The Foolish Concubine of the Brilliant Prince

Chapter 1555

"Xiaoyu, has your master fallen asleep? Woke her up. The embroidered lady is here and wants to sew a wedding dress for her!" The housekeeper appeared in front of Xiaoyu like a ghost.

Xiaoyu was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the housekeeper. She patted herself on the chest and said, "Housekeeper, you walk so silently that you almost scared me to death. Miss Li just lay down, why don\'t you call again later?" Wake her up, she is also quite poor!"

The butler doesn\'t care who is pitiful, no matter how pitiful he is, he is not as pitiful as his concubine, who can\'t keep the child, and was divorced by his prince. If it wasn\'t for these delusional women like them making trouble, how could the prince and concubine be in this state today.

Thinking of this, the housekeeper became even more rude, "If you don\'t want to wake her up, I\'ll wake her up myself!" As he said that, the housekeeper was about to break into the door.

Seeing this, Xiaoyu quickly stopped him and said: "Housekeeper, don\'t worry, just go and call her!" Xiaoyu hurriedly stopped the butler, if anyone knew that Li Meier was not in the room, then her own responsibility would be great.

What to do, I\'m really annoying, why haven\'t people been brought out yet, if the identity is exposed, then everything the master arranged will fall short, it doesn\'t matter if you sacrifice yourself, if it affects the master\'s cause, it will be troublesome.

When Xiaoyu was in a hurry and didn\'t know what to do, a man in black jumped in quickly from the window sill. Xiaoyu turned around when she heard the movement, and saw the man in black carrying Li Meier in, and she rushed to meet her. Said: "You are finally back. The housekeeper of the Seventh Prince\'s Mansion is here to ask for someone. Fortunately, you didn\'t come in through the main entrance. If you are bumped into, you will be in trouble!"

"Xiaoyu, are you ready? Don\'t make the embroiderers wait!" Seeing that there was no movement in the room for a long time, the housekeeper shouted directly: "Can you please, if not, I will wake her up myself!"

"Housekeeper, wait a moment, it will be ready soon, the master is changing clothes, hurry up!" Xiaoyu shouted directly to the outside: "The master said that it will be ready in a quarter of an hour!"

"What\'s the master\'s order?" Xiaoyu looked at the black man nervously and said, "What\'s the mission? Let\'s make a long story short. People outside are rushing you, so hurry up and wake her up!"

The man in black told Xiaoyu one by one the tasks that Feng Yu had given her to do, and then stuffed a pill into her hand and said, "This is what the master asked me to give to you. You can play by ear, I will withdraw first!" As soon as the words fell, the man in black untied Li Meier\'s acupuncture points, turned around and disappeared into the night.

Li Meier opened her heavy eyes, saw Xiaoyu\'s face enlarged in front of her eyes, she immediately woke up, she said in surprise: "Why are you here?"

She looked at the surrounding environment carefully, and found that she was living in the courtyard of the Seventh Prince\'s Mansion. She looked at Xiaoyu in panic and said, "Why am I back? I\'m not staying here anymore. I have to leave. Please help me." !" Li Meier held Xiaoyu\'s sleeve tightly, she really didn\'t dare to imagine what kind of punishment she would get if she continued to stay?

Xiaoxi looked at Li Meier very indifferently and threatened: "You can\'t help now, we are all on the same boat, after the master completes his great cause, that will be your day of liberation. Before that, you must cooperate well !"

"The butler is waiting for you outside the door. I heard that he is looking for you to tailor a wedding dress. You should go out with me now. Otherwise, if you don\'t cooperate, I will definitely prevent you from seeing the sun tomorrow!"