The Female Lead She Really Is Not Sweet

Chapter 2141: Koi carp (35)

Chapter 2141 Koi This Carp (35)

   Koi carp 35

   After the engagement party is over.

   Song Qingyou and Jiang Zhou are very satisfied.

  Although Jiang Ting didn\'t come, it was a good situation for both of them.

   Probably felt that Jiang Ting didn\'t come because he was hit.

   In fact.

   Jiang Ting: Too lazy to answer.


   For Jiang Ting.

   He doesn\'t have time for these things.

   He has more busy business to deal with.

   Busy working on a light bulb.

   Although Song Qinghuan did not choose a suitable job.

   However, Song Qinghuan wants to chase his dreams, which is also a good thing for him.

   goes to the draft, which means she can no longer stay with Chacha.

   Jiang Ting directly asked Song Qinghuan for a draft spot.

  Song Qinghuan, "?"

  Is Jiang Er Shao so fast?

   She felt that he must be disgusting her for destroying their world...

   Song Qinghuan never thought that Jiang Ting could be such a dog.

   The next day, he personally sent Song Qinghuan to the talent show. As the name of it, he first got familiar with the environment there.

   Song Qinghuan was in the car, looking at Chacha pitifully.

   "Benefactor, will I not be able to see you every day in the future?"

  Chacha, "You can start a video."

  Chacha handed the prepared carton to Song Qinghuan.

   "There is a mobile phone and a little cash in it. Your account has been frozen by your family, so it can\'t be used. You can call me anytime if you have anything."

   Jiang Ting has arranged everything else.

  Song Qinghuan was so touched that he could not wait to give him a hug on the spot.

   But, the vinegar jar is here, she dare not.

   At the end, Cha Cha told her again.

   "If you are bullied here, you can tell me, don\'t bear it by yourself, you are a person with a backstage!"

  She has experienced so many planes, of course she knows the twists and turns in these talent shows.

  Although in this plane, she did not intend to join the entertainment industry.

   However, this does not prevent her from making an investment or something.

   In the next period of time, this show may have to undergo a period of closed training, I hope Song Qinghuan can be very good here.

  Song Qinghuan, "You are so good to me, I will work hard! When I become popular, I will sign under your hands and be your cash cow!"

Cha Cha was a little helpless, "I don\'t open a company, but you should pay attention to it yourself. If an agent wants to sign with you, don\'t agree to it casually. Many artists, because they don\'t understand these routines, can easily Got trapped."

   Seeing more and more words from Chacha, Jiang Ting\'s face became darker and darker.

   Jiang Ting, "I will find her a more suitable agent."

  Chacha, "Okay!"

   Then trouble her vinegar jar.

   Song Qing reluctantly left with the show crew.

  Cha Cha tilted his head to look at Jiang Ting.

   "It\'s our two-person world again, are you happy? Are you happy?"

  Jiang Ting, "..." That is, Yidi lost his heart...

   But he has to be tight and can\'t say it directly!

  Chacha thought for a while, and hooked his fingers at Jiang Ting.

"come here."

   Jiang Ting leaned over.

  Cha Cha covered his eyes with one hand and wrapped his neck with the other, sighed and kissed his side face.

  Hey, even if it was a reward for the vinegar jar.

   Jiang Ting\'s eyes darkened, obviously surprised by his family\'s sudden initiative, followed by ecstasy.

   "Chacha~ It\'s just too fast, I don\'t feel anything, why don\'t you give me another kiss!"

  Chacha, "..." go all the way!

   Whatever you say will do.

  Jiang Ting wrapped his arms around her waist and held her tightly in his arms, "..."

   His family is cute and really sweet!

   (end of this chapter)