The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 31

Ruan song is there. She doesn\'t care about buying vegetables. As long as she goes with her, Ruan song can load a cart of vegetables, fruits and snacks loved by the original owner.

Back home, she can\'t cook.

Because young master Ruan song perfectly inherited their father\'s cooking.

When washing the dishes, Ruan Song said that girls should be careful to protect their hands, so they bear it alone.

While Ruan Tang was lying on the sofa watching TV, 477 jumped around in front of her: [host, this task is too enjoyable!]

In the last eschatological world, the host could not stop fighting for survival, food, base and future without time to enjoy.

Ruan Tang: "good people are rewarded!"

477: [does the host admit that he is a good man?]

Ruan Tang: "... No, I\'m not a good man!"

Where can there be a good man with blood on his hands like her?

Most good people don\'t live long, but disasters can last a thousand years!

She doesn\'t want to be a good person!


Hard spoken, soft hearted, duplicity.

After Ruan song washed the dishes, they sat and watched TV for a while and went back to their rooms.

When Ruan Tang went to bed, he really felt that his brother was too sensible. He even changed clean sheets and quilt covers.

The sensible brother is sending a message to his good brother in the study at the moment.

Ge Qiang: "monitor the Liu family? Your baby sister was bullied?"

Qin Wenyuan: "I\'ll find a way to see if I can install some monitors!"

Ruan song: "find some more people, help me stare at Chen Huiya, and notify me when she goes out!"

Bullying Ruan Tang depends on his answer!

Ge Qiang: "then I\'ll find some of my father\'s capable men."

Ge Qiang: "what the hell did your mother do? You haven\'t been so angry for a long time!"

Qin Wenyuan: "ask the same question."

Ruan song: "my sister went home today and broke off her relationship with Ms. Chen!"

Ge Qiang: "what are you talking about?! is my sister so cool? I\'ve cut off the relationship directly?"

Qin Wenyuan: "it\'s good to break off the relationship. You can take care of each other at home."

Ruan Song said he felt the same way. Not only that, there will be a newspaper explanation on the lawyer\'s side soon. At that time, as Ruan Tang said, Ms. Chen has nothing to do with them!

After explaining to his friends, Ruan song checked Chen yunnuo online according to the information mentioned by Ruan Tang.


In the hotel, Mingyu doesn\'t know how many times he picked up his mobile phone.

Pepper is really a little white eyed wolf. He doesn\'t even know to call when he\'s gone.

People who saw this scene wanted to poke themselves in the eyes.

Ah Du sighed. Miss