The Female Lead She Really Is Not Sweet

Chapter 22: Actor's fiancee (22)

Chapter 22 The Actor\'s Fiancee (22)

  White tea sleeps till evening.

   When she opened her eyes, she was in an unfamiliar environment.

   She was stunned for a few seconds before slowly realizing that she was living in the dormitory now.


   I\'m not used to it!

   She sighed, this was the first day.

   Well, the first day after leaving Su Qinghuan.

   "Qiqi, tell me, why do I think of Su Qinghuan when I close my eyes?"

   Qiqi heard the words, pretending to be esoteric, [About, this is love! 】

  white tea, "???"

   "What are you talking about? What love? Can you eat it?"

  Bai Cha got up, lifted her little quilt, crawled out of bed with no conscience, and found the meal card in the drawer. She planned to go to the school cafeteria for a walk.

  Xu is because there are only some formalities today, and the class will be officially started tomorrow. There are very few people in the cafeteria.

   There are few people in the cafeteria, which means that no one will **** food from her.

  The white tea ran over, her pretty little face was full of joy, ah delicious!

   After a minute, the smile on Bai Cha\'s little face gradually solidified.

  【…chacha? what\'s wrong? 】

   "Qiqi, there is no sweet and sour pork ribs that I want to eat, and...a lot of meals look ugly..."

   Understanding of white tea: ugly = not delicious.

  【Then Chacha, let\'s find a meal with a higher value! 】

   "Well, I haven\'t finished shopping in the cafeteria yet, I\'ll take another walk."

  After walking around, Baicha\'s heart is cold...

  woo, it doesn\'t look delicious.

   She pouted and found a seat in the corner of the cafeteria to sit down.

   "Qiqi, I seem to have been fed by Su Qinghuan\'s food."

   White tea looks decadent.

   Qiqi was stunned and silently recited the sentence just now, […] I always felt that something was not right.

   When one person was unifying, Bai Cha\'s cell phone suddenly rang.

   She lowered her eyes and saw the caller ID, her eyes suddenly lit up!

   "Su Qinghuan!"

   "Chacha, have you eaten yet? I\'m near your school."

   "No, the school meals don\'t look very tasty..."

   "Then you leave school now, and I\'ll take you to the place where you get off today. I\'ll take you to eat delicious food."


   Bai Cha stood up full of joy and rushed towards the school gate.

  Qiqi, […] That feeling came again, um… What’s wrong? ? ?

   Su Qinghuan on the other side put down his phone and waited for Baicha to appear with a smile.

   It seems that if you want to grab her heart in the future, you must first grab her stomach!

   Bai Cha got into the car skillfully, and his voice was clear, "Why are you here?"

   "I moved our things near here, and I\'ll take you there now." Since she was here, he naturally wouldn\'t be too far away.


   "Yes, moved to near your school, you can come to my place to eat and sleep later... Cough, I mean, if you are not used to living in the dormitory, then live outside."

   He had inquired that they could apply to live off-campus in their second year of school.

   Many people live off campus.

   One more of her, not much.

   Bai Cha thought for a while, "It\'s okay, I\'ll stay at the school for a few more days." Look at this world more...

   "Well." Su Qinghuan\'s eyebrows were obviously a little more disappointed.

  It\'s okay, he can take his time.

  Three minutes later, the two arrived at the new community.

   Bai Cha blinked, it was really close!

   If you can’t go back to the dormitory in the future, it’s okay to live here!

  Qiqi, […] In a trance, it seems that something is wrong with get.

   But, I won\'t say it!

  Humph, Big Tail Wolf!

  Abducted its host by changing the method.

   However, there is no way, who made his host doomed to let him abduct him?

   (end of this chapter)