The Female Lead She Really Is Not Sweet

Chapter 235: Su Shao's little fairy (16)

Chapter 235 Su Shao\'s Little Fairy (16)

   for a long time.

  Su Huan tilted his head to look at Chu Li.

   He slowly took out the black card from his pocket and shook it deliberately in front of Chu Li.

   "Did you see it?" he asked, with a strangely smug look on his indifferent expression.

  Chu Li was taken aback.

   nodded dully immediately, "I see, your black card."

   He\'s not blind, so he can\'t even recognize a black card.

   "She gave it to me."

  Su Huan said seriously, his calm voice seemed to be mixed with a bit of joy.

   The dark eyes were full of gentleness, and even the moment she mentioned her, it seemed like an iceberg was melting.

   Chu Li didn\'t realize what he meant by this sentence at first.

   looked at Su Huan in disbelief. What\'s the matter? He and Su Huan have known each other for so many years, but he has never seen Su Huan\'s expression.

   It\'s almost like a different person.

   was stunned for half a minute before he realized what he was saying.

   "Wait? So, you gave her the black card and she gave you the card?" What\'s this mess?

  Wait a minute, he needs to sort out his thinking.

   That is to say.

  Su Huan first gave the little girl a gift with the black card.

   Then, the gift was divided by the live broadcast company, a part was deducted, and the remaining part was given to the little girl.

   That little girl was coaxed by Su Huan again and put the money into Su Huan\'s black card.

   And now the black card is in Su Huan\'s hands again.

so? ? ? ?

   After so many procedures, don’t give money to the live broadcast company for nothing, Master Su, what are you doing?

   Going around, is there any difference from before except that the money is a little less?

   Forgive me for not keeping up with your slightly strange brain circuit.

   seems to be able to see Chu Li\'s puzzlement.

It was rare for Su Huan to explain aloud, "She believed in me, especially in me, she put the money into my card, I gave the card to her, and she took into account the inconvenience at night and asked me to take it. If you get stuck outside and look for a hotel, you won’t be afraid that I will turn around and not recognize anyone with the money.”

   How can there be such a good little girl?

   She believed everything he said.

  The corners of Chu Li\'s mouth twitched, "..." I think there is something wrong with your brain.

   After all, that little girl\'s money was also given to her by you...

  So...what about absconding with money?

  Oh, a man in love has no IQ!

   He shook his head speechlessly, and was embarrassed to interrupt Su Huan\'s joy.

   had no choice but to nodded, "Yes, she believes in you very much."

   However, did Su Huan overlook a problem?

   hesitated for a while, Chu Li felt that it would be better for him to say it.

   "Since she believes in you, why... let you come out to find a hotel? Instead of staying together???"

   So, back to the question he asked Su Huan at the beginning: Was he kicked out?

  Chu Li felt that he suddenly got the truth.

   The smile in Su Huan\'s eyes dissipated and instantly condensed into frost.

   "What do you know? How long have I known her? There has to be a process. Besides, I never mentioned staying with her. What if I scare her?"

   Always take it slow and take the relationship one step further.

   Then he made a request to live with her, otherwise, what would Chacha think he was plotting against her?

   The favorability level that has finally been brushed up must be carefully guarded.

  Chu Li was speechless, and silently rolled his eyes in his heart.

   He knew that at this moment, Su Huan was a man who was addicted to love and could not extricate himself from it, and he would not make fun of himself at such a time.

   Anyway, just follow Su Huan.

   After so many years, Su Huan finally bloomed the Tieshu. As a friend, he was very pleased!

   (end of this chapter)