The Female Lead She Really Is Not Sweet

Chapter 2174: Daughter of the Prime Minister (7)

Chapter 2174 The Daughter of the Prime Minister (7)

   Daughter of the Prime Minister\'s House 7

  Luluo left with a complicated mood, looking back at her lady three steps at a time.

   Does the lady want to vent her dissatisfaction with her appetite?

   Turn grief and anger into appetite?

  Luluo couldn\'t figure it out, so she trotted to the kitchen to find a cook.

   After Luluo left, Cha Cha wandered around the yard.

  The original owner\'s yard is very delicate. There are many beautiful camellias on both sides. There are many varieties of camellias, and each plant is very well raised.

   Xu is because this camellia also has the word tea in it.

   Every time Chacha sees these camellias, he can\'t help but want to get closer.

   One of the camellias is as crystal clear as snow, and the snow-white petals are like a fairy that is not stained with dust.

  Cha Cha just took two steps there, and at this moment, his steps stopped.

   She raised her head and looked sharply at the courtyard wall.

  Chacha responds quickly.

   came under the courtyard wall almost instantly.

   The next second, the man who was trying to jump over the courtyard wall was kicked by her.

   The man fell from the wall to the ground with a thud, and he could tell by the sound that he fell hard.

   Just when Cha Cha stretched out her small fist to hit someone, she paused, turned the person over, and looked at the face carefully.

   Oh, although this face is very unfamiliar.


   This face, **** it, gave her a sense of familiarity.

  chacha, “…”

After   , she knocked out her poor little one...

  Cha Cha reached out and probed his breath, fortunately, he still had breath and was still alive, almost thought he was going to cool down.

  Cha Cha bent down and picked up the man. Before leaving, he removed the traces left by the man on the courtyard wall, and then carried him into his room.

   By the way, he looked at that face again.

   looks pretty good.

   It\'s just... I don\'t know what happened, but it ran to her courtyard wall?

   Think briefly.

  Chacha returned to the yard again, admiring the camellias in the yard with a calm expression.

   bent over and sniffed one of the camellias.

   At the same time, Cha Cha noticed the sudden appearance of several masters outside the courtyard, as well as the killing intent.

   Those people looked at her courtyard in secret, probably looking for traces of the poor little one.

  Cha Cha squinted his eyes.

  It turns out that Xiaopo was being hunted down.

   At this time, Luluo rushed back, "Miss, the dessert you asked for is here."

  Chacha glanced at Luluo and said softly, "Put it in the gazebo first, I want to enjoy the camellias for a while."

  Luluo put down the dessert with a grin and ran over to enjoy the camellias with Chacha, "Miss, the camellias in this yard are getting more and more beautiful."

   "Yeah." Cha Cha responded perfunctorily, keeping an eye on the whereabouts of those few people.


   Those people left immediately.

  There is nothing unusual in the yard, and there is no trace.

  Chacha restrained his expression and turned to look at Luluo, "I\'m a little tired all of a sudden, I need to go in and have a rest."

  Luluo, "...Okay."

Miss   \'s recent temper is really fickle.

  Cha Cha turned around and entered the room.

   slammed the door shut.

   She went directly to the bed and glanced at the man who was still in a coma.

   This face is unparalleled, how come he is being chased and killed again?

  Cha Cha sighed slightly.

   Immediately after that, I smelled a faint smell of blood.

  Cha Cha frowned, and reluctantly checked his injuries.

  "..." There was more than one injury.

  Chacha first took out a good wound medicine from the space, and then found tools such as gauze and scissors.

   She turned her head and took off most of the man\'s clothes. There was a stab wound on his chest and a stab wound on his waist and abdomen.

  Chacha, "..." What happened?

  The injury is so serious?

   She frowned and cleaned the wound for him.

   (end of this chapter)