The Female Lead She Really Is Not Sweet

Chapter 1984: Prince Allure (16)

Chapter 1984 Prince Allure (16)

   Prince Allure 16

  Chacha\'s remarks immediately stopped those tossing sons.

   They looked at Cha Cha in disbelief.

   What did she just say?

   Is there someone by her side?

   Just this man brought back from Chili Pavilion? Become the person beside An Wangye?

   These sons were in a complicated mood for a while.

   They never thought that Prince An would be so confused!

Someone couldn\'t help but speak out, like pain and unwillingness, "My lord, Su Hanxiao is also the son of the Shilang\'s family. all know!

   Even if you don\'t look down on us, you don\'t need to betray yourself, and find such a horrible man to take with you! "

  Cha Cha\'s face changed suddenly.

   She looked coldly at the man who spoke up.

   "Who am I interested in and what does it have to do with you? What are you? You dare to slander him?"

   The man\'s face turned red when he was reprimanded, and he was stared at by Cha Cha again. Soon, he covered his face and cried and ran away.

   And the rest of the other sons looked at each other in dismay.

  Ye Ming stood beside her, clearly feeling his heart beat uncontrollably.

   This is the first time that someone has stood by him without hesitation.

  Chacha continued indifferently, "Since you are all here, then I will leave the words here, Ye Ming, my people, I don\'t care what your dissatisfaction with him is, just hold it back for me!

  If you let me know, who dares to gossip behind his back, I will not let him go! "

   If you let go of this threat, Cha Cha pulls Ye Ming away.

   Too lazy to look at the faces of those people.

  If it is true, do these people really like her? No! It is nothing more than the name of An Wangye.

  If she wasn\'t Prince An, if she wasn\'t His Majesty\'s favorite younger sister, would these people give her a look?

   Only her poor family will never abandon her no matter what.

  Cha Cha took Ye Ming back to the main courtyard.

  Xiao Beizi dealt with those sons outside the door with emotion.

   "You guys please go back, my prince has someone in his heart, and you have seen it. Of course, I have to say one more thing. My prince has always done what he said, so don\'t offend Lord Ye if you think too much."

   everything is fine, everyone is fine.

  What if we can\'t be at peace with each other?


   Everyone is having a hard time.

  Those sons left in despair.

   Prince An has made what he said so clearly, what else can they say?

   They also need a face, so it\'s impossible to stay here.

   It’s a pity, why isn’t the person that Prince An has a crush on?

   First there was Su Hanxiao who didn\'t know what was good or bad.

   Now another young man from Qi Lige has appeared.


   King An, King An, why can’t you think about it so much?

  After this time, I don’t know how many sons will be so angry that their hearts are broken…

  The main courtyard.

  Cha Cha pointed to a room and said, "I live here."

   Ye Ming nodded.

  Chacha asked again, "Are you going to sleep in the room next to me? Or in the yard next to the main courtyard?"

   Ye Ming\'s face turned red.

   He lowered his head and replied in a low voice, "Ye Ming is the prince\'s person, so naturally he is in the same yard as the prince."

  chacha, "!"

   This is to say, to sleep in the room next to her.

  Hey, why is the poor little one so soft?

   Want to bully.

  Qiqi, […] You are calm and calm.

   He is shameless and wants to trick you.

   Qiqi hesitated for a moment, but finally swallowed all the words.

   That’s it, let’s not talk about it.

   Anyway, no matter how much it says, it can’t compare to this shameless remark.

   (end of this chapter)