The Foolish Concubine of the Brilliant Prince

Chapter 1786

"Have you persuaded Miss Su to be my queen?" Feng Yu asked directly as soon as he entered the room: "Did someone be in there just now?"

Seeing Feng Yu\'s serious expression, Su Feifei shook her head and said, "Fifth Prince, you heard it wrong, Miss Su has already fallen asleep, and there is only a slave in the room..."

Feng Yu still didn\'t quite believe what the maid in front of him said, so he broke in directly. Seeing Feng Yingxue lying on the couch, he slowed down and looked around, trying to find the person hiding in the room.

Seeing this, Su Feifei quickly stopped him, "Fifth Prince, Miss Su just fell asleep, so don\'t bother her, she has a big belly, and she has been tossing all day today, and she finally fell asleep. If you are awakened, it may be difficult to fall asleep..."

"Go away, are you the master or this king is the master, if you stop this king again, be careful that this king will kill you!" Feng Yu pushed Su Feifei away directly.

With a "bang", Su Feifei was pushed to the closet, and accidentally bumped into a shelf full of books, and the whole bookshelf was precarious and fell down.

Feng Yingxue was startled awake by the sound, she patted her still-shocked chest and asked displeasedly: "Xing\'er, what\'s going on?"

Feng Yu didn\'t expect that the court lady would make such a big fuss with her just now, and said angrily: "Drag it out and chop it up, why do you want to come here with no one in sight?"

When Feng Yingxue heard Feng Yu\'s remarks, she looked at him very displeasedly and said: "If you are here to teach the servants in my palace, then please go back!"

Feng Yu saw that Feng Yingxue did not hesitate to contradict him for a servant, and his originally stinky face suddenly became aggrieved. He showed weakness and replied: "This king also saw her waking you up to rest. If you are unhappy, then I will Don\'t deal with her!"

"If you didn\'t come to me in the middle of the night, how could she stop you from the door, and if you didn\'t argue with her, how could she knock down the bookshelf."

Feng Yu was immediately speechless by Feng Yingxue, sighed helplessly and said: "Xiaoxue, don\'t be angry, I know I was wrong, I won\'t bother you next time!"

"What do you want from me, tell me quickly!" Feng Yingxue couldn\'t help yawning, thinking to herself: Why is this damn guy so talkative, he\'s almost sleepy, and he won\'t let anyone sleep!

"Xiaoxue, tomorrow is my enthronement ceremony. I want you to be my queen. I personally prepared these accessories and clothes for you. Try to see if they fit?"

As soon as she heard that Feng Yu still didn\'t give up, she stood up angrily and retorted: "You just give up on this, I won\'t agree to be your queen, I only want brother Jun alone in my heart!"

Feng Yu didn\'t expect to let her calm down for two days, why would this be the result? Immediately he stood up very angrily and said: "You deserve it if you don\'t want to, don\'t you only have Situ Jun in your heart, then I will let someone kill him !"

"Miss Su, just promise the emperor, you are the biggest person in the harem now, this honor is something that Mr. Situ can\'t give you!" Su Feifei became anxious when she heard Feng Yingxue directly rejected Feng Yu. She thought to herself: Didn\'t it be agreed at the beginning, let her pretend to obey Feng Yu\'s request first, and then catch him all when he ascends the throne? Why is Xiaoxue so confused at this time.