The Female Lead She Really Is Not Sweet

Chapter 2005: Prince Allure (37)

Chapter 2005 Prince Allure (37)

   Prince Allure 37

   As soon as Su Shilang returned to Shilang\'s mansion, he went to that idiot Su Hanxiao without saying a word.

   She ran to Su Hanxiao\'s yard.

   Before he could speak, he was almost stunned by the scene in front of him.

   This Shabi is sitting there dressed up.

   When Su Han smiled and saw Shi Lang Su, he asked her with a smile, "Mother, has Alu ascended the throne?"

   Counting the time, his family\'s Alu\'s great career should be almost a success.

   When Shirou Su heard this, he only felt a buzzing sound in his head.

   She can\'t describe her mood now.

   She walked over quickly, raising her hand and slapped her.

   "You idiot!!"

   After the slap, he still felt that it was not enough, so he just punched and kicked directly at Su Han with a smile.

   "What kind of sin did Lao Tzu do to raise you such a waste! It\'s okay to die blindly every day, and you dare to participate in the major events of rebellion?

  If you don’t want to live anymore, you can just find a place and hit your head to death, why do you have to drag the whole servant’s mansion to accompany you to death? "

   Su Hanxiao was stunned and angry.

   "Don\'t think that you are my mother, so you can do anything to me. When Alu ascends the throne, I will be her queen. If you do this again, don\'t blame me for being rude!"

  Su refuted with a smile and angrily.

   Don\'t think he dare not fight back.

   Su Shilang was almost tired from fighting, but when he heard this, good guy, he beat Su Hanxiao again.

   "Just you idiot who still wants to be a queen?

   Let me tell you, the egrets are over, the entire General’s Mansion is over, they failed to rebel and have been arrested by Your Majesty! "

  Damn, maybe the Shi Lang\'s mansion will suffer too!

   The great sin of rebellion, it will cost you your head!

   Shi Lang Su is almost exhausted from anger at this moment.

   She sat there in a dejected manner, almost crying, her servant!

   Knowing this earlier, why didn\'t she kill Su Hanxiao, this waste?

   has caused such a catastrophic disaster.

  Su Han smiled and sat there blankly, "...?"

   "What? You said Alu failed?"

   "No no no, how is this possible!"

   "Mother, you must be lying to me, Alu\'s plan is flawless, there is no chance of any flaws!"

   He sat there talking to himself, and the more Su Shi Lang heard, the more frightened he became.

   Do you know the plan of the egret even when you are riding a horse?

   Oh, that Shi Lang\'s mansion is completely over.

  Su Hanxiao was still beeping there, and Shi Lang Su was going crazy right now, and he was angry when he saw this idiot.

   She pounced at last, pinching Su Hanxiao\'s neck with both hands, "I\'ll strangle you idiot!"

  If it wasn\'t for Su Hanxiao, why would the Shilang\'s mansion be here?

  Su Hanxiao was pinched and breathless, with blue veins on his forehead, and he tried to struggle with his hands, but there was a big gap between him and Su Shilang, and the difference in strength was so great that he couldn\'t struggle at all.

   Seeing that Su Hanxiao was about to die, at this moment, the Imperial Forest Army appeared and pulled him up.

   Rebellion is a felony, the sin is unforgivable.

   Shilang\'s mansion is coming to an end.

   His Majesty thought that Su Shilang was innocent and was demoted to a commoner, and his son Su Hanxiao was put on death row.

  Su Shilang took a life and came back, grateful to Dade.

   His Majesty did not kill her, the grace of the emperor is mighty!

   As for that waste, let\'s die, so as not to harm others, the mother and son\'s affection is nothing at all.

   When Su Hanxiao was put on the death row, he was still beeping loudly, "I am Prince An\'s favorite person, and I am the future Princess An, you can\'t treat me like this!"

  Without the egret, he still has King An

   King An has rekindled his old love for him.

   These people dare to put him on death row, they are dead!

   "If you dare to treat me like this, King An will not let you go!"

   (end of this chapter)