The Fortune of Rebirth: The Counterattack of the Princess


It was unknown whether it was because Yan Shuang understood that Yan Ling could not take advantage of the situation here, or because she felt that her face had been disgraced due to what had just happened, but she did not continue to shamelessly stay.

Before he left, Yan Ling looked at the box of gifts that he had meticulously prepared and felt even more infuriated. Yan Ling could easily have gotten what she wanted, but she was so scheming, and yet it was to no avail.

After Yan Shuang left, Princess Zhao Yan finally heaved a sigh of relief. She slumped into her chair and looked at Yan Ling lazily.

"You said that this person is also lost and lost face? Can this girl be a bit more obedient?" Princess Guangyan suddenly came close to Yan Ling and asked.

Yan Ling said indifferently, "I'm sure it's settled here. Anyway, the debt will be settled with me."

Princess Yaoyan smiled and said, "It's not like you're afraid of her. She can't beat you anyway, so it's fine."

"Yan Ling, why do you think such a shameless person could exist in this world? Look at how obvious I am acting, she's still leaning forward, can't you even slap her face! " Princess Guangyan complained with slight dissatisfaction.

Yan Ling smiled, then said, "Then what can you do? Even if everyone sees through it, they can still pretend not to know. "What's more …"

Yan Ling suddenly walked up to Princess Zhaoyan and said with a smile, "How do you know? That girl has thick skin. It's not like she has no skin at all."

This was the first time that Princess Yaoyan had heard Yan Ling slander someone behind his back. She found it very amusing and could not help but laugh.

Yan Ling then cut at Princess Zhaoyan again. He narrowed his eyes and said, "Speaking of which, weren't you guys on good terms with each other before this? If it was because of me, then I really am guilty of heinous crimes …"

Princess Guangyan felt somewhat embarrassed when she heard this. She quickly covered her mouth and said, "Who hasn't had a young and arrogant period where they can't see clearly? Why do they always grasp on this point …"

"Why do you keep grabbing on to this? I'm just telling the truth, and I heard it from someone else, right? " Naturally, Yan Ling could see the awkwardness on Princess Zhaoyan's face, but he was deliberately teasing her.

Princess Zhaoyan was agitated, but she actually smiled and said, "I've heard people say before that the young lady of Chen Xiang's house is gentle and considerate. She's a famous talented girl, but I've never heard of her being so sharp-tongued, not even winking at others."

After saying this, Princess Zhaoyan appeared to be fuming.

Yan Ling rolled his eyes and did not reply. Then, Princess Guangyan seemed to recall something as she suddenly sat up and looked at Yan Ling with burning eyes.

Yan Ling was shocked by Princess Zhao Yan's sudden appearance. Before he could ask what had happened, Princess Zhao Yan said, "Where is my gift? Don't tell me you really didn't bring a present! "

When Yan Ling heard this, he was instantly speechless. It was obvious that the 'sincere' conversation he had earlier was all a deliberate act of anger. To be able to recite the words of others, a gift was still very important.

At this time, Yan Ling purposefully smiled, pretending not to understand. "What gift? Didn't I just say it? It's enough to have sincerity. "

She pretended to be fierce as she said, "That was said to someone else, the two of us are just wandering around empty-handed. If you don't give me a present, I'll throw you out, and we, the County Governor's Manor, won't welcome anyone who eats food for free."

Yan Ling purposely shouted, "It hurts" and "I can't breathe". Although Princess Zhaoyan knew that her actions were measured and she was only making light comparisons, she did not really use any strength. However, after hearing what Yan Ling said, she immediately released her hand.

When she saw Yan Ling's squinting eyes and his uncontrollable laughter, Princess Zhao Yan said angrily, "Just lie to me on purpose! You didn't prepare any gifts for me, and even tricked me. "

Although she appeared to be fuming, Princess Guangyan was not really angry. As a princess, she was doted on by the Emperor. What did she want? Why would she lack a present?

However, perhaps Yan Ling was different from the others after all. Although he didn't mind, he still felt a slight sense of disappointment.

