The Female Lead She Really Is Not Sweet

Chapter 1893: Difficult to be the queen (17)

Chapter 1893 It’s hard to be a queen (17)


  Scented tea is cute and cute, and the whole body is full of aura.

   And at that time, he was embarrassed like a little princess on the run.

  Mu Yu\'s mood instantly became unhappy.

  I was in a bad mood, but I couldn\'t hold it back all of a sudden.

  Mu Yu quit Weibo.

   Holding the phone, he called Lu Hejing aggrievedly.

  Lu and Jing are still working on it.

   As soon as he saw that it was Muyu\'s call, he immediately answered it.

   "婳婳, aren\'t you recording a variety show?"

   Hearing Lu Hejing\'s concern, Mu Jing breathed a sigh of relief.

   However, after listening carefully, you will realize that Lu Hejing didn\'t watch her show at all today.

   Her show is live! Live variety show!

  Mu Yu felt even more aggrieved.

   "Brother Hejing, my variety show is a live broadcast, and it has been broadcast live all afternoon..." Mu Jing said of grievance.

   Lu Hejing understood on the spot.

   He reacted quickly and immediately realized his mistake.

   "I\'m sorry, there are too many things in the company. When I finish the work at hand, I will watch the replay immediately, okay?

  婳婳, I promise to watch your live broadcast tomorrow, dear, are you tired of recording the show alone? Wait until I find time to accompany you? "

   Lu Hejing said a few more good words before he could coax Mu Jing.

   However, there is a reason for the flower tea to make a phone call.

   And now, Lu Hejing didn\'t watch the live broadcast or surf the Internet, which means he didn\'t know about the flower tea.

  Mu Yu hesitated for a while.

   didn\'t mention the scented tea.

   If you mention scented tea now, it will make Lu Hejing feel hypocritical.

  Twilight was very smart not to mention the scented tea.

   But she believed.

   As long as Lu Hejing cared about himself, even if he went to the hot search for a few times, he would know about the encounter with flower tea.

   When the time comes, Lu Hejing will still come over to comfort her intimately.

  Mu Yu\'s mood suddenly improved a lot.

   She cared for Lu Hejing for a few words before hanging up.

  Mu Yu put away her mobile phone and glanced at the quilt on her body in the dim light. Even though the program team said that the quilt was just bought, she still disliked it very much.

   That’s all, just bear with it for a few more days.

   Lu and Jing didn\'t continue the work because of Mu Yu\'s phone call.

   He thought about it.

   I feel that Mu Yao\'s mood is not right.

   After all, he is the person on the apex of his heart.

   How could he be willing to make Muyu unhappy?

   Almost hurriedly flipped through the recording of the variety show, and at the same time let the assistant come in and asked the assistant about the live broadcast of the variety show by Mu Wei.

  As soon as the assistant heard the question, he knew what was going on.

The assistant    quickly told about Mu Yu\'s encounter with flower tea in the variety show, and pulled out the hot search for Lu Hejing to see.

   Lu Hejing\'s expression changed slightly.

  No wonder Mu Yu\'s voice doesn\'t sound right.

   It is estimated that he has been wronged again.

   I\'m afraid that I can\'t bear to talk about those grievances when I hear that I\'m working overtime.

   is always like this, one person swallows all grievances.

   was always afraid of causing trouble for him.

   Lu Hejing was very distressed.

  Lu Hejing raised his head and instructed his assistant, "In the future, you must report to me anything related to Muyu. Her affairs should be the first priority, understand?"

The assistant    was a little surprised, but he didn\'t dare to say anything more in the face of his boss\'s orders.

  BOSS must put Muyu\'s affairs first, and Muyu\'s affairs must be the first...

The assistant    suppressed the surprise in his heart and felt a little complicated.

  BOSS cares about Muyu so much, which is not a good thing for the company.


  Lu Hejing said again, "You go and make arrangements, I\'m going to Huadian Village overnight."

  Assistant, "...Okay."

  Lu Hejing put down his work, raised his hand and pressed his eyebrows.

   He was going to give Mu Yu a surprise.

After the assistant    left the office, he thought to himself: The saying that beauty is misleading is true.

  BOSS actually wanted to postpone all the work at hand for Muyu.

  These jobs are not very important to the company, but they are also very important.

   Once or twice is enough.

  If the boss is always like this, the company is afraid that it will be finished.

  The assistant went to arrange the next thing with emotion.

   I\'ve been in love with flower tea before, and I\'ve never seen BOSS like this.


  Lu and Jing were at dawn.

   arrived at Huadian Village.

   The program team was contacted immediately.

   As a rich and rich Lu BOSS.

   I invested a hand in the show team and turned into the show team\'s golden father.

  As the father of the gold master, he naturally has many benefits that others cannot enjoy.

   The program team welcomed Lu Hejing, the gold master.

   At the beginning, I was still thinking about the purpose of landing and Jingle here.

   I wondered if it was for the scented tea, but if it was for the scented tea, there was no need to invest in the show, and it had something to do with Lu Hejing, so there was only one Muyu left.

   There have been rumors before that Lu Hejing is very supportive of the company\'s artist Mu Wei.

  If he really came here for Mu Yu, then becomes very interesting.

   And...their show is a live variety show.

   Therefore, the program team emphatically reminded Dad Lu, "Mr. Lu, our programs are mainly live broadcasts."

  Lu Hejing, "I know, it won\'t affect the live broadcast of your program, but there is always a time limit for the live broadcast, right?"

   Or how about the father of the gold master?

   Dad Lu said these words, and the program team understood it in seconds.

Oh well!

  You are the father, you have the final say.

   Before the broadcast, what do you like?

  The program team dare not control it.

   Then, I heard Lu Hejing ask, "Where\'s Mu Yu from my company?"

  His purpose is simple and straightforward, and he doesn\'t go around detours.

   The program group understands it in seconds.

   Immediately let someone take Mr. Lu to the place where Mu Yu was staying.

   At the same time, the staff in the warning team are not allowed to talk nonsense, let alone leak the slightest information about President Lu.

   The people in the program group were very emotional.

   Mr. Lu broke up with the scented tea, saying that the scented tea had cheated.

   Subsequently, Huacha paid huge liquidated damages.

   Here...I don\'t know if there is any handwriting from President Lu.

  Of may be that they think too much.

   It may also be just Mr. Lu\'s pure love of the new and the old...

  The relationship is gone, so naturally I have to replace it with another one.

   As soon as Lu Hejing came to the place where Mu Yu was staying, they began to frown dissatisfiedly, "How can you live in such a place? She came to record the show, not to endure hardship. Is your show team short of money?"

   The staff shivered and explained in a low voice, "...This is the arrangement of the show team." He is a staff member and really can\'t decide the specific situation.

  Lu Hejing glanced at him, then walked in with frowned.

   The staff pointed to one of the rooms, "Miss Mu Yu stayed here last night, and the live broadcast will start in about an hour."

   The staff did not know whether their reminder was effective or not.

   The person in front of him is the father of the gold master, and he cannot offend him.

   After saying this, he panicked and left the house.

   Then he hurriedly communicated with the staff such as Mujing\'s follow-up photographer.

   This thing cannot go wrong.

  Don\'t take the picture of the gold master\'s father.

   (end of this chapter)