The First Consort

C547 Heavenly rejuvenation

Two hours later, without disturbing the Evil Armed Ape, Xiao Qianhan and the rest successfully broke through the stone door and entered the Underground Palace.

Most Underground Palace would more or less have some mechanisms, some corridors, and even some guards. However, other than the stone door from before, this Underground Palace only had a square shaped space inside. It was completely empty, with only a few stone pillars in the middle, with no other paths. In the middle of the room was a square, translucent object that looked like an amber. In the middle of the amber was a round, dark-grey object the size of a palm.

heavenly rejuvenation!

With just a single glance, Xiao Qianhan was able to confirm that the round, dark gray object was the heavenly rejuvenation!

Seeing the heavenly rejuvenation in front of her, she did not act impulsively. He tried to test the waters first. After confirming that there were no hidden mechanisms, he quickly stepped forward to break open the amber object. Then, he went to get the heavenly rejuvenation.

However, before she could extend her hand, the amber-like object instantly healed, leaving her unable to get ahold of the heavenly rejuvenation!

Seeing that the amber instantly healed, Xiao Qianhan frowned, with a wave of her hand, the broken sword immediately cut off an amber. As expected, the missing piece instantly grew back to its original shape. The most important thing was that the speed of Amber's healing was extremely fast. As soon as the broken sword left, Amber quickly recovered.

Moreover, Hu Po had already merged with the table underneath him. It would be impossible for him to cut Hu Po's body off and take her away. If he wanted to obtain the heavenly rejuvenation, he could only take it from the amber!

Long Yu and Yuan Shu frowned as they saw this. If this thing could heal so quickly, wouldn't it be equivalent to an immortal body? How would one break it?

Xiao Qianhan was very clear in her heart that the amber itself had nothing special about it. The reason it could instantly heal was because of the heavenly rejuvenation.

Spirit beings like heavenly rejuvenation had a certain level of self-protection consciousness. This amber was used by heavenly rejuvenation to protect him. That instant healing ability also came from the heavenly rejuvenation.

Refining Bu Tiandan, was an extremely precise and detailed request. If there were no heavenly rejuvenation s, even if there were a hundred sets, a thousand sets, and three different spirit herbs, it would be impossible to successfully refine one Bu Tiandan. Only the heavenly rejuvenation was able to continuously heal the Spirit Grass that had gone wrong, allowing the refining to continue.

With the heavenly rejuvenation, he would have the guarantee of success in pill refining.

Looking at the heavenly rejuvenation in front of him, Xiao Qianhan squinted his eyes and vowed to get the heavenly rejuvenation!

However, the speed at which Hu Po was healing outside was too fast. She had tried many times, and even if Hu Po was to slash every single part of her body into pieces, she would still be able to recover in an instant.

Yun Mojin watched from the side, her pitch-black eyes slightly moved, and her tone was still as gentle as if she was Xiao Qianhan alone. "I heard that heavenly rejuvenation s can't refine pills with snake blood, I wonder why?"

Hearing that, Xiao Qianhan's eyes lit up. Just now, she was too obsessed with cutting apart the Amber heavenly rejuvenation, but she ignored the most important point, which was that the heavenly rejuvenation and any spiritual herb could fuse together, and only fight against the snake blood. As long as the heavenly rejuvenation and the snake blood were to concoct pills together, the furnace would definitely explode.

Normal snake blood could not even compare to heavenly rejuvenation, so they had to be suppressed. Even if he obtained the snake blood, he would not be able to break the amber. However, she had double-headed python in her hands, and she was severely injured, and snake blood were scattered all over the place, so taking some out would be effortless.

Turning her head to the side, her eyes met with a pair of pitch-black eyes. She faintly smiled and nodded. It was all in words.

Yun Mojin laughed lightly, and only at Xiao Qianhan.

In the next moment, a bottle of double-headed python s appeared in Xiao Qianhan's hand.

As if feeling threatened, the heavenly rejuvenation trembled.

Xiao Qianhan smirked and slowly poured the snake blood in the porcelain bottle onto the piece of amber.

Without making any sound, wherever the snake blood went, the amber instantly disappeared. It was as if the snake blood was a strong acid and the amber had been corroded. Moreover, the amber that had disappeared did not instantly heal back to normal.

Just like this, a bottle of snake blood was poured down, and the heavenly rejuvenation was successfully taken away by Xiao Qianhan.

After keeping the heavenly rejuvenation, Xiao Qianhan looked around. This should be the location of the treasures that the outside world had spread, the final resting place of the heavily injured expert in the great war of the Thousand Demonic Mountain. Why was there nothing else here other than the heavenly rejuvenation? Could it be that the treasure had already been taken away? However, the stone door was undamaged and sturdy, unlike someone else who had come before. Not to mention that the ancient vicious beast, the Evil Armed Ape, had extraordinary strength. The amount of people that could pass through it was extremely few.

However, this place was extremely spacious and could be seen through with a single glance. There weren't any treasures here. Could it be that the rumors were just rumors?

Once again looking around, and seeing that there was nothing, Xiao Qianhan retracted her gaze. Now that the Heavenly Law Congress was about to meet, she did not have the time to stay in it, so she had to hurry there.

Just as they were about to leave, Xiao Miao suddenly came out from the corner. Previously, after digging through the stone door, Xiao Miao did not return to the Thousand Cauldron Seal s but was walking around here. Xiao Qianhan focused all her attention on the heavenly rejuvenation, and since there was no danger in her surroundings, she did not pay attention to it.

At this time, not only had Xiao Miao returned, she even had something in her mouth.

Xiao Qianhan took a closer look and saw that it was an arrow. She wanted to throw it away at first, but Xiao Miao was good at finding treasures, maybe the arrow was some sort of object, so she didn't care about it and just allowed Xiao Miao to bring the arrow into the Thousand Cauldron Seal.

Following that, the group returned along the same route and left the Underground Palace.

They had just walked out for a short distance when they suddenly heard the fierce roars of apes coming from behind them. The voice sounded furious, as if someone had stolen something they loved.

Xiao Qianhan heard and laughed in her heart. Now that she had obtained the heavenly rejuvenation, all that was left was the last spiritual herb. Since she was participating in the Heavenly Law Congress this time, she might as well ask around for news of him. The Yin-Yang Baoqi only existed in the land of yin and yang, but the land of yin and yang was not a fixed location. Instead, it was a unique space that did not have a fixed location on the Tian Luo Continent. Every time she appeared, it only lasted for a month. When the time came, the entrance closed. The people inside could not come out, and the people outside could not enter either. They could only wait for the gate to open again after a hundred years.

A month later, Xiao Qianhan and the others appeared near the location where the Heavenly Law Congress was held.

The Heavenly Law Congress was extremely important to the warriors of the Tian Luo Continent, even more so than the Azure Feather Continent. All the strength in Tian Luo Continent would basically participate! Every family and force hoped to pass through the Heavenly Law Congress, to let their clan and sect become even more glorious! It was even more admirable.