The Foolish Concubine of the Brilliant Prince

Chapter 450

"Minglan, wait a minute and you will accompany me to Xiaoyaoji." As she said, Su Feifei took out some design drawings from her sleeve and said in a hurry: "Hongyu, you have sewed this thing before, if you If you and the embroiderer are bored, you can study it, I will need about 40 finished products in a few days."

As soon as Hongyu opened the blueprint, she saw the design of the apron on it, and seeing Minglan\'s curious gaze, she hurriedly stuffed it into her sleeve and said, "Okay, I see, Mr. Mu, you and Minglan, hurry up Let\'s go, don\'t delay your big event."

Seeing Su Feifei and Minglan walking away, Xiuniang asked suspiciously: "Hongyu, Mr. Mu stuffed something for you just now, take it out and study it."

Hongyu looked at Xiuniang mysteriously, and carefully whispered in her ear, "It\'s the thing you asked me for just now."

"I\'m here, give me the clothes, you go back first." Walking to the door of Xiaoyaoji, Su Feifei didn\'t intend to let Minglan in, thinking of Situ Jun\'s group of fun-loving people, she decided not to let him in.

With a "creak", the door was pushed open, and everyone who was grilling in the yard saw Su Feifei holding a large package in her hand, and hurriedly greeted her and said, "Master Mu, you are going shopping."

"Let\'s go, these are the dresses of your bridesmaids and groomsmen, try them on first to see if there is anything inappropriate." Sophie Fei handed the package to Aoxue.

Aoxue distributed the clothes to Minglan and Situ Jun one by one, then took Feng Yingxue\'s hand and said, "Miss Feng, come back to the room with me to try on the clothes."

Looking at Su Feifei\'s indifferent eyes, Feng Yingxue couldn\'t help feeling a little panicked, she carefully disappeared from So Feifei\'s eyes, for fear that a small action would anger Sophie Fei.

Seeing the back of Feng Yingxue running away, Situ Jun couldn\'t help jokingly said: "Mr. Mu, what did you do to Miss Feng, so that she wants to run away as soon as she sees you."

"I seem to remember that your yard is in Yipinxiang. Thinking about it, the environment is not bad, it seems to be much better than mine." Situ Jun couldn\'t figure out what Su Feifei was trying to express.

"Young Master Mu, I don\'t understand what you mean by that, can you explain in more detail?" Situ Jun patted his head and asked shamelessly.

Su Feifei rolled her eyes at Situ Jun helplessly, and then slowly spit out a few words: "It means that you are too strict."

When everyone heard Su Feifei\'s remarks, they couldn\'t help laughing. They didn\'t expect that the deputy cabinet master, who was always black-bellied and shameless, would tease the young lady.

Situ Jun didn\'t expect that Su Feifei was completely a trap for him, and he directly cast a murderous look at the brothers who were still laughing, and then walked back to his room calmly.

"Has the Seventh Prince not come back yet?" Su Feifei looked at the sky outside and asked worriedly: "How long has it been since the Seventh Prince left?"

Little Six said slowly: "Master Mu, the Seventh Prince went out early in the morning and didn\'t come back all day, did something happen?"

Su Feifei was silent for a long time before saying: "According to the current situation, the Seventh Prince is not in danger for the time being, the Empress is confined in the cold palace, and the Fifth Prince is sent on the way to the northern border fiefdom. Now there is no one in the capital who is the opponent of the Seventh Prince, presumably it should be the emperor." Haunt him to prevent him from leaving the palace."