The Female Lead She Really Is Not Sweet

Chapter 1998: Prince Allure (30)

Chapter 1998 Prince Allure (30)

   Prince Allure 30

   Ye Ming and Xiao Beizi returned to Prince An’s mansion.

  Xiao Beizi looked at his prince with mixed emotions.

   For some reason, I always feel that my prince is a bit scumbag.

   Young Master Ye was so angry that he ran out, but Wang Ye didn\'t even chase after him? Instead, he returned to the palace by himself?

  Xiao Beizi looked at her, and everything was wrong.

  Cha Cha glanced at Xiao Beizi, "You go out first."

  Xiao Beizi hummed.

   He exited the door a little uneasy.

   Shouldn\'t we quarrel?


  The door was closed, and only the two of them were left in the room.

  Cha Cha waved at Ye Ming, his eyes flashing brightly, "Let me hug!"

   Ye Ming walked up to her and was quietly wrapped around her waist.

   "My lord, as you expected, the egret did come to me, and said a lot to me."

  Chacha saw that Ye Ming was so well-behaved and couldn\'t help kissing his chin.

   Ye Ming was a little shy, "..."

  He bowed his head and took out the small porcelain bottle that the egret gave him.

   "The egret said that if you take the medicine in this small porcelain bottle, it will keep you by my side forever, and no one can take you away."

  Cha Cha sneered, "I originally belonged to you, and no one can take it away." Hey, how could her poor family be so good?

   Well-behaved and soft!

  Want to kiss.

  Qiqi, [...] I always feel that this plane, the script of the two people is wrong.

   Oh, it seems that I got it wrong.

  Qiqi didn\'t see any further, silently shutting himself up.

   Ye Ming sighed, a bit of sadness in his eyes.

   "The egret also said..."

   "What?" Cha Cha hugged Ye Ming and tilted his head to look at him.

   The egret must have nothing good to say.

   She touched his face distressedly, "Tell me about it again, and I\'ll give up Egret and Su Hanxiao when I look back."

   Ye Ming\'s expression was gloomy, "Your Majesty can make a fuss about Su Hanxiao to the world, or you can ask His Majesty to marry me for my sake. In the future... there may be other people who will make the Prince fall in love..."

   In this world, many times, many people and many things, isn’t that how it is?

  I really like it.

   But in the end, I really don’t love it anymore.

   Both sides are hurt and miserable.

  Cha Cha squinted her eyes, but fortunately, she told Xiao Qiu her plan in advance, otherwise Xiao Qi would really be fooled by the egret.

   This sounds really sad.

  Chacha hugged him tightly, a look of helplessness flashed across his eyes.

   "Ye Ming, I don\'t know how to tell you, but, from the beginning to the end, I really only like you, before and now.

  Su Hanxiao, I don\'t know how to explain it to you, but... I really didn\'t like him, you can also understand that the person who likes Su Hanxiao is not me. "

   As for the specifics, she can\'t go on.

   That\'s all she could say.

   Ye Ming was stunned for a while, obviously full of doubts about her words.

   But he could feel that what she said was true.

   "I, I believe you." Ye Ming reached out and hugged Cha Cha back.

  Whether what she said is true or not, she can only have him by her side.

   He will not give anyone another chance to come to her.

   Ye Ming\'s eyes quickly flashed a shadow.

   She is his.

   The whole person is his.

   Both body and mind belong to him.

   Ye Ming suddenly picked up the person and walked towards the bed.

  Chacha blinked, a little surprised, can he hold her?

   Doesn\'t it mean that in this plane, boys are not as strong as girls?

   She should be holding him.

   Ye Ming caught her gaze, and he explained, "I have done a lot of rough work in the Ye family, so naturally I have more strength than ordinary men. Holding Chacha, there is no problem."

   (end of this chapter)