The Female Lead She Really Is Not Sweet

Chapter 2158: Koi carp (52)

Chapter 2158 Koi This Carp (52)

   Koi carp 52

  Chacha did not act as Song Qinghuan\'s manager.

   However, in order to make Song Qinghuan\'s future better, she chose a strong agent for Song Qinghuan alone.

   Don\'t ask how you got it, just throw money at it!

   After Song Qinghuan had a new manager, everything was handled by the manager.

   As for the contracting company, it is not required.

  If others didn\'t sign the company, it might be very hard to fight alone in the entertainment industry, but... Song Qinghuan has Chacha and Jiang Ting behind him.

   These two backers are enough to support her to go on smoothly in the entertainment industry.

Not only that.

   Jiang Ting also plans to enter the entertainment industry.

   However, these all require long-term planning, and entertainment companies are not able to open them casually.

   It was Cha Cha, a little surprised.

   Her little koi can bring good luck.

   What about Jiang Ting?

   It seems that from the beginning, Jiang Ting had little interest in the heir to the Jiang family?

   And she found that Jiang Ting\'s strength was obviously more powerful than she imagined.

   However, Jiang Ting didn\'t say anything specific, so she didn\'t ask any more questions.


  Song Qinghuan is developing very well in the circle.

   And the Song family is getting more and more unlucky.

   First, Song Qinghuan released the recording, which damaged the reputation of Song\'s father and Song Qingyou.

Although    has become a joke in the eyes of many people in the circle, it is fortunate that it did not affect the company.

   However, the good times did not last long.

   Within a few days, his father Song\'s partner began to abandon him.

   The reason is also very simple.

The partner said directly to him: My daughter likes Song Qinghuan very much and is her fan. After learning that you treat Song Qinghuan like this, she cried and made trouble at home and forbade me to cooperate with you. There is no way. My daughter is my treasure. I will wait for it later. My daughter has lost her fans, and I will come back to work with your Song family.

   Father Song was stunned.

   Is this still possible?

   Can it still be like this?

   Father Song lost a few partners. Although he was in a bad mood, the Song family was still there, so he wasn\'t too flustered.

   But Song Qingyou is different.

   Many of Song Qingyou\'s little sisters laughed at her behind her back.

   Can\'t compare to his own sister, so he uses various means to destroy his own sister, which is really a scorpion\'s heart.

   Where can Song Qingyou hear these words?

   I can\'t do it!

  Unfortunately, after the incident with Song Qinghuan, several little sisters cut off contact with her directly, for fear that they would be retaliated for because of the usual little friction.

  Song Qingyou, "..."

   It is very angry to ride a horse!

   but helpless!

   If she directly took action on those little sisters who had broken contact, I am afraid that she would not be able to get along in the circle in the future.

   Song Qingyou\'s life can be said to be very unlucky.

  No one in the Song family could really comfort her.

At this moment.

   Her fiance Jiang Zhou appeared at the right time.

   Send warmth from time to time.

  Song Qingyou soon had a little more affection for him.

   She had already changed her opinion of Jiang Zhou, but now Jiang Zhou has taken various initiatives, so why don\'t she have a little heart for Jiang Zhou?

   As for Jiang Ting?

   Since she knew that Jiang Ting helped Song Qinghuan in various ways, she only had hatred for Jiang Ting!

  If it wasn\'t for Jiang Ting, where would she be today?

   If it was said that she had hatred for Jiang Ting before, she was not reconciled.

  So now, she has pure hatred for Jiang Ting!

  Jiang Zhou took advantage of the situation, it was a very suitable time!

   Directly turned Song Qingyou around.

   Not only that, but Song Qingyou, who coaxed him, took the initiative to help him.

  Help him get the heir position as soon as possible!

   Jiang Zhou is very satisfied with the current situation.

   (end of this chapter)