The Female Lead She Really Is Not Sweet

Chapter 531: Your Majesty is Sweet (40)

Chapter 531 Your Majesty is Sweet (40)

  Xia Yue stood there blankly after seeing Shangguan Jing, at a loss.

  Cha Cha tilted his head to look at her and began to think.


   Let Xia Yue take care of Shangguan Jing?

Would    be inappropriate?

   She thought for a while, then looked at Qiushui\'s dark face, and suddenly thought, um, Xia Yue must be very suitable!


   Shangguan Jing was taken away by Xia Yue.

   There is already Fengqing in the side hall, so Chacha was arranged in the Jingdian not far from them.

   That was prepared by the previous emperor for Shangguanjing, but unfortunately...

   Forget it, don\'t mention it.

   The next day.

  When Chacha is facing the court.

   said directly on the court: the eldest prince Shangguanjing has been sent back by Yueguo, Xueguo expressed his gratitude to Yueguo, and chose a day to send a thank you gift, Xie Yueguo took care of the eldest prince for many years.

   At the same time, the eldest prince Shangguanjing was named Prince An.

   As the name suggests, I wish him a healthy life.

  Emperor Yueguo felt bad after hearing the news.

   He was so angry that he hurriedly sent someone to investigate, and sure enough, the place where Shangguan Jing lived was already empty.

   And Fengqing told the emperor unabashedly that he took people away!

  The old emperor was angry, but he was helpless.

   In addition, the snow country has already made a lot of publicity about the matter, and both countries have known that he sent Shangguanjing back.

   This time, he could only silently swallow the knocked out teeth back into his stomach.

   At such a time, you can neither refute nor do anything, you can only respond to the matter along the snow country.

   He couldn\'t say to everyone: He didn\'t send Shangguanjing back, did he?

  If he didn\'t send people back, why would the Snow Kingdom Emperor thank him?

  Why is Shangguanjing in the Snow Palace?


  If he really sings against Xueguo, I\'m afraid that immediately, Xueguo can give him a name to deliberately provoke relations between the two countries... At that time, where will he put his old face? How should the world see him?

  The more the old emperor thought about it, the more angry he became.

   turned and asked the people around him, "How is the assassin sent to Snow Country recently? Is there any progress?"

  The servant replied, "...All the assassins sent were dealt with by the First Prince\'s people, which did not affect the relationship between the First Prince and the Snow Country Emperor at all."

   This trick doesn\'t seem to work.

   The old emperor waved his hand dejectedly, "...That\'s it, then forget it, don\'t send assassins."

   Save time wasting.



  Cha Cha, who waited eagerly for the assassin to come and kill, and then played with the assassin, "..."

   After waiting for a long time, the assassin did not come.

   This is a later story, let’s not mention it for now.

   After the early morning ended.

The general    entered the imperial study again.

With a wave of   Chacha\'s hand, she didn\'t go to the imperial study, and directly asked Qiushui to bring the general into the Jingdian.

   Anyway, the general went to the imperial study for Shangguanjing, so let the general take a look, maybe, the general can still come up with some ideas!

The general    followed Qiushui into the Jingdian.

   Then he saw Shangguan Jing, who shrank his head and sat on the ground.

   Indeed, at a glance it can be seen that he is really Shangguan Jing.

   Not only is he somewhat similar to His Majesty, but between his brows and eyes, he is even more like the first queen.

   Xia Yue was coaxing Shangguan Jing to eat.

   Obviously it is a delicacy from the mountains and seas, but Shangguanjing didn\'t even look at it, just grabbed the cake and stuffed it into his mouth.

The appearance of    makes people feel very heartbroken.

   When His Majesty was eating cakes, his eyes were shining, and he was as happy as he wanted.

   His Royal Highness King An eats cakes... in a hurry and fast, as if someone was robbing him.

  The Great General walked out of the Jingdian with red eyes.

   Feng Qing, who heard the news, felt a little complicated.

  Yueguo... It\'s not so bad to treat people like that...

   He lowered his eyes, thoughtful.

   (end of this chapter)