The Female Lead She Really Is Not Sweet

Chapter 2185: Daughter of the Prime Minister (18)

Chapter 2185 The Daughter of the Prime Minister (18)

   Daughter of the Prime Minister\'s House 18

  The prime minister was furious when he found out.

   He really didn\'t expect that at such a time, Yue Jingjing would dare to ask the prince for help?

Ah! Fortunately, the prince knew his interests and didn\'t run over to block him, otherwise he could attack the prince on the spot!

   It\'s just that the prime minister became more and more dissatisfied with Yue Jingjing, the youngest daughter.


   Falling Water Courtyard.

   As soon as Yue Jingjing went back, Aunt Liu grabbed her wrist tightly, "Daughter, where\'s the prince? Has the prince come? Has the prince come to save me?"

   Looking at Shang Auntie\'s eager eyes, Yue Jingjing shook her head ruthlessly.

   "Auntie, don\'t worry, I will become a princess sooner, and I will be able to bring you back..."

As soon as the    voice fell, Aunt Liu couldn\'t help crying.

   "It will be a few months before you become a crown princess. The countryside is so hard, how can I endure it?"

   Aunt Liu\'s cry was a miserable one.

  Yue Jingjing just felt a headache.

   In the end, it\'s not all because the aunt has no brains. At this critical moment, she offended Yue Cha!

  My father was dissatisfied when the prince broke off the marriage.

   Now that this incident happened again, shouldn’t my father be angry?

   But Yue Jingjing was embarrassed to say it.

   for fear of irritating my aunt.

   The emotions are not right in the first place. If they are stimulated again, it will be bad.

  Yue Jingjing stood there bewildered.

at this time.

  The Prime Minister entered the Falling Water Court directly, his face ashen.

  Yue Jingjing secretly cried out in her heart.

   Before he could speak, he heard the Prime Minister\'s anger.

   "You are still restless after being driven to Zhuangzi? You are still trying to ask the prince for help. You are really good at it!"

   Aunt Liu shouted weakly, "Master Xiang..."


  The prime minister didn\'t even look at her.

   "Someone, send Concubine Liu to the village in the countryside. No one is allowed to visit her without my permission! Reflect on it there!"

   Aunt Liu collapsed to the ground, feeling that the sky was about to collapse.

   But it\'s not over yet.

   "Second Miss is depressed because of Concubine Liu\'s incident. After that, she will take good care of her body in the Xiangfu\'s residence for a month, and no one is allowed to visit!"

  The prime minister fluttered his sleeves and left.

   Yue Jingjing was shocked!

  Is she imprisoned in the Xiangfu?

   Then how will she continue to develop a relationship with the prince?

  Yue Jingjing was aggrieved and almost cried, "Auntie, what should I do?"

   she called out a few times.

   Aunt Liu did not respond.

  Yue Jingjing gave a push, only to realize that Concubine Liu was greatly stimulated, and even her mental state was not very good.

  Yue Jingjing, "...Auntie!"

   Aunt Liu took a while to regain her senses.

   Before he could talk to Yue Jingjing, he was taken away by the people in the house and forcibly sent to the carriage.

   Along with Xiao Cui, Yue Jingjing was heartbroken.

After   , no one will give her any help.


   Agarwood Garden.

  Chacha smiled and looked at the chicken soup brought back by Luluo.

   Today\'s chicken soup is really fresh.

  Unfortunately, Aunt Liu has not been able to taste it for a while.

  Hey, is she lucky to lie down and win a wave?

   Before she did anything, Concubine Liu was sent to Zhuangzi.

  Yue Jingjing was also not allowed to step out of the yard again.

  Tsk, it feels so good to lie down and win.

  Cha Cha asked in a good mood, "Would you like to try chicken soup?"

   The crisp and pleasant sound crossed the screen and reached Ye Chen\'s ears.

  Ye Chen, "...Yes."

  Chacha took a bowl and brought it to Ye Shen.

   By the way, he also urged, "Hurry up and drink it! Don\'t let Luluo find out, my Luluo is very smart~"

   Smartly knocked Aunt Liu down!

   (end of this chapter)