The Female Lead She Really Is Not Sweet

Chapter 1994: Prince Allure (26)

Chapter 1994 Prince Allure (26)

   Prince Allure 26

this day.

  Cha Cha took Ye Ming on a boat tour of the lake.

  The luxurious and high-profile ship has attracted the attention of many people by the lake.

   has been paying attention to the egret, who has been watching the movements of Prince An’s mansion.

   immediately arranged a painting boat.

   Let Su Hanxiao meet him by chance.

   He had already designed the specific scenarios.

   Above the painting boat, Su Han smiled and looked at the big ship from a distance.

  Originally, he should be standing there enjoying the envy of many people.

   Now, it has been replaced by someone else!

   is really a little unwilling.

  Su smiled and covered his expression, silently brainwashing himself, he was here to complete Alu\'s plan.

   Don\'t think too much.

   Of course, this plan can add to Ye Ming\'s fox, and he is very much looking forward to it.

  Su smiled and glanced at the boatman, who was specially arranged by Egret.

   So next, he just needs to fall into the water innocently and be rescued by King An.


   Big ship.

  Xiao Beizi ran to Cha Cha in a hurry, "My lord, our boat seems to have hit a painting boat and someone fell into the lake."

  Chacha, "...then save people quickly."

  Why so careless?

  Xiao Beizi looked at Ye Ming, and then at Cha Cha with an inappropriate expression.

   "My lord, it was Mr. Su who fell into the water."

  Cha Cha looked puzzled, "Which Young Master Su?"

  Xiao Beizi, "Young Master Su from the Shilang\'s Mansion."

   Who else is there besides him?

   Speaking of which, it is also a headache.

  The lord has a concubine, so Su Hanxiao ran over to entangle him again.

   I don\'t know if it\'s the enemy\'s road is narrow, or it\'s deliberately chasing after me, I feel bad when I think about it.

  Chacha said meaningfully, and after calculating the time, this egret should really make a move.

   In addition, as soon as the news of her and Ye Ming\'s marriage came out, the egret was even more unable to sit still.

   After some thought.

  Chacha guessed some clues.

   "Wait a minute to bring someone to bed, and a good life to entertain."

   she said calmly.

  Xiao Beizi paused, then left.

  Cha Cha squinted his eyes, exuding a bit of cold light.

   She turned around and held Ye Ming\'s hand, pulling him aside, "I have something to tell you."

   Cha Cha looked serious.

   Ye Ming was stunned for a moment, then suddenly panicked.

  Cha Cha came to Ye Ming\'s ear and said a few words to him.

   Ye Ming was shocked at first, then surprised, "..." She actually told him such an important thing?

   "Do you understand what I mean?" Cha Cha asked him.

   Ye Ming, "Understood."

   He will definitely complete the task according to her wishes.

  Chacha hummed.

  Since the show has begun, she will cooperate and sing the scene to the end.


   After Su Hanxiao was rescued, Xiao Beizi asked someone to give him **** soup and clean clothes.

  Su smiled and knew his plan.

   He took the initiative to ask Xiao Beizi, "Where\'s the prince? I want to thank him in person."

  Xiao Beizi snorted coldly, "No need to thank you. After all, it was our boat that collided with your boat, and it was right to rescue you."

  Su Hanxiao was not annoyed at being choked.

  He is the calm group at the moment.

   As Bailu said, even if King An wants to marry a new princess, he is still someone he can\'t get to King An.

   But those who can\'t get it will have some preference for it more or less.

   He was rescued and took care of him so intimately.

  This is enough to show that King An still thinks about him.

  Su Han smiled and took another sip of the **** soup, and sighed, "I used to be wrong, which made the prince sad. Now, it\'s normal that the prince doesn\'t want to see me."

  Xiao Beizi, "...???" You were submerged, and water entered your mind? ? ?

   is simply inexplicable!

   (end of this chapter)