The Female Lead She Really Is Not Sweet

Chapter 1821: Learning scum is not scum (35)

Chapter 1821 Learning scum is not scum (35)

  Study scum is not scum 35

   Then Chu Han saw Cha Cha took out his phone and excitedly said to him, "What game do you like to play? Let\'s go together!"

   Chu Han, "..."

   He wanted to open the brain of the elementary school scumbag to see what was inside.

   He sighed and silently took out his phone.

   "I can, I can play whatever you want."

  Chacha, "Okay!"

   Qiqi couldn\'t stand it anymore, [Chacha, he\'s shameless, he\'s thinking about other things, he doesn\'t want to just play games. 】

  Chacha, "? Qiqi, don\'t talk nonsense, you are not him, how can you know his mind?"

   Qiqi, […I can tell at a glance! He wants to open a room to do shameless things, he is shameless! 】

  chacha, “…”

   She quietly glanced at Chu Han.

   Oh, it looks normal, can\'t see anything.

  I don\'t think he\'s... thinking of something else.

   Doing exam papers and playing games, isn’t it normal?

   As I was thinking, a message from Zhou Er came.

  Tea Tea opened a group chat and glanced at it.

  Zhou Er: Hey, she poured me a drink, I\'m scared!

  Cha Cha: ... can you drink?

   Zhou Er: Okay! I can\'t tell if she\'s drugged, though.

  Chacha: Don’t panic, even if you get the medicine, it won’t get in the way, we are all here, we will get you back before you lose your innocence!

   Zhou Er: …………

   Zhou Er stared blankly at the red wine in front of him, hesitated for a while, but still didn\'t drink it.

  Li Wan was not annoyed, she reached out and took the glass of red wine and drank it in front of Zhou Er.

   "I\'m not going to prescribe drugs yet, so I won\'t do the tricks. I know you doubt me, and I know Chacha may have told you a lot about me, but..."

   "You\'re wrong, she didn\'t speak ill of you." Zhou Er frowned and interrupted Li Wan.

  Li Wan was stunned for a while, then laughed bitterly, "I\'m still jealous, Zhou Er, I\'m just too envious of her..." After speaking, Li Wan took another drink.

   After two glasses of red wine, I gradually got drunk.

Her eyes were confused and she said her own \'heart words\', "I have been with Cha Cha for many years, and I know very well what kind of person she is. From beginning to end, it was all because I was jealous of her, but such a dazzling pearl, How could I not be envious?"

   Zhou Er looked at Li Wan silently, not quite understanding how she was going to sing this play.

  Li Wan seemed to be drunk, repeating a few words back and forth.

   Zhou Er gradually became impatient.

  "..." Didn\'t Li Wan think she got the point wrong?

   Didn\'t she invite him to clear the relationship?

  Why did you mention Brother Cha again?

  Hey, I didn\'t even mention the business.

  Li Wan was still talking, Zhou Er started to eat out of boredom and couldn\'t drink alcohol, but there should be no problem with eating a dish.

Ten minutes later.

  Li Wan finally talked about the two of them.

   Zhou Er suddenly felt a little emotional, and finally got down to business.


Li Wan, "I really like you very much, you don\'t know, I have been tempted to you a long time ago, but I haven\'t confessed to you for a long time, and I haven\'t taken any action. Now, when I have It\'s too late to act, Zhou Er, did we just miss it?"

   She looked at him with a blurry look.

   Zhou Er replied seriously, "I missed it, I will go back first if I have nothing to do."

  Li Wan, "..."

   Fortunately, she has a killer.

  Li Wan staggered to his feet, came to Zhou Er, staggered under his feet, and fell on Zhou Er.

   Zhou Er, "...?" Damn, don\'t touch the porcelain!

   Zhou Er panicked, but didn\'t reach out to help him.

   His hands hurriedly behind his back.

   "Li Wan, I didn\'t touch you, don\'t touch me!"

  Li Wan slowly stood up unwillingly, her footsteps were unsteady, she shook her head, as if trying to keep herself awake.

  Li Wan, "Zhou Er, can you take me upstairs? I can\'t go home like this, and I can\'t go anywhere else, let me have a good rest by myself."

   Zhou Er\'s face turned black.

   Finally got to the point.

Open house.

   Zhou Er called the staff, "Please help to bring her upstairs, I\'m not familiar with her."

As soon as the    voice fell, Li Wan held onto him tightly and did not let go.

   "I don\'t! I want you!"

   Zhou Er was at a loss.

   "Why are you awake and confused now?"

   Are all drunk people like this? Or... Li Wan was not drunk?

   Deliberately trick him?

   Zhou Er understood it instantly.

   He reluctantly pulled Li Wan, "Don\'t do this, we\'re fine, you\'ll make me unclear."

   The more he said this, the more Li Wan pulled him.

The staff next to    had no choice but to suggest, "Sir, why don\'t you send her upstairs? We can\'t touch her in her state."

   Zhou Er said fiercely, "Why let me send it? What if I depend on me? I\'m not her boyfriend!"

As soon as the    voice fell, Li Wan pulled even tighter.

   Several people looked at each other.

   Finally, Zhou Er scolded Li Wan upstairs.

  While riding the elevator, Zhou Er sent a message to Chacha.


   Zhou Er pointed to the room, "You go in by yourself, I won\'t go in."

  Li Wan\'s eyes were cold.

  Where is there any drunkenness?

   She really didn\'t expect that Zhou Er still hasn\'t taken the bait after reaching this point?

  Li Wan\'s heart fluttered, and she threw herself directly on Zhou Er.

   The other hand held the key card and opened the door.

   Before Zhou Er could react, he brought the person into the room, then closed the door, locked it quickly, and at the same time threw the card in the room.

   Zhou Er, "???" You are shameless on the horse! ! !

   Zhou Er knew that Li Wan was shameless and would plot against him.

  I didn\'t expect to be so shameless?

   In broad daylight.

   How dare she do such a thing?

   Zhou Er was almost shocked by Li Wan\'s shamelessness.

   He reached out and was about to pull Li Wan off him.

   "I know you\'re not drunk, don\'t pretend to be drunk for Lao Tzu!"

  Li Wan didn\'t answer Zhou Er and continued to pull him.

   wrapped his hands tightly around his neck.

   Zhou Er\'s face became colder and colder. Although Li Wan made a ruthless attack, Zhou Er\'s strength was much stronger than Li Wan\'s.

   Soon, Zhou Er pulled Li Wan apart.

   He stared at Li Wan impatiently, "Can you love yourself a little bit? I said I don\'t beat girls, why do you have to force me to do something to you?"

  Li Wan looked back coldly, "No one can stop what I want to do! Zhou Er, I won\'t let you leave like this!"

   She must have Zhou Er and her tightly involved.

  Things have come to this point.

   She won\'t look back.

  Li Wan raised her feet and continued to grab Zhou Er.

   Zhou Er, "...?" Are you sick on horseback!

   Seeing that something was wrong, Zhou Er couldn\'t bear it any longer, so he kicked over and kicked Li Wan to the ground.

   At the same time, Zhou Er was wronged and muttered, "Sin is a sin, I didn\'t mean to hit a girl, she is not a girl, she is a devil, devil ah ah ah ah!"

   If he doesn\'t kick her, he\'s done.

   He was just protecting himself, nothing more.

   While Li Wan fell to the ground and didn\'t get up due to pain, Zhou Er hurried to open the door.

  The moment the door opened, Zhou Er was like a new life.

   (end of this chapter)