The Female Lead She Really Is Not Sweet

Chapter 401: Sweet green plums (50)

Chapter 401 Green plum sweet and sweet (50)

  Chacha sees Anwei in a low mood.

   She reached out and took out a lollipop from her pocket and handed it over.

   "Eat some sugar, it\'s sweet, no matter how bitter the mood will be, it will also become sweet."

   Anwei\'s expression froze.

   glanced at the colorful candy packaged.

   He slowly reached out to take it, put it in his palm, "Thank you."

  The candy wrapper was torn.

  Anwei tasted it, sugar, it\'s really sweet...

   However, my heart is still a little bitter.

  Chacha turned around and went to continue talking to Jiang Lihuan. She found a small snack from her pocket and handed it to Jiang Lihuan.

   "Even if it\'s...a reward for you."

  Jiang Lihuan smiled indifferently, "Is the reward only a bag of snacks?"

   heard the words.

  The little girl thought about it seriously.

   Then he took out a second bag of snacks from his pocket, "Hey, here\'s another bag for you."

   Don\'t be too greedy!

  Two bags of snacks, what else do you want?

  The moist eyes are full of seriousness.

   for a long time.

   Jiang Lihuan sighed.

   "Forget it, I\'ll ask you for it at night."

  Cha Cha was startled and hugged his snacks tightly! ! !

  The two stayed in the hospital for a while. It would not be appropriate to leave Anwei alone here.

   There is no one in Fu Yang\'s family. Thinking about it this way, it is even more pitiful to be alone.

  Jiang Lihuan suddenly made a sound.

   "Call the housekeeper over. He\'s been fine these days, so he\'ll be in charge of Fu Yang\'s situation. What do you think?"

  Chacha, "I think... what you said makes sense."

   Let the housekeeper come over.

  The housekeeper just came back, just in time.

  The housekeeper who is still out there handling things, "???" What did I do wrong?

   Do you think I want to show up at this time?

   Isn\'t it because you called me that the old man asked me to come here as soon as possible?

  Now...remove the grind and kill the donkey...

  Master, you have changed...

  You are crazy for a two-person world!

  Jiang Lihuan rubbed the little girl\'s head and said softly, "I\'m going to the bathroom, you sit here well, don\'t run around, don\'t argue with people, don\'t fight, don\'t..."

  Here, he suddenly paused and smiled helplessly.

   He said too much by accident.

   The little girl was tilting her head to look at him.

  Chacha blinked, "Don\'t worry."

  I\'m not someone who does things casually.

   "Well." Jiang Lihuan got up and glanced at An Wei again before leaving.

  Anwei, "???" Don\'t look at me, I won\'t drag Brother Cha to fight, and I won\'t attack Brother Cha...

  I am very obedient, I am innocent...

   It wasn\'t until Jiang Lihuan\'s back disappeared that An Wei breathed a sigh of relief.


   It turned out to be a cool boy, after not being cool, what does this look like?

   He tilted his head and glanced at the little girl, hey, it\'s hard to believe that his brother Cha hasn\'t fallen under Jiang Lihuan\'s gentle offensive until now.

   If this is another girl...

   Don\'t talk about such a caring and gentle appearance, even if Jiang Lihuan only gives a look, many little girls can be flustered and quickly fall!


   This way.

   He also got a lot of information.

   The relationship between the two is closer than he imagined.

The only thing    is that Jiang Lihuan hasn\'t caught up with anyone yet.

  Anwei was about to ask Chacha how he felt about Jiang Lihuan.

   Just in time, Cha Cha\'s cell phone rang.

   She lowered her eyes and glanced at the caller ID, no notes, strange number.

   The round and white fingertips pressed down to answer, which was rare and well-behaved, "Hello, what\'s the matter?"

   Well, Jiang Lihuan said, be more obedient.

   - six more

   (end of this chapter)