The Female Lead She Really Is Not Sweet

Chapter 261: Su Shao's little fairy (42)

Chapter 261 Su Shao\'s Little Fairy (42)

  Su Huan looked at Madam Su and Jiang Qiaoyan with an inexplicable expression.

   The voice is calm and especially hateful.

   "I didn\'t plan to start, it was the marriage that you proposed first.

   Now, my relationship with her is stable, and they call me a beast?

  Mother, can you be reasonable? "

  Someone was righteous, but he turned his head straight to Madam Su in anger, and left the back of his head for Su Huan, "..."

   is written on the back of the head: I don\'t want to talk to you.

   has ruined the innocence of other people\'s little girls, how dare you deliberately pull hatred?

  The tears in Ji Yan\'s eyes suddenly froze.



and many more?

   What did he call Madam Su?

   Ji Yan\'s face was stunned, and her eyes swept back and forth on Madam Su and Su Huan.

   "You, you are..." Master Su?

She couldn\'t say the words   , her throat seemed to be strangled by something.

  Su Huan glanced at her in a very good mood, after all, it was a divine assist.

   He has to give some face, he said solemnly, "Su Huan, Cha Cha\'s fiancé."

   Ji Yan stumbled this sentence back and forth in his mind several times before realizing one thing.

  He is Su Huan...

  Cha Cha\'s fiance, Mrs. Su\'s son, Su Huan...

   Those words she just said... didn\'t they become a shocking joke?

   She looked at Jiang Qiaoyan who was as steady as a mountain from beginning to end in disbelief, and a terrible thought suddenly flashed in her mind.

   Could it be that... Jiang Qiaoyan already knew? ? ?

   In their eyes, he is a clown jumping on the beam?

   Ji Yan couldn\'t bear the sudden blow, her body was shaky, and she almost fell to the ground.

   Finally, he sat down on the sofa, the whole person seemed to have been pulled away from the soul, like a puppet.

  Jiang Qiaoyan glanced at her, and withdrew her gaze with a sneer.


  I think I can control everything in my hands, but in fact, it has long been seen through.

   On the contrary, he was happy to perform alone there...

   Mrs. Su couldn\'t help but looked at Su Huan speechlessly.

   "Didn\'t you refuse to marry? When did you become her fiancé again?"

   Don\'t you see your mother-in-law is still here?

  How dare you say such shameless words?

   Immediately afterwards, she looked at Jiang Qiaoyan, her face a little embarrassed.

   She thought about it, but still didn\'t know how to say it.

   said: I\'m sorry, my son put your baby daughter to sleep?

   Or: Let’s quickly settle the marriage?


   Mrs. Su looked at Su Huan with a headache, and her eyes indicated: You caused the matter, and you are responsible for the perfect solution.

   Anyway, it is your own life-long event, toss it yourself!

  Su Huan calmly looked at Jiang Qiao and said, "Auntie, you also saw that there are many things between me and Cha Cha that cannot be explained in a short time."

  Jiang Qiaoyan looked indifferent, "It\'s alright, you speak slowly, I have more time."

  Su Huan, "..."

   is stalemate.

   The bedroom door was suddenly pulled open.

   "Su Huan?"

  Chacha\'s soft voice came, with a vague sense of daze.

  Su Huan heard the sound and immediately got up and walked towards Cha Cha.

   "What\'s the matter?" he asked, his voice was gentle, and the indifference around him was also removed at this moment.

   As if the cold man just now was not him.

   "It\'s okay, just calling you."

   As soon as she opened her eyes and didn\'t see him, she subconsciously shouted.

   "Well, I\'m here, what do you want for breakfast?"

  Su Huan raised her hand and rubbed her hair, her whole body was a gentle mess.

   Mrs. Su, "..."

  Jiang whispered, "..."

   was somehow regarded as air and ate a handful of dog food? ? ?


  I, I came with Gagen.

   The next update will be unlocked when the weekly recommendation ticket reaches 17,000.

  Maintain this speed, we may add more tomorrow afternoon~ I love you~ Good night~

   (end of this chapter)