More or less.”

Magic guns, a year ago? I remember Rihalzam of the arms transmutation department bragging that it was his accomplishment. Apparently they upped the power of magic guns.

“This was a revamp in name only that just changed them for the worse. To put it bluntly, it was a total rip-off.”

Says the man who brought me here, with indignation.

“Now now Zahle.”

Says the village chief.

“But he is right. Go get them Zahle.”

The village chief says, and Zahle gets up.

“Can you tell me more about it?”

“Yes. Magic guns are vital to people like us who live in remote regions and are far from any sort of military and have little knowledge of war. They are indispensable to defend ourselves against violent beasts and monsters. At least they were, until a year ago.”

“Did that change?”

I ask, just before Zahle brings us two guns.

“Yes. The old magic guns were very fuel efficient and resilient. We only had to change their fuel, magic crystals, every once in a while. They were wonderful items, truly the best friends of people in remote regions. c”

The chief says while showing me one of the two magic guns.

That reminds me, I became involved in its production shortly after I joined the alchemist association. Master Halhammer spearheaded this project before he became president, back when he was responsible for the arms transmutation department. The concept was to develop a weapon that gave soldiers peace of mind all the way through.

At the time people said its concept of simple sturdiness and low fuel consumption was very plain, but I guess the ones who actually used them hold them in high regard. Master Halhammer did a great job.

I look at this H-32 with admiration, and the village chief continues.

“The R-001 on the other hand…”

“They say it’s sophisticated but it’s actually lower than excrement.”

“Now now Zahle. Well, he is correct. Apparently they improved its power, but it breaks very easily and it is very prone to accidental discharges. Worst of all is its terrible fuel efficiency. We constantly have to exchange its very expensive new magic crystals.”

“The old magic guns had enough power.”

Says Zahle, sounding like he’s so displeased with them that he can’t stay quiet.

“The biggest problem is that they stopped producing old-style magic crystals when they stopped production of the old magic guns. We told them we were still using the H-32 model, but now we can’t get our hands on crystals for them.”

“We had no choice but to buy the new R-001, but it’s a piece of junk.”

“It costs too much to use, and it is not enough for us to defend ourselves. We can only fire it when we really have to, and when we do, there is a good chance it will spontaneously fire or break. As a natural consequence, damage related to beasts and monsters increased, especially in remote villages that are close to them at all times. We are left without the means to drive them away and everyone is scared, especially those with families…”

“So everyone moved away to safer places. I understand.”

“Ooh. So will you let us have them!?”

“No, I don’t have any.”

I say, and the village chief and Zahle are visibly disappointed.

“But I can make them.”

Their faces suddenly become bright again.