The Frontier Alchemist ~ I Can't Go Back to That Job After You Made My Budget Zero

CH 353

It’s been ten days since the funeral service of King Kalzart, and it’s time for Princess Lily’s coronation ceremony.

This is the most important event for this country, and yet for some reason I’m with Kalin and the others in Princess Lily’s anteroom.

Princess Lily is sitting in the center of the room, and she changed a lot in these past ten days.

Rather than wearing a fancy dress, she is wearing a black military uniform used to show someone is mourning. Her blonde hair has been cut very short, and her face feels sharp with her cheeks kind of hollow.

The young looking expression she had on her face is pretty much completely dormant now. In fact, I see a bright light in her eyes that gives off the feeling of someone who fits the bill and is fully prepared to take the throne.

Her sister, Prince Floren, is standing behind her, close to her. She’s also wearing black, but she’s wearing a dress. It’s probably the standard outfit for female royalty in mourning.

The difference in their outfits sends a clear message.

The Kingdom of Kalzart has seen danger many times, and Princess Lilienthal is prepared to lead it by force.

And Princess Floren is ready to support her as a fellow member of royalty, despite being the older sister.

I have no idea what they might have actually said to each other.

I told Kalin everything, including what the half-transparent plate showed me. Kalin took this information, and as an influential noble on Princess Lily’s side, was involved in the matter of deciding who would take the throne.

There’s no doubt that the way Princess Lily performed during the assault on the castle after Kalin set the table for her made her look very good.

Also, I haven’t had the chance to talk to Princess Floren a lot, but she definitely strikes me as the kind of person who prefers to work in the shadows rather than stand out in the open.

I don’t think there was a lot of complaining when it was decided Princess Lily would be the next to take the throne. The other candidates are all too young.

And in front of the two princesses, are Kalin and Ahri. I’m here too, even though I’m not sure why.

I peek over at Ahri, who is standing next to me.

She ended up not letting me heal her wound, and just wrapped it with a cloth. I can’t see it under that cloak, but I’m sure it hasn’t healed yet.

I tried to convince her to let me treat it, and so did Kalin and Roa, but Ahri just shook her head without saying very much.

She’s probably trying to take responsibility for what happened. Gahn hid in the shadow of her spear, but he was actually after Princess Lily. I’ve told her that she should accept that she saved Princess Lily, but oh well. Ahri is even more stubborn than Roa…

I think about Ahri’s feelings as I look at her.

Oh, and I’ve actually gotten to take a look at her skill in the meantime.

Kalin has been really busy and running all over the place, but Ahri, Roa, and I haven’t had a whole lot to do.

Ahri said she wanted to practice fighting one-handed, and Roa joined her, so I decided to watch too just in case.

And just as they were finishing their training, Ahri finally showed us that skill, although I don’t know what brought about that change of heart.

I was surprised by how much power it had, even though she only used one hand. I was even more surprised when I heard Ahri yell all of a sudden.

Her face was bright red when she did it. She might have pushed herself too much, using that skill when she’s still wounded.

I tried once again to get her to let me heal her, but for some reason she stayed silent and glared at me really hard.

I just don’t get it.

And further on Ahri’s side, Kalin is talking business with officials who will be performing the ceremony and people from the church of Araysla in the capital.

Among the people from the church of Araysla are someone who was introduced as Bishop Attenborn, and Actor Kahelone.

Usually the head of the church would be presiding over the coronation, but I’m pretty sure that seat is empty at the moment. I’ve also heard Kalin say that Bishop Attenborn was assigned this duty by a cardinal.

Well, it’s not like this would be a regular coronation ceremony anyway…

I space out and think about these things, when I start feeling someone’s eyes on me. I move my head, and my eyes meet Actor Kahelone’s.

Is there something funny? She’s looking at me and smiling, and then she faces forward.

Uwa… Is it because she saw I was spacing out?

It’s at this moment that Seilook’s thoughts flow into me through our bond. It’s saying it’s hungry and wants potions.

I thank Seilook for this excuse, and start making my way towards the castle’s courtyard where Seilook is standing by.

During this ceremony, it’s Seilook who will be entrusted with the important duty of placing the crown on Princess Lily’s head. I tell Kalin and people around us that I have to go take care of Seilook.

Princess Lily nods deeply.

Kalin sees Princess Lily and smiles awkwardly while waving at me.

That basically means ‘yes, just go’. Thanks.

I excuse myself to the people in the room as a formality, open the door, and slip out.

“…Hm… My shoulders feel so stiff…”

“Master Rust? Where are you going?”

Asks Roa as I stretch. She’s mixed in with the soldiers standing by outside the room.

“Ah, Roa. Good job keeping watch. I’m heading out to the courtyard. Seilook says it’s hungry.”

“I’m going too.”

Roa is probably feeling bored too, so we both go to the courtyard.