The Female Lead She Really Is Not Sweet

Chapter 391: Sweet green plums (40)

Chapter 391 Green plum sweet and sweet (40)

   He took a step forward, pressing step by step.

   Thin lips overflowed with a chuckle, "Besides, this is called bullying."

   After the words were finished, he pressed his big hand against the wall, trapping the person in front of the body and the wall, and looked at the little girl intently.

  Cha Cha glanced at the distance between the two suddenly narrowed a little blankly.

   She blinked and looked at Jiang Lihuan.

   He quickly went through what he just said again in his mind.


  woo, she felt that he underestimated her too much.

   She is brother tea.

   The little girl\'s wet eyes flashed a smile.

   She almost laughed wickedly, "Bullying? I don\'t think who is bullying who is not necessarily!"

   As the voice fell, she showed a sweet smile.

   Jiang Lihuan was immersed in it.

  Under the shredded lights, the little girl\'s smile was so sweet.

   Next second.

   The little girl\'s movements... are also a bit terrifying.


  Jiang Lihuan... fell to the ground.

   He looked at the little girl with a bewildered expression.

   His little girl was standing there, looking down at him, her eyes full of pride, as if she was saying: You can\'t beat me.

  Jiang Lihuan was stunned to react for a long time before he realized it.

   The fluffy little girl gave him a perfect over-the-shoulder throw.

  "..." He shook his head, full of helplessness.

  Speaking of which, it is a good thing that the little girl has some self-defense skills.


  Baby, can you stop being so straight?

   I flirted with you so seriously, but you gave me a trick to throw over the shoulder?

  You are like this, how can I still tease you in the future?

   He sighed and reached out to the smug little girl.

   "Pull me up." Otherwise, I\'ll be stuck on the ground and won\'t be able to get up.

  Cha Cha gave him a look, and turned his head arrogantly, "You said, who is the short leg?"

   The little girl\'s tone was fierce, and she wrote directly on her face: Don\'t mess with me, I hold a grudge!

  Jiang Lihuan\'s eyes were full of helplessness, "I have short legs, you have long legs, and your calves are long, thin and white..."

  Chacha\'s proud face was suddenly scalded.

   She lowered her eyes, murdering him.

   "No nonsense!"

  Jiang Lihuan, "As a person, I only tell the truth, and I have never been very good at lying."

  The boy removed all his coldness, and his eyes were full of gentleness.

  Cha Cha snorted, "You can\'t get up after all."

  I see you lying on the ground, you are quite comfortable?

  Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu[Uh, I don\'t know which blind person named him a cold boy. Now that I look at it like this, where is coldness?

   Clearly... Clearly with a little bit of bad.

   She blushed, looked away, turned and was about to leave.

  How do you know.

   She underestimated how shameless Jiang Lihuan was.

   The big hand with distinct joints was actually holding her ankle tightly, preventing her from going.

  Cha Cha was ashamed and annoyed, "!!! You, you, you, let go!"

  Jiang Lihuan looked calm, but what he said was extremely shameless, "You pull me up, I\'ll let go."

   The cold eyes gradually darkened.

   The little girl glared at him angrily, but had to stretch out her hand.

   The soft and boneless hands were tightly held in the palm of his hand, Jiang Lihuan\'s lips were slightly hooked, and he was in a good mood.

   His little girl really looks like a little wild cat.

   is fierce, soft and cute.

   From time to time, there are sharp little claws.

   Mmmm, super cute.

   Such a soft baby is his!

  No one can take it away.

   He was pulled up by the little girl and sat up from the ground.

   The cold fingertips clasped her wrist, with no intention of letting go.

  Cha Cha flicked it, but didn\'t flick it off.

   The little girl looked at him blushing, "If you do this again, I\'ll hit you!"

   Removing his coldness, Jiang Lihuan seemed to realize the benefits of not being a human being. He smiled and asked her, "What have I done? What happened to me?"

  Cha Cha, "…………"


   A daily question.

  Man, can you be a person? ? ?

  Don\'t be a person every day, shameless!

   (end of this chapter)