The Female Lead She Really Is Not Sweet

Chapter 2164: Koi carp (58)

Chapter 2164 Koi This Carp (58)

   Koi carp 58

  Song Qinghuan was very confused.

   Wronged and cried with the agent for a while.

   However, the broker was firm.

  Song Qinghuan had to get up and leave. When he left, he said goodbye to Chacha tearfully.

   After this trip, we will not see Chacha for ten days and a half months.

   Jiang Ting: Ten days and half a month?

Ah! You are so naive!

   After Song Qinghuan left, Cha Cha looked at Jiang Ting helplessly.

   "Actually, her work schedule doesn\'t need to be too full, and it\'s good to find a few more relaxed announcements."

   Jiang Ting looked innocent, "It depends on how her manager arranges it."

  Cha Cha smiled and said nothing, pretending to know nothing.

  Hey, Jiang Ting, this vinegar jar, is still too jealous.

   However, young people should work hard and let Song Qinghuan work harder to answer the announcement, which is okay. After all, Song Qinghuan needs strength and hard work to gain a firm foothold in the circle.


  The Song family suffered heavy losses because of Jiang Zhou\'s calculations.

   Father Song estimated that it would take several years at least to recover.

   But if you experience some more storms in the past few years, then it will be... over.

  The Song family is now like a leaf trembling in a storm, and it will be knocked to the ground if it is not careful.

   And these are all because of Jiang Zhou.

   How could Father Song be neither angry nor resentful?

  Daughter, he was reluctant to blame him, and his heart was full of anger all day long.

   In the end, I simply didn’t go home.

   Song\'s mother washed her face with tears every day at home, and from time to time she could not help but scolded Jiang Zhou in front of Song Qingyou.

   Song Qingyou couldn\'t hear Jiang Zhou\'s name.

   As soon as he heard Jiang Zhou, he would think of the fact that he was calculated and used.

   After a long time, Song Qingyou began to quarrel with Song mother.

   was arguing, and Mother Song began to speak out of words, and she accidentally expressed the anger in her heart.

   Mother Song, "If you hadn\'t led the wolf into the house and didn\'t know who you were, how would the Song family be today?"

   This sentence is incredible.

   directly hit Song Qingyou\'s heart.

   fiercely stabbed her in the heart, and Song Qingyou immediately became furious.

  The mother-daughter relationship broke down in an instant! ! !

   Father Song finally made a trip back to Song\'s house, and when he saw chickens and dogs jumping around at home, he immediately turned his head and left.

  The company is chaotic, and the family quarrels every day, making it a mess!

   Father Song just wanted to find a considerate little girl to be happy?

   After this search, I found a little lover.

   After that, Father Song was outside, but he didn\'t come home for more than half a month.

   Mother Song realized that something was wrong.

   heard another rich lady talk to her again.

   immediately rushed to Father Song\'s company.

   Good guy!

   Father Song, the daring one, kept the girl by his side as a secretary.

   They were intimate in the office, when they were caught off guard by Song\'s mother on the spot, Song\'s father cheated, and there was an uproar in the company!

  The company has suffered heavy losses. A bunch of people complained about Father Song, and then they saw that Father Song didn\'t work hard to revitalize the company and still had time to raise women. Wouldn\'t it make a bunch of old employees chill?

   The company that suffered heavy losses suddenly became crumbling.

  Many veterans and even employees resigned and left.

   For a while, the company\'s troubles were worsened.

   Father Song was so angry that he wanted to divorce Mother Song. He quarreled at home every day, and even when it was serious, he would do it.

   And the company is completely over...

  Song Qingyou left Song\'s house exhausted, wanting to be alone and aimlessly walking to a large square, but saw Song Qinghuan\'s poster on it.

   As soon as the cold wind blew, Song Qingyou cried on the spot.

   (end of this chapter)