The Frontier Alchemist ~ I Can't Go Back to That Job After You Made My Budget Zero

CH 22

“Now that you mention it… Not all of them are single, but still, nice catch Roa.”

Says Ahri.

“I brought them from the assembly tent for singles.”

Says Roa. Apparently a lot of the patients she brought me yesterday live in this tent for single people.

I stand up, excited about finally finding a clue, but something else catches my eye.

While thinking back to their conversation, I casually turn the 《Transcribe》 scroll to the food.

“《Initiate transcription》, 《Display》.”

“Master Rust? What…?”

Says Ahri, as both turn their attention to me.

“Shh. I found it! Stop eating!”

I say while intently reading the scroll.

“It’s a very small amount, but it’s definitely poison derived from a monster. It affects the nervous system, so it matches the symptoms. But this composition… Where did I…”

I mumble while reading the scroll. In the meantime, Ahri stands up and goes around telling people to stop eating, and Roa stares at me.

“Here it is! I knew I saw this somewhere, but… Hm? But then… Oh?”

Ahri returns with a middle-aged woman.

“Master Rust? Did you discover something?”

“Yes, I have it more or less figured out. But who is this lady?”

“I am the one responsible for this area.”

Says the middle-aged woman while nervously looking around.

I introduce myself and explain that I am investigating the disease spreading through the camp under Kalin’s orders. I ask Ahri and Roa to inform Kalin while I examine the kitchen.

I finish examining it and it’s as I thought, so I tell the person responsible what needs to be done.

“Lady Kalin, done.”

Says Roa after returning. A person of few words as always.

“Thank you Roa. Ah, and go see Lady Kalin in about an hour. We should explain everything to her.”

I say to the woman in charge, and head to the single’s tent to collect evidence.


An hour later, everyone relevant to this case is standing-by outside of Kalin’s tent.

“So Master Rust, I hear you have solved this epidemic.”

Says Kalin.

“Yes, it was caused by this poison.”

I say as I put my hand in my backpack while wearing the harvesting gloves with the effect of 《Purify》.

What I take out is the catfish-like monster that attacked the white lizard. I collected it because I thought it could serve as transmutation material.

Everyone focuses their eyes on it.

“This monster lived upstream, and the poison from its tentacles caused the disease.”