The Female Lead She Really Is Not Sweet

Chapter 2086: Hello boss (41)

Chapter 2086 Hello, President (41)

   Boss Hello 41

  Su Yubai and Cha Cha returned to the apartment.

  Chacha thought for a while, then packed up a few pieces of clothes in advance and put them with Su Yubai\'s luggage.

  Su Yubai was very satisfied with this.

   Well, the little girl knows how to put her clothes in his suitcase, so good!


the next day.

  Su Yubai went to the crew early.

   The hotel that the crew arranged for him was not far from the set.

  Su Yubai took Jiang Zhuo to the hotel.

   As for his little girl, she has to go back to the company to deal with some things, so I can\'t come here for the time being.

  Can\'t come here until evening.

  Su Yubai\'s eyes were full of anticipation.

   After he entered the hotel with Jiang Zhuo, he put down his luggage and went to the studio. As for Jiang Zhuo, he was left behind.

   Check it out at the hotel first.

   See if there is a device like a pinhole camera.

   Just in case.

  Su Yubai went to the studio. The first scene to be filmed was his scene. After all, it was the male protagonist, and the director planned to shoot on the first day for a good omen. The scenes were relatively relaxed scenes.

  The morning session ends.

  Jiang Zhuo asked his assistant to bring the lunch that had been prepared.

  Su Yubai is not used to the crew\'s food.

   But it won\'t bother the crew either.

   All let Jiang Zhuo prepare in advance.

  Su Yubai and Jiang Zhuo were both dining in the nanny\'s car. Halfway through the meal, someone knocked on the car window.

   Jiang Zhuo glanced outside.

  I saw the woman outside, it was the Xu Yue who had been entangled yesterday.

   He sneered, "Brother Su, do you want to solve this Xu Yue?"

   It seems that this person is not only bold, but also a little shameless.

  Su Yu didn\'t lift his head, "Don\'t waste too much time on irrelevant people."

   Jiang Zhuo responded.

   said so, but if the woman is dishonest and continues to pester and cause trouble, it is not a waste of time.

  Two minutes passed.

  Xu Yue was bored and left depressed.

   As soon as she left, several more women walked to the car window.

   Jiang Zhuo was a little speechless. He didn\'t open the door, he pressed the window directly, and said with a cold face, "If it\'s okay, don\'t delay my brother Su\'s meal."

   Leaving this sentence behind, Jiang Zhuo closed the car window again.

   "Brother Su, I\'m afraid you won\'t be very safe in the crew in the future."

   Jiang Zhuo said thoughtfully.

  Su Yubai put down the chopsticks in his hand and glanced at Jiang Zhuo gracefully, "I have my own way."

  Jiang Zhuo, "...?" I think you\'re weird!

   asked Xu Yue, who had a closed door, and naturally he would not give up easily.

   She finally got into this crew.

   There is another big Buddha like Su Yubai in the crew.

   Wouldn’t it be a big loss if you didn’t get some heat or something?

   Xu Yue is also thick-skinned.

   Twice in a row, they did not break her enthusiasm, instead they became more and more brave.

  Since this is a hard rock to chew on, she will bite harder.

  Whoever chews it down will get countless benefits!



  Cha Cha arrived at the hotel.

   Su Yubai just finished filming.

  The two entered the hotel one after the other.

   As a precaution, Chacha also got the room card of the suite opposite Su Yubai.

  Su Yubai directly took the room card opposite Chacha\'s hand and handed it to Jiang Zhuo.

   "You live in the opposite suite."

  Jiang Zhuo, "...?" Let him live alone in such an expensive presidential suite? It\'s...a luxury.

   However, for the love of his brother Su, of course he... took the room card and went to the opposite side.

  Hey, Brother Su doesn\'t understand the happiness of being a single dog.

   Jiang Zhuo is very happy when he thinks that he owns this presidential suite alone! ! !

   (end of this chapter)