The Female Lead She Really Is Not Sweet

Chapter 355: Sweet green plums (4)

Chapter 355 Green plum sweet and sweet (4)

   In the faint moonlight.

  The little girl took the glass and went round and round in the kitchen.

   Then he couldn\'t help but whispered, "Where\'s the sugar?"

  Why is there no sugar in such a big kitchen? No honey either...

   This is too unfriendly to her little cutie.

  Qiqi suddenly shouted, [Chacha, look at the left side, the white granular shape on the left...isn\'t it sugar? "

  Cha Cha glanced at it and said with a slight disgust, "That\'s salt... salty."

  Seven Seven, 【…………】

  Well, who made salt look like sugar?

   Don\'t blame it for admitting wrong.

   The little girl seemed a little reluctant, and looked around again.

  Suddenly, the dim kitchen suddenly became bright, Cha Cha was startled, the glass in his hand fell to the ground with a clatter, and it was torn apart.

   She turned her head and saw the man standing at the door.

   Fingers with distinct phalanges just retracted from the light switch.

   Wet eyes met those calm and restrained ink eyes, and they left with a single touch.

   She looked back and looked at the pile of broken glass on the ground. She had a headache. She had to clean it up.

   The little girl sighed, her face tangled.

   The moment she was about to bend over, a cold voice came from above her head, "Don\'t move."

  Cha Cha was silent for two seconds, then raised his head to look in the direction of the door, only to see a figure in time.

   The boy\'s back is slender and straight, as cold as the moon.

   With that clear and unparalleled face, it looks good no matter how you look at it.

  Cha Cha pondered, he should have many suitors in the school, right?

   Even if the grades are not good, with this face and the cold temperament, he can probably attract a lot of girls.

   for a moment.

  Jiang Lihuan walked in with the tools, he bowed his head, bent down without saying a word, and cleaned the glass fragments under her feet.

  Cha Cha stood there, suddenly at a loss.

  The weather in October is not too cold.

  The little girl was wearing a cute pajamas that just reached her knees.

   The fair-skinned legs are exposed, white, thin and beautiful.

   When Jiang Lihuan started, Xu was not paying attention, and his elbow accidentally touched the little girl\'s calf.

  Icy touch, especially clear.

   Both were startled.

  Cha Cha stared at Jiang Lihuan who was half-squatting on the ground, "..."

   Just right, the boy raised his head, his cold eyes collided with her.

  The little girl took a step back subconsciously.

   The distance between the two was widened, and the boy lowered his head and continued to clean up the glass fragments. In a trance, Chacha seemed to hear his very small voice, "I\'m sorry."

   "No, it\'s fine." Cha Cha grabbed his clothes a little bewildered.

   Didn\'t find white sugar, didn\'t find honey, and threw the glass...

   I feel so stupid.

  Jiang Lihuan cleaned up the debris and put it in the trash can.

   turned around and glanced at her, with deep eyes, "What are you looking for?"

  Cha Cha was stunned for a moment, "Sugar."

  Jiang Lihuan frowned, "???"

   "White sugar, honey, whatever." Chacha explained seriously.

After    explained, she felt that Jiang Lihuan might not understand, she added, "Well, I just wanted to find something sweet..."

  The boy stared at her for a while, and said expressionlessly, "Go back to the room and wait."

  Chacha, "???"

   Then, the little girl saw Jiang Lihuan turn and leave.

   After a few seconds, she seemed to hear the door of the villa opening and closing.

   "...Qiqi, what does he mean?" A little confused.

【do not know. 】

   (end of this chapter)