The Female Lead She Really Is Not Sweet

Chapter 231: Su Shao's little fairy (12)

Chapter 231 Su Shao\'s Little Fairy (12)

   Accidentally overpowering the screen, "..." looked stunned.

   Don\'t know what happened.

  I don\'t know where this mysterious C came from.

   She watched as the golden fireworks exploded and the spectators kept pouring in.

   I always feel that the development of things is a little weird.

   She thought for a while, then quickly said hello, planning to leave the live broadcast room.

   "Brother C, don\'t give any more gifts, I still have something to do..."

  I\'m afraid that if I don\'t quit the live broadcast room, the golden fireworks will continue to explode...

  Cha Cha calmly exited the live broadcast room.

   Actually, a panicked batch.

   "Qiqi, did he give the wrong gift? He shouldn\'t look back for money from me, right?"

  Qiqi glanced at Su Huan, who was a little proud, and sneered, "Don\'t worry, he\'s here to give you money, after all, people are stupid and have a lot of money. 】

   Hearing this, Cha Cha calmed down a bit, and then said helplessly.

   "Qiqi, you can\'t say that to others."

  Qiqi sighed silently, [Mmmm. 】

  If you don\'t let me say it, then I won\'t say it. Anyway, I\'m telling the truth.

   Besides, in Su Huan\'s eyes, money or something is nothing at all.

  Su Huan saw that Chacha had withdrawn from the live broadcast, and closed his mobile phone contentedly. He got up and walked in front of her with those long legs, with a slight smile on his lips, "The live broadcast is over?"

  Cha Cha nodded, thought for a moment, and then quickly shook his head.

   "I just met a person who gave gifts crazy, and I don\'t know what happened. I was afraid that he would continue to send gifts, so I quit."

   "Huh? It turns out that Cha Cha is afraid that he will continue to give gifts!"

  Su Huan had a clear look.

   His family Chacha is really good-natured and kind-hearted.

   The two were talking when Chacha\'s phone rang. She glanced at it and found that it was the call from the live broadcast company.

   She thought for a moment and pressed answer.

   The attitude of the other party is very good.

   Three minutes later.

  Cha Cha hung up the phone and looked at Su Huan with joy.

   "We have money!"

  Su Huan cooperated and asked, "Huh? What happened?"

   "It\'s the gift list in the live broadcast room just now. That mysterious man smashed a lot of golden fireworks, and the golden fireworks can be exchanged for money... Anyway, someone will send money later!"

  Chacha\'s eyes lit up, I didn\'t expect that the company\'s efficiency was so fast.

   Thinking so, she praised a few more words.

  Su Huan asked suspiciously at the right time, "But, Cha Cha, why don\'t you let the company\'s people transfer the money directly to your account? It\'s quick and labor-saving."

  Cha Cha was taken aback, "My account has been frozen!"

   "Then you can let them transfer to my account, and I\'ll lend you my card, otherwise, it\'s inconvenient to get cash."

  Su Huan calmly took out a card and put it in Cha Cha\'s hand.

   I don\'t think there is anything wrong with doing this.

  chacha, “…”

   She stared blankly at the card in her hand, and then at Su Huan, "...What you said seems to make sense?"

   is... something doesn\'t feel right.

   "By the way, you can discuss with the company by the way. In fact, you don\'t need to live broadcast for two hours a day. The less live broadcast time, the more mysterious it can be maintained."

  Chacha, "...this really makes sense."

   I have to live broadcast every day, I want to exhaust her cuteness to death.

   Moreover, she will have to deal with the Ji family\'s affairs in the future, so I\'m afraid she won\'t have that much time.

   thought so.

   She lowered her eyes, called the company again, and expressed her thoughts.


   Another day for the male protagonist\'s successful routine.

   (end of this chapter)