The Female Lead She Really Is Not Sweet

Chapter 1835: Prime Minister wait (3) 4,000 words

Chapter 1835 Prime Minister and wait (3) Four thousand character chapters

   Prime Minister and Slow Down 3

  Cha Cha took the boy\'s hand and turned to leave.

   The hem of the purple-purple clothes fluttered in the wind, and she only heard her coldly say, "Deputy commander, teach them what the rules are. If you commit the following crimes, they are also worthy?"

   The deputy commander understood the meaning of adults in seconds.

   But, I was a little surprised in my heart.

Lord    actually extended a helping hand to the sixth prince in a cold palace? It\'s really surprising.

   However, no matter what the lord does, as a subordinate, he has no right to intervene.

   All he has to do is complete the task according to the instructions of the adults.

   He glanced at the little eunuchs who were kneeling and begging for mercy, and punished them with a blank expression, "If you commit the following crimes, you should be executed. The Prime Minister\'s hands are not stained with blood, so each person has fifty large boards."

   The little eunuchs were all blacked out.

  Fifty boards?

   I\'m afraid I\'ll lose half my life.

   But... it\'s better than dying.

   They really couldn\'t understand why the Prime Minister came to the cold palace to save people?

   And he\'s still a useless sixth prince...

   A person that even the emperor ignores.

  Cha Cha took the sixth prince Fu Changye out of the palace very soon.

   It is absolutely impossible to take someone away from the cold palace and replace it with someone else.

   But who is she?

  The current Prime Minister.

   Even if a bunch of people were taken away from the palace, no one dared to say a word.


   Many people don\'t understand why the Prime Minister takes a useless waste out of the palace?

   Less than two incense sticks.

   spread throughout the entire palace, the prime minister took the sixth prince from the cold palace, not only that, but also taught several eunuchs for the sixth prince.

   Everyone speculated, is the sixth prince about to turn over?

   He was so lucky to be attracted by the Prime Minister?

   This matter spread to the East Palace and the second prince, and the two almost went crazy.

  The prince was so angry that he smashed a lot of things. He was clearly the prince. He even went to the prime minister\'s mansion in order to see the prime minister, but he was turned away.

   That’s fine.

   In less than a day, the Prime Minister actually brought a piece of trash back to the Prime Minister\'s mansion?

   Isn\'t this hitting him in the face?

  The prince was very dissatisfied with the prime minister.

   He ignored it, and went straight to the imperial study to tell His Majesty about it.

   Of course, the crown prince did not forget to add fuel to the story, and deliberately made the Prime Minister\'s behavior extraordinarily unpleasant.

for example:

  The Crown Prince was filled with righteous indignation, "Father, the Prime Minister, although he has learned to be rich, how can he act so recklessly? Take a prince away from the cold palace at will?

   Is he telling everyone that he has great power? Father Emperor, it\'s not that the sons and ministers deliberately provoked, it is really that he does not have the humility that a courtier should have!

  If he acts recklessly like this again, one day he doesn\'t like his son, will he take his son out of the palace at will, and then solve it? ? ? "

  The emperor glanced at the prince displeasedly, "Don\'t think that others can\'t see your thoughts, isn\'t it because the prime minister shut you out? What\'s there to be angry about?

  You have to understand that he is the prime minister, and his ability is closely related to the power I gave him.

  If he didn\'t have that ability, she would never be the prime minister.

   In this case, what you have to do is to have a good relationship with her instead of ruining your future! "

The    emperor was very unhappy, but he had already done everything he could.

  If the boss still can\'t keep the crown prince, then he can\'t do anything about it.

   All the roads, he has already paved for the boss, but this stupid son, he is not willing to go on...

   Who can blame this?

   probably missed the country.

   Immediately afterwards, the more the emperor thought about it, the more angry he became, and the more angry he became, the more upset he became, and then he scolded the prince again.

  The prince was scolded bloody, and he didn\'t even understand what he had done wrong.

   It\'s just a few words, how did he anger the emperor?

  The prince went out of the imperial study in a depressed mood.

   Does he have to please the prime minister?

Do not!

   He won\'t!

   He should not lower his status to please a courtier!

   No one can let him please people.


  The Prime Minister\'s House.

  People did not expect that the Prime Minister would suddenly bring back a boy.

The    boy looked two or three years younger than the prime minister.

   Of course, it was mainly because their prime ministers were young and promising.

   At a young age, he was the prime minister of the Tianshu Kingdom, and he was especially highly regarded by His Majesty.

   "Take him to a bath first."

  Cha Cha slowly opened his mouth and looked at the boy beside him calmly.

   "Let them take you to a bath, okay?"