Naturally, Yan Ling could tell, and stopped teasing her. Instead, he smiled and said, "Didn't I come so early to prepare a present for you? Let me use the kitchen. "

Although Princess Clear Yan didn't know what Yan Ling was going to do with the kitchen, she couldn't help but feel happy. However, on the surface, she pretended to not care.

"It's still early! Look at when Yan Shuang came over, and when are you coming over? " Princess Guangyan seemed to realize that her actions just now had been somewhat childish. She hurriedly covered up her other words.

Yan Ling smiled carelessly. Since he was here to prepare a gift, he had arrived rather early. It was just that he had arrived a little later than Yan Shuang, who had a purpose, and had deliberately come looking for Princess Zhaoyan.

The kitchen of Princess Zhaoyan's palace was naturally bustling with activity as people prepared a feast for the guests. There was no vacant seat left for Yan Ling.

Of course, this didn't make things difficult for Princess Yan. There was actually a small kitchen in Princess Yan's mansion, which was used to make pastries.

Although it hadn't been used for a long time, there were still people who took care of things regularly. It wasn't too troublesome to just take things from the kitchen.

Yan Ling had someone prepare some flour, mushrooms, bone soup and other things and started to busy themselves in the kitchen.

Yan Ling was actually thinking hard for a long time, but he didn't know what he should give her. Later on, when he saw Qingyu cooking in the kitchen, he straightforwardly asked for a bowl of longevity noodles to be prepared for Princess Zhaoyan.

Yan Ling liked eating pasta in his previous life, so he was quite adept at cooking longevity noodles. Just like what Yan Ling and Princess Zhaoyan had said before, a true heart was the most important.

It didn't take long before a bowl of delicious and light longevity noodles was completed, and was presented in front of Princess Zhaoyan.

Princess Everlasting Face had naturally eaten before as well. Speaking of it, it was made by the wet nurse who had accompanied her as she grew up.

Princess Zhao Yan's parents had passed away when she was very young. Only the wet nurse accompanied her. Every time she celebrated her birthday, the wet nurse would make her a bowl of longevity noodles.

Ever since her wet nurse had passed away, although Princess Zhao Yan still celebrated her birthday every year, no one had ever done such things for her.

He had received a large number of gifts, but they were all ice-cold and meaningless. Having suddenly received such a long-awaited gift, Princess Zhaoyan fell into a trance.

Master Zhao Yan was not a sentimental person. After a slight sigh, he started to eat the noodles in the bowl in large mouthfuls.

Although she was very satisfied, Princess Zhao Yan still stuffed the noodles into her bowl. She said indistinctly, "Don't think that this is enough. A bowl of noodles sent me away?" This princess casually offers gifts that are more valuable than this. "

After hearing this, Yan Ling did not mind at all. Instead, he smiled and agreed, "Of course. What kind of person is our princess? Why would she care so much about such things?"

Princess Yaoyan knew that Yan Ling was deliberately trying to insult her and rolled her eyes. However, she still followed his instructions and said, "Mm, it's good that you know."

Yan Ling covered his mouth as he said with a smile, "I wonder if that little bastard Silver Eyes will be able to satisfy Princess Zhaoyan?"

As soon as she heard what Yan Ling said, Princess Zhao Yan's eyes lit up as she excitedly grabbed his arm.

"Is that true? "Isn't it?" Princess Guangyan said excitedly.

Since the last time they met, Princess Zhao Yan had always liked Silver Eyes. However, she clearly knew in her heart that it was impossible to steal anything from Liang He.

Now, if he could get Silver Eye's cub, he would be considered a good person. Taking a step back was also a good choice.

Yan Ling and Liang He had already discussed this with each other yesterday. Liang He naturally followed Yan Ling's lead and agreed without the slightest hesitation.

"How can this be false?" If I am to lie to you, then just directly ask the Crown Prince for it. " Yan Ling teased her intentionally.

Princess Zhao Yan rolled her eyes and said helplessly, "If I could get it, Silver Eyes would have been mine long ago."

Then, as if she had thought of something, Princess Guangyan spoke with disdain, "I only told you about it because it's still too early." What's more … This is like offering a gift of wealth. "