The Frontier Alchemist ~ I Can't Go Back to That Job After You Made My Budget Zero

CH 25

“How long do you plan to keep me waiting!? We’re past the appointed date!”

A gruff voice could be heard even by people outside the reception room. It was the angry voice of Gahn, the vice-president of the arms association. The voice of the man who was used to dealing with the rowdy workmen of the arms association every day echoed loudly.

“As I have explained numerous times, we are late in delivering what we promised because we lack basic materials for transmutation.”

Someone said in response to Gahn.

“I’ve heard that already! That’s your problem! The date is very clearly stipulated in the contract. This equipment is to be delivered to the army and to be used in the next war. How long are you going to take!? Don’t think you can get away with a simple penalty for breach of contract if you don’t deliver it soon, little boy.”

“B-but there is nothing I…”

“Ah! I’m getting nowhere talking to you. Call Rihalzam at once! How much longer is he going to keep me waiting!?”

That was when Rihalzam arrived. He had no time to change, and could only use a little deodorant. It made it not quite as bad, but the stench was still overpowering to everyone around him. Unfortunately for him, since he was exposed to a worse smell while working in the vault, he did not realize just how bad he smelled.

“Mister Gahn, I am very sorry to keep you waiting.”

Said Rihalzam as he entered the reception room, bringing the stench with him.

The person who was talking to Gahn was Sabasa, a new hire of the arms transmutation department, who quickly turned around to look at Rihalzam. He was the oldest of the apprentices, so the task of talking to Gahn was pushed onto him.

He looked relieved to see Rihalzam, but his expression quickly changed as his face contorted.

He turned away and looked down, but his face turned red. He was trying to hold his breath, but it was a futile effort, and when he began to breathe again, the stench assaulting his nasal cavity all at once made him faint.

Obviously, Gahn, who was sitting at the head of the table, was not immune to the stench’s assault.

At first he looked stunned, as he could not believe a prestigious master alchemist could show up to an important negotiation in that state, but the stench cared very little about his preconceived notions, and it traveled through his nasal cavity all the way to his brain.

“Rihalzam! You absolutely stink!”

Screamed Gahn.

“What’s this smell! My nose is bending! Are you making fun of me!?”

Gahn continued yelling, and Rihalzam was showered with verbal abuse.

When Rihalzam suddenly thought to smell his clothes, his face turned white. But it would quickly be painted red with embarrassment and anger over Gahn’s torrent of harsh words.

“I am very sorry, vice-president Gahn. I will go change immediately.”

Rihalzam contained his anger, and finally managed to squeeze out two phrases.

“No, I won’t wait any longer! When will you deliver what you promised!?”

Gahn stopped Rihalzam from leaving, even as the stench filled the room.

Sabasa gave up trying to put on a brave front and ignored Rihalzam’s stare. He pinched his nose and breathed through his mouth.

Apparently the smell was so intense it was affecting his eyes as well, as he began to blink rapidly.

Rihalzam signaled to Sabasa with his eyes about the delivery date, but Sabasa was too distracted to notice. He looked up to try to contain his tears, until he no longer could and faced down while wiping his eyes.

Rihalzam mistook these actions for confirmation with what he was signaling, and spoke to Gahn.

“We will have everything ready tomorrow.”

Said Rihalzam with his face still red.

“All right, don’t forget what you just said!”

Said Gahn with contempt, before scurrying out of the room.

That was when Sabasa finally realized what happened.

“Tomorrow… That’s impossible. We’re finished…”