The Female Lead She Really Is Not Sweet

Chapter 370: Sweet green plums (19)

Chapter 370 Green plum sweet and sweet (19)

  Chacha is a little impatient.

   "Do you think I\'m discussing with you?"

   "I...ah—" Fu An screamed, "Why didn\'t you say something before you started!"

   Straightforward hands-on every time!

   is hard to guard against.

  Chacha stared at him fiercely, "Are you stupid? Before I hit you, should I ask you if I can hit you?"

  Fu An, "...Yes, we are all like this here. We always have to say it first, so it\'s fair." He relied on the little girl to look dumb, and when he spoke nonsense, he was not ambiguous at all.

  Chacha, "...And there are such rules? Okay."

   Then follow the rules, she nodded knowingly.

   A pair of moist and clean eyes looked at Fu An innocently, "Oh, then can I hit you!"

  Fu An was almost distracted by her appearance, he made up his mind and said firmly, "Of course not."

   Who is so sick to be beaten!

   Next second.

   Fu An got another kick.

  Fu An, "..."

   "Didn\'t I say no? Why are you doing it again!" No, move your feet!

  You little girl, how can you be so violent?

   He was almost mad.

   Seeing more and more onlookers, he wanted to get back some ground.

  Nai He was suppressed too hard, and there was no way to start.

  Cha Cha looked innocent, "You said you can\'t, does it have anything to do with me hitting you? I don\'t want to hear your suggestion, it\'s as simple as that."

  Fu An, "..." What am I...

  Cha Cha finally urged, fierce and impatient.

   "Do you scream? If you don\'t, let me beat you again. When I\'m tired, I\'ll let you go!"

   "I\'ll give you three seconds, and I have to pamper my bones, I don\'t have time to waste time with you!"




   "Shout Shout!"

  Fu An cried and cried weakly, "Tea, tea brother..."

  Cha Cha, "...Aren\'t you eating? Are you weak?"

   Fu An, "I really haven\'t had time to eat yet."

  Chacha, "Oh, then watch me eat."

   She turned around and brought over her sweet and sour pork ribs, then found a place to sit down, "Hurry up and stand up, line up, line up, and shout together."

  Fu An, "..."

   Three minutes later.

   There was a very strange scene in the cafeteria.

  Four people headed by Fu An.

   stood there in an orderly manner, calling tea brother over and over again to a soft girl.

   This scene was later known as one of the famous incidents in the canteen of Yizhong…

  Cha Cha ate her sweet and sour pork ribs quietly.

  Fu Yang was stunned for a while, but after a long time he came to his senses.

   Without saying a word, he just ran away.

  Chacha, "???" What are you running? I don\'t hit you.

After a few minutes.

  Fu Yang stood in front of Chacha with a bunch of snacks in his arms, his face full of smiles.

   "Brother Cha, this is how I honor you!"

  Chacha, "!!!" Silly is a bit silly, but it\'s interesting enough.

   After noon today.

  Cha Cha became famous in the cafeteria.

  The school forums are full of her posts, telling how she beat the four people led by Fu An with one enemy and four people called a miserable one.

   pressed the faces of the four people to the ground and rubbed them again and again.

  At first, some people didn’t believe it.

   But there were many people eating in the cafeteria at that time, and most of them saw it.

   A bunch of people can attest to it.


  When other little girls were still competing for the school flower position.

  Chacha has made the name of \'Brother Cha\' completely launched!

  When Jiang Lihuan heard the rumors and silently went to the forum to read the post to learn what happened, his phone was almost crushed by him...


  Jiang Lihuan: ...I think if I don\'t show up again, my daughter-in-law may run away.

   (end of this chapter)