  The young man hesitated for a moment. When he first arrived in an unfamiliar environment, he was wary of everything he saw.

   He didn\'t know why the person in front of him was so kind to him, but he thought, what is the purpose?

   However, he was still somewhat grateful for bringing him out of the cold palace, and whatever the prime minister wanted to do with him would be regarded as his reward.

  Thanks to the Prime Minister for bringing him out of the cold palace. Although he is penniless, he also understands that there is no free lunch in this world.

  For a moment, the boy nodded, "I take a bath, but I can do it myself, no one else..."

   His voice was cold, bone-chilling.

   "Okay." Cha Cha agreed and let someone take him to the soup pool.

  Chacha saw that his mood was still calm, so he didn\'t follow him.

   She lay back on her exclusive soft couch.

   Several maids waited immediately.

   This kind of life is really beautiful!

  Chacha enjoy everything calmly.

I do not know how long it has been.

   Fu Changye was led over by the vice commander.

   At that time, Fu Changye had changed into new clothes.

  Cha Cha raised his eyes and looked over. The boy had red lips and white teeth, and was unusually handsome. He was completely different from the dirty boy just now.

   "Well, very good, Chang Ye, you will follow me from now on, Your Majesty, I will let him agree, Deputy Commander, take him to dinner."

   "Why don\'t you thank the Prime Minister soon?" Seeing that he was silent, the deputy commander couldn\'t help but urged in a low voice.

   "Long Ye thanked the adults." The boy bowed and saluted.

  Cha Cha frowned, "It doesn\'t have to be."

   After a pause, she said again.

   "In the future, there will be no sixth prince in the Prime Minister\'s residence, only Chang Ye. For you, this will be a brand new beginning."

   She hopes he can start a good life again.

   Those days in the palace were too painful for him.

  The deputy commander took the long-night front hall for dinner.

   In the bottom of my heart, I couldn\'t help but be amazed.

   Where are these six princes so good?

   To make the Prime Minister take such care?

  Is it impossible, is there any potential in the sixth prince?

   But... it doesn\'t look like it?

  The sixth prince who grew up in the cold palace really has nothing.

  I can’t even get enough to eat, why is it, my lord?

   The deputy commander couldn\'t help but glance at the sixth prince.

   Really confused...

   Should not be carried on the shoulders and cannot be lifted by the hands.

  What do you want this boy to do?

  Do you want to eat rice?

   Chang Ye felt his gaze, turned his head and smiled lightly, "What\'s the matter with the deputy commander?"

  Deputy Commander, "No...just curious, where did your lord fall in love with you?"

   Chang Ye, "...I don\'t know either. If the deputy commander guessed it someday, I hope the deputy commander will give some pointers."

   The deputy commander shook his head and sighed.

   "I can\'t guess the thoughts of adults."

   paused, then added, "My lord is different from other people. As long as you are in the Prime Minister\'s Mansion, you are honest and don\'t act like a demon, you will naturally not be bullied like you are in the cold palace."

   "Thanks for the suggestion, Deputy Commander." Chang Ye lowered his eyes and thanked him.

   Deputy Commander, "You don\'t have to be so polite."

   After the meal, Cha Cha let people take a long night to rest, and did not arrange any tasks for him.

   This made Fu Changye a little uncertain about her temper.


   The next day.

  Cha Cha went to the palace.

   Outside the imperial study, I happened to meet the prince.

  The crown prince sneered frequently, "The Prime Minister is really majestic. Which prince are you going to take out of the palace this time? You really don\'t care about the royal family at all!"

  Cha Cha walked forward indifferently, not intending to pay any attention to him at all.


  It\'s just trash.

  The second prince, Fu Changming, can solve the prince with his hands.

  Unfortunately, the prince has not realized his situation until now.

   I don’t know if the emperor will be so angry that he will collapse.

   This country will sooner or later be in the hands of others.

   Until Cha Cha pushed open the door of the imperial study, the prince\'s muttering stopped abruptly.

   was obviously afraid that the emperor would hear him.

  Chacha, "..." The prince is also really counseled.

   Alas, the useless waste is the crown prince, not the sixth prince.

  Chacha straight to the point, and directly stated the purpose of his trip.

The    emperor frowned and hesitated for a moment.

   In the end, I still agreed with the meaning of Chacha.

   Let her take the sixth prince with her first.

   As for the future? Let\'s talk about the future...

After    walked out of the imperial study, Cha Cha did not leave the palace.


   She has other things to do.

   taught the prince and other princes.

  Chacha, "..." is actually nothing to teach.

   In this first lesson, she brought the crown prince, the second prince and other princes directly to the Huanyi Bureau.

  The entrance of the Huanyi Bureau.

