The Female Lead She Really Is Not Sweet

Chapter 233: Su Shao's little fairy (14)

Chapter 233 Su Shao\'s Little Fairy (14)

   It\'s almost time for dinner.

  Cha Cha happily pulled Su Huan out.

  I happily ate a feast.

  After dinner.

  The two walked on the roadside to digest food, while Cha Cha was immersed in the joy of the rich.

  Su Huan followed her, looking at her softly.

   Her profile, he had seen it long ago.

   Even appeared around here at noon, just to see what this little girl who almost became his fiancee looked like.

   did not want to.

   He saw her for the first time.

   I found an inexplicable feeling of excitement.

   When I looked at the photos before, I didn\'t feel anything.

   But the moment she appeared, it was as if the flowers were blooming in spring and the snow and ice were melting.

  Something like a ghost, he shamelessly used the most disdainful method to get in front of her.

   Well, little girls are too easy to be tricked.

   He believed his few words with obvious loopholes.

   also took him back...

   Alas, there is no sense of precaution at all.

   How can he let it go?

  If he walks on the front foot and the back foot, she will be targeted, what should I do?

  Su Huan felt more and more that he needed to guard by her side.

  About when I was about to go downstairs.

  Cha Cha suddenly stopped and glanced back not far away.

   "What\'s the matter?" Su Huan asked subconsciously when she saw such a reaction.

  Chacha shook his head, "Nothing."

   It just feels like... as if someone is watching her?

   She should have read it right.

   But, don\'t care, she\'s a rich man now, what does she care about?

  If there is any enemy, let’s fight, nothing to worry about!

  The two went upstairs into the room, and Cha Cha realized a problem.

  Her residence is very small.

   There is only one bed.

   Then here comes the problem.

  How do you sleep at night? ? ?

   She stared blankly at the bed, then turned to look at Su Huan.

   If we chase people now, it doesn\'t seem to be very good, but... what should we do?


   After tangled for a while, Cha Cha took out the card from his pocket and handed it to Su Huan reluctantly.

   "You... you should go and find a hotel outside. It\'s not good for you to sleep here at night."

   Seeing that Su Huan was silent, she said again.

   "You can hold this card first, and you can give it to me tomorrow."

  Su Huan looked at her with a subtle expression, that reluctance to part made him soft-hearted in a mess.

  How can you be so good?

   Mingming was reluctant to bear it, but after struggling for a while, he still handed it to him.

   "Chacha? Aren\'t you afraid that I will run away with the card? After all, this card has a lot of money in it."

  Su Huan joked, the smile in his eyes undisguised.

  Chacha calmly put the card in his hand, "I trust you, you won\'t take the card away." After all, I think I\'m more valuable than this card!

   In this regard, Chacha is particularly confident.

  Su Huan smiled, "So believe me?"


  Chacha nodded, his wet eyes flashing with a strange light.

   She looked at Su Huan and silently whispered to Qiqi.

   "I\'m not stupid. He popped up out of nowhere and is still here for me, isn\'t it for me? So, running away with that card doesn\'t exist at all!"

   Qiqi was shocked, [Chacha? You know he\'s tricking you? 】

   "...Aren\'t you talking nonsense? I\'m not stupid! I just never broke it.

   Of course, there may also be some routines that I haven’t discovered, but I can still see them clearly if I can see through them at a glance.

   It\'s just that I know that he won\'t hurt me, so in front of him, I just need to relax, I don\'t need to pay attention to those routines, what he says is what he says. "


  Add more, remember to vote.

  Cha Cha: I\'m not sweet, but I\'m not stupid either. I have low EQ, but I\'m not stupid.

   (end of this chapter)