The Female Lead She Really Is Not Sweet

Chapter 249: Su Shao's little fairy (30)

Chapter 249 Su Shao\'s Little Fairy (30)

  Jiang Qiaoyan looked at the departing figure.

   couldn\'t help laughing.

  Su Huan?

   If she hadn\'t seen the black card in the hands of the silly daughter, she would have thought it was someone with the same name and surname!

  Cha Cha went downstairs and found that Ji Zhenghai and Ji Yan were still sitting there.

  The father and daughter both saw Cha Cha and Jiang Qiaoyan behind them, and their eyes lit up immediately.


  How does it look different from what they imagined?

   Shouldn\'t there be a big fight?

   Ji Zhenghai and Ji Yan were full of doubts in their hearts.

   I don’t quite understand the current trend.

   They watched Chacha jumping downstairs happily, and it didn\'t look like they had quarreled.

   When passing by the two of them.

  Cha Cha didn\'t squint, obviously didn\'t even want to give them a look.

   Ji Yan is young and unable to hold her breath.

   She looked at Cha Cha\'s back and shouted, "Did you just leave?"

   Hearing the sound, Cha Cha stopped and glanced back at her, "Otherwise? Are you going to stay and beat you?"

  Ji Yan, "..." Can you speak well?

   Can you stop me from saying a word, and you say something?

  Cha Cha dropped those words, turned around and left without looking back.

   She doesn\'t want to beat Ji Yan here, there are people watching, it\'s not convenient to do it!

   Anyway, sooner or later, you will have to bring it over and beat it!

   She has to pick a good time to do it!

  Beating someone also requires a sense of ritual!

   Qiqi, [… a sense of ritual? ? ? Need a bath incense? 】

  Chacha, "Don\'t talk." Silly Qiqi.


   Ji Yan and Ji Zhenghai were very angry.

   Father and daughter looked at each other and looked at Jiang Qiaoyan again.

   "Sister-in-law? You just let her go?

   Don\'t you ask her who the man is?

   If the people of the Su family knew about this in the future, wouldn’t they make a fuss about it? "

  Jiang quietly sighed, his expression solemn.

  Ji Yan took the opportunity and said again, "Auntie, don\'t be too sad, in my opinion, Cha Cha is a ghost for a while, and it will be fine after a while, your body is the most important thing, but don\'t get angry.

  If I have time, I will often visit Chacha and persuade her by the way. "

  Ji Zhenghai, "Hey, fortunately, Yanyan, you reassure me, otherwise, I might be mad..."

   Ji Yan, "Dad, don\'t say that..."

  The two of you, let\'s go, sing and talk for a long time.

  Jiang Qiaoyan sat there, and at first she cooperated a little and gave an expression, but gradually, she didn\'t even want to give an expression.

   Until Ji Yan\'s father and daughter stopped tiredly.

  Jiang Qiaoyan gave them a light look and sighed, "My daughter has grown up, so it\'s good to go outside."

   Ji Yan, "???"

  Ji Zhenghai, "???"

what are you saying?

pretty good?

   Are you sure you\'re fine?

   Ji Yan\'s father and daughter were confused.

  Your daughter found a wild man outside?

   Are you so peaceful?


   Before Cha Cha got to the front of the car, the door had already been opened.

  Su Huan\'s familiar face poked out from inside, he waved at Chacha, hey, happy, my daughter-in-law is back!

  Cha Cha tilted his head and waved to him, "Su Huan!"

  \'s beautiful eyes were sparkling and glowing.

   Su Huan\'s heart twitched, and he stretched out his hands unconsciously.

   imagined the scene where she threw herself into his arms.

   Seeing the soft little girl getting closer and closer to him, Su Huan straightened his back and looked at her with nostalgic eyes.

  People, after all, you still have to have dreams!

  Su Huan was full of confidence, waiting for her to rush over and hug him.


  Add more.

  Good night~

   Remember to vote for the recommendation~

   (end of this chapter)