  Cha Cha stood with his hands behind his back and said indifferently.

"During a cup of tea, you are here to carefully watch what happened in the Huanyi Bureau. You are not allowed to disturb, laugh or communicate. In short, you are not allowed to make unnecessary noises. If you can\'t do it, and If it affects others, then copy the Three Character Classic a hundred times."

   "Three Character Classic?" The prince looked at her in disbelief, his eyes full of suspicion, "Aren\'t you a fake prime minister?"

   Actually punished for copying the Three Character Classic?

   They all carried it back when they were children, okay?

   "Prince please don\'t make a sound, do you still remember your current task?" Cha Cha reminded.

  Prince, "..." can\'t even have a question?

   Several people have not made a sound.

  The manager of the Huanyi Bureau couldn\'t sit still.

   Seeing so many noble characters, the whole person who was frightened by the manager panicked.

   hurriedly stopped what he was doing, and hurried over to meet him.

  Chacha, "Just do your own business, don\'t worry about us, and don\'t delay the progress of your clothes-washing bureau."

   Even if she said so, the manager was still a little worried.

   After a cup of tea.

  Cha Cha flicked his sleeves and left.

  Huanyi was outside, and Cha Cha stopped.

   "First question, what do you think of the prince and you? A palace maid was beaten just now."

  The prince was dismissive.

   "You just bring Prince Ben to see this? Will you teach? If you don\'t, just leave the palace and don\'t waste Prince Ben\'s time!"

  Chacha, "Oh, the prince has no opinion, then the next one."

  Prince, "...Wait, when did I lose my opinion!"

   "Then you say it." Cha Cha answered indifferently.

   "Just say it." The prince was angry, but occasionally his brain responded faster.

   "It\'s normal for a palace maid to be beaten. She didn\'t do her job well, shouldn\'t she be beaten? If she doesn\'t do well, she will be beaten, otherwise how can she be a palace maid?

   What\'s more, the status of palace maids and eunuchs is inherently low, and they can\'t even do laundry well, and they will not only be beaten, but also deducted money! "

  Cha Cha glanced at the others.

   "Do you have the same views as the prince? You can say if you have different views. If not, then the next question."

  "..." What answered her was a long silence.

  Cha Cha smiled lightly, "Second question, how should she change her current situation?"

  The prince responded quickly, "Climb up hard, push the head down, and you\'ll be able to turn around and take revenge in no time!"

  Cha Cha, "So what does this say?"

  Prince, "...the higher the status, the less likely to be bullied; the lower the status, the more likely to be trampled underfoot."

  Cha Cha gave the Prince more eyes.

"This is the first lesson to be taught to you. Although the prince\'s understanding sounds good, it is not comprehensive enough. Go back and think about it for yourself. Try to look at the problem from another angle. Time to move on to the next lesson."

   After the words fell, Cha Cha raised his feet and left.

   The second prince raised his eyebrows and called to her, "Master Prime Minister, dare I ask what you think?"

  Chacha, "I can\'t talk about opinions, it\'s just more ideas than you.

   In the palace, the maids would be punished, beaten and scolded by the stewards, and there is no day to come, what if it was in the folk? Will the people be oppressed by local officials? "

   "You are wrong! How can you think of the common people from a trivial matter?" The prince retorted.

   "How can the prince be sure that the maid didn\'t do what she should do?" Cha Cha asked back.

  The maid did not do her own thing, which led to the beating. This is just the prince\'s guess, and they did not go over to ask.

  Prince, "Okay, even if she was beaten because she was in charge, what does her life and death have to do with this prince? There are so many maids in the palace, why is it that the prince has to manage why each maid is beaten and scolded?

  This prince is the prince of Tianshu Kingdom, and he has to deal with national affairs, so he doesn\'t have so much time to deal with trivial matters.

   In the same way, if the people are not the people, it is impossible for me to take into account every one of the people. If they are bullied, it is their life. "

  Cha Cha took a closer look at the prince.

"You are very wrong. You are a prince. If you become an emperor in the future, then this world will be your world, and all the people in the world will be your people. Your people are suffering and being bullied. You should reflect on why This will happen, instead of pushing all the issues out of the way and setting yourself apart.

   Since ancient times, water can carry a boat and capsize it. If you ask this question to your father, he will never give such a one-sided answer. "

   The beating of the palace maid is small, but what about the reasons behind it?

   The steward has a jade bracelet on her wrist. The jade bracelet is in excellent condition and does not match her own. After a thorough investigation, will they pull out all kinds of bribes?

  Unfortunately, no one considered it comprehensively, and their thinking stayed on the same level as the Prince\'s thinking.

   (end of this chapter)