The Female Lead She Really Is Not Sweet

Chapter 103: Big brother's little cute (31) plus more

Chapter 103 The big guy\'s little cute (31) plus more

  Chacha\'s eyes were full of unstoppable smiles.

   "Qiqi, isn\'t my name already very loud!"

【right! Chacha is great! 】 Qiqi also followed happily.

   Immediately after, she looked at Ning Feng eagerly.

   "Xiao Fengzi, you say, should I go and walk around that street now? Let them all know me?"

  Ning Feng, "???"

   His tea brother\'s focus is really unusual.

   Shouldn\'t we pay attention to her appearance in the legend?



   Before he could speak, Zhou Qinghuan retorted, "Not now."

   He was just glad that those people outside didn\'t know about his little girl, what if he ran outside for a few laps?

   Will there be a bunch of rotten peach blossoms after that?

  No no no no.

   He must put an end to this possibility!

  Ning Feng was shocked by Brother Zhou\'s decisive rejection, "!!!"

   He looked at Brother Zhou in astonishment, your little cutie has been passed down as a strong man, aren\'t you angry? Even if you\'re not angry, didn\'t you help clarify it?

   Brother Zhou, you have changed!

   Don\'t you like your little cutie?

   In just a few seconds, many thoughts flashed in Ning Feng\'s mind.

   In the end, they were all rejected by him.

   It wasn\'t until he saw that his brother Zhou was coaxing Brother Cha and cute like a big-tailed wolf, he didn\'t know that his brother Zhou was really shameless!

   Listen to what Brother Zhou said, is that human?

   "Chacha, you have to remember, I\'m your brother Zhou. In some things, you have to ask me if I can do it first."

   "Like now, it\'s not okay to go out for a few laps as you said."

   "We have to plan for the long-term. Your name has finally come to fruition. At this time, it is not to chase after the victory, but to keep a low profile."

   "You should study eat, play games... As you said, life should have a sense of mystery and expectation."

"Brother Cha\'s name has been passed around in their ears, but it has never appeared, which is equivalent to adding a lot of mystery in their hearts! In this way, when you appear again in the future, their reaction will be even greater. !"

   Zhou Qinghuan said earnestly, with that serious look, Ning Feng almost believed it.

   He glanced at Brother Cha quietly.

   Well, sure enough, his innocent and lovely brother Cha believed it.

  Cha Cha tilted his head and looked at Zhou Qinghuan, his eyes full of seriousness and admiration, "So much to think about! Thank you Brother Zhou!"

  School bully is not easy to be!

   There is a long way to go!

  Mystery and anticipation!

   Well, she remembered!

   Zhou Xiaoba nodded with satisfaction, "Chacha is great." Little cute is so coaxing.

   In order to reward his little cutie, he thought about it, "Chacha, do you have anything to eat? Let\'s go eat together at noon."

   heard the words.

  Cha Cha put down the phone, glanced at random, and then replied seriously, "I won\'t tell you."

   Zhou Qinghuan, "???"

   "Huh? Haven\'t thought about it yet? Don\'t worry, think about it slowly, let\'s go together after you think about it." His voice was full of helplessness.


  Chacha made another cut, Ruannuo\'s voice was very serious and serious.

   "I won\'t be with you if I don\'t tell you!"

   Zhou Qinghuan was stunned, "..." Did he just say something wrong? Why don\'t you go with him?

  Cha Cha saw his reaction, a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

   "Brother Zhou, didn\'t expect it! Isn\'t it full of mystery and anticipation?"


  What a sense of mystery and anticipation!

   There is only a feeling of panic and disappointment!

   He dug a hole for her, and she dug a hole for him again?


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   (end of this chapter)