The Female Lead She Really Is Not Sweet

Chapter 358: Sweet green plums (7)

Chapter 358 Green plum sweet and sweet (7)

  After breakfast.

   Jiang Lihuan and Cha Cha went out together.

   Until the door was opened, Cha Cha was still a little dazed.

  This is going to school with Jiang Lihuan?

   After school, the two will come back together?

  Why do you always feel that something is wrong?

   She tilted her head and stood there, thinking motionlessly.

  Jiang Lihuan glanced at her, "Get in the car." His voice was light and emotionless.

   But even with only two words, the driver who drove the car was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously glanced at his young master.

   It seems that the young master is not the same to this new girl?

  Chacha blinked, and in just a few dozen seconds, he brainwashed himself.

  Although she has a good relationship with him from the previous plane and the previous plane.

   But, that\'s all over.

   He has no memory.

  Since he can\'t remember it, then she... reluctantly pretends that nothing happened!

   The two of them are strangers now.

   Oh no, childhood sweetheart.

  Well, that\'s not right, he doesn\'t admit that she is his little green plum...

   Don\'t admit it if you don\'t admit it, anyway, she didn\'t show up when she was a child, that\'s all.

  Cha Cha got into the car and sat quietly in the car, looking straight ahead.

  I don\'t know if it was an illusion, Chacha always felt that the moment the car started, he heard Jiang Lihuan\'s chuckle in a trance.

  "..." should be an illusion?

   She rubbed her eyes and slept badly recently, always having delusions.

  The driver glanced at the very quiet little girl through the rearview mirror and thought to himself, she was not only beautiful, but also unusually well-behaved, no wonder the old man liked her so much.

   Three minutes later.

   A cute and well-behaved girl, look for it from your pocket.

   found a bag of small snacks, the little girl lowered her eyes, looked at the small snacks in her hand with a smile, then opened the bag, like a little squirrel, and took one bite after another.

   Driver, "..." I\'m sorry, I seem to have missed it.

   Well-behaved is quite well-behaved, and she is really beautiful, but... it doesn\'t seem to be very quiet?

   seems to confirm his idea.

  I saw the little girl quietly glanced at Jiang Lihuan who was sitting next to her.

   She moved to his side, and then moved again, and in a few seconds, she came to Jiang Lihuan\'s side.

   Round and fair fingertips pinched a small snack and handed it to Jiang Lihuan\'s lips.

   She whispered, "You bought it last night, it tastes good, do you want to try it?"

  Jiang Lihuan didn\'t say a word, his eyes seemed to pass over her, the little girl\'s wet eyes seemed to be really irresistible?

   He slowly stretched out his hand to pick up the snacks.

  Chacha saw his movements, and the corner of his lips twitched, "You don\'t need to do it, I\'ll feed you!"

   As soon as the soft voice fell, she stuffed the small snack into Jiang Lihuan\'s mouth.

  The boy froze all over, his slender fingers retracted from mid-air, and then he slowly turned his head to look out of the car window.

   partial birth.

   The little girl smiled and asked again, "Is it delicious?"

  Jiang Lihuan didn\'t answer her, and looked out of the car window with a blank expression. Then, he never turned his head and kept looking out the whole way.

  Cha Cha snorted in dissatisfaction, and didn\'t answer her if she didn\'t answer, it\'s no big deal.

  Wait a minute, she also gave him a back of his head!

Isn\'t    just not talking?

   Who wouldn\'t!

   She continued to fight her little snack.

   And the driver driving in front was startled and couldn\'t close his mouth.

   He felt that if the old man knew what had just happened, he would be able to wake up laughing from a dream.


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   (end of this chapter)