The Female Lead She Really Is Not Sweet

Chapter 2198: Daughter of the Prime Minister (31)

Chapter 2198 The Daughter of the Prime Minister (31)

   Daughter of the Prime Minister\'s House 31

   What Yue Jingjing tossed about, Yue Xiang had for a moment, and he didn\'t want to deal with her aftermath.

   But some things have to be made clear.

   If you let it go, it will easily lead to more incidents.

  Yue Xiang looked directly at the prince, his eyes were like torches, he could not wait to open the prince to see what that heart had grown into!

   When the prince looked at Shang Yue Xiang\'s gaze, he felt guilty for a moment. The person in front of him was an old fox. If he didn\'t explain things clearly, he would probably cause Yue Xiang\'s dissatisfaction and even suspicion.

Prime Minister Yue got straight to the point and asked directly, "A few days ago, the prince broke off the marriage with the daughter of the prime minister\'s house and asked to marry the concubine of the prime minister\'s house. Everyone knows that, but now, the prince has turned and wants to draw a line with the concubine. Thinking about my tea tea again.

  Prince Prince is your monarch, and the Prime Minister\'s Mansion, as a minister, should obey what he says, but the Prince doesn\'t think it\'s inappropriate for you to go back on your word and vacillate?

   Now, with so many people here, Prince may wish to speak clearly today! "

  Yue Xiang clearly wanted a statement.

  Although other ministers felt that Yue Xiang was arrogant, they should not question the prince like this, after all, their identities were different.

   However, what the prince did is indeed beyond words.

   Going back on one\'s word is indeed not what a gentleman does.

   Besides, who is the minister of the DPRK who doesn\'t know how he got the position of the prince?

   If there were no Prime Minister\'s Mansion and the Prime Minister\'s Mansion\'s daughter, he would still be an unloved third prince!

  Prince knew that this matter must be made clear.

   He already had a plan in mind.

  The prince sighed with a gloomy expression.

   "Master Xiang, since you want me to make it clear, then I will make it clear."

  The prince first glanced at Yue Jingjing in disappointment, and then began to explain, "My relationship with Chacha has always been stable, and the reason for the change is because Yue Jingjing provoked it.

   At that time, I broke off the marriage because I was deceived by her. Later, I regretted it because I knew the truth of the matter and woke up and regretted it. Unfortunately, it was already a step too late.

   That\'s why I begged Master Xiang to give me another chance. "

   As soon as she finished speaking, Yue Jingjing began to refute, "You are talking nonsense! I didn\'t provoke! No! There must be a misunderstanding!"

   This kind of thing, how could she admit it.

  The prince continued to say calmly, "I have evidence that Xiaocui, the maid next to Aunt Liu, knows a lot of things. The matter of provoking relationships was done jointly by Aunt Liu and Yue Jingjing."

   Yue Jingjing\'s face changed suddenly.

   Between the lightning and flint, she seemed to understand something.


  Why does the prince have the witness of Xiaocui?

  Xiaocui Mingming and her aunt were sent to Zhuangzi in the countryside of the Prime Minister\'s Mansion.

   Now the prince says he has a witness?

   She obviously went to the Prince\'s Mansion to ask the prince to help save the aunt, and the prince said a lot of things, asking her to give up the aunt for the position of the prince.

   In other words... Since then, the prince has not planned to help her?

  Prince has already started to count on her?

  Yue Jingjing realized this and suddenly burst into tears.

   "You lied to lied to me!"

   She thought that the prince cared about him, how could he turn his face if he turned his face for so long?

   Nothing hit her harder than this one.

  Prince doesn\'t love her anymore, and even plots against her for Yue Cha...

  Yue Jingjing could hardly accept this fact.

   Tears fell.

  Unfortunately, the prince has no sympathy.

   Instead, he looked at the Prime Minister, "There are still some details. If the Prime Minister wants to hear it, I can talk about it slowly, but in this case, it may not be suitable to continue talking."

   (end of this chapter)