The Foolish Concubine of the Brilliant Prince

Chapter 1553

"I\'m so pissed off, they\'re all trash, let me go!" As soon as Feng Yu returned to his mansion, he swept away the teacup in the study, "I only heard a very crisp "bang" With a sound, the servants knew that their prince was losing his temper when they heard the movement in the room, and no one dared to get close, for fear that the fifth prince would turn his anger on himself.

Thinking that Li Meier and Feng Chen would be happy in three days, he couldn\'t help but frowned slightly, thinking to himself: This is his last hole card, and there must be no more mistakes.

"Come here, go and invite Li Meier to this king!" Feng Yu pondered carefully, and just in case, he gave the things to Li Meier in advance. Now that he can\'t go out by himself, he can only let her come.

"My lord, news just came from the palace that the fifth lord went to the emperor to expose the matter of your Devil\'s Cave and concealed it from everyone. In the end, the fifth lord was scolded by the father instead. It\'s really satisfying!"

Mo Lan hurriedly informed Feng Chen of the news from the palace one by one, Feng Chen thought about it carefully, logically speaking, Lao Wu should not have such a delicate mind, how he knew about this is a bit strange.

"Is there any movement from the third prince?" Feng Chen suspected that it was Feng Shaoqing who found out the truth of the matter, and it was his people who revealed it to Feng Yu. Just because of Feng Yu\'s reckless behavior, he was the only one. I can be this scapegoat.

"It\'s true that the third prince\'s person accidentally revealed this to the fifth prince\'s person, but what makes people feel weird is why the third prince didn\'t go to the emperor himself. His words have more weight than the fifth prince\'s!"

"You don\'t understand. This is the difference between the fifth and the third. The third has a deeper knowledge and can endure and analyze things. The fifth is different. He belongs to the kind of bumping and beating!"

Even if you are dishonest now, then don\'t blame me for being rude, "Order, let the people below cause some troubles for the Third Prince\'s people, we can\'t let them go so smoothly forever!"

"My lord, the fifth lord\'s people are here. They seem to want to take Li Meier away, but he didn\'t dare to do anything when he saw our people hiding in the dark. Shall we get rid of them!" Ming Lan hurriedly rushed When he came in, he happened to see Mo Lan reporting something to Feng Chen, so he quickly left.

"Come in, why go out!" Seeing Minglan was about to leave, Feng Chen quickly stopped him, "Let all the brothers in the dark withdraw, and they actually want to take Li Meier away, that would be the best, Ben Wang wants to see what other tricks they will use!"

After receiving Feng Chen\'s reply, Ming Lan walked directly to Li Mei\'er\'s yard, and shouted to the empty yard: "My lord said, there are three days before his big day, you don\'t need to stay here anymore, At that time, as long as the safety of the palace is maintained, everyone should go back and have a good rest!"

At this time, several men in black jumped out from all directions. The maid in the room couldn\'t help being shocked when she saw this scene. It turned out that every move of herself and Li Meier was being watched by the people of the Seventh Prince. When she thought about it carefully, it seemed that I couldn\'t help but breathe a sigh of relief because I didn\'t meet the Fifth Prince\'s people in the mansion. If my identity was exposed, I feared that I would have died long ago. Now I hope that the master will complete the great task as soon as possible, so that I don\'t have to worry about it.

Seeing that the people hiding in the dark were withdrawn one by one, the man in black appeared in Li Meier\'s room stealthily. The two of them were too scared to make a sound when they saw that the person who came was the Fifth Prince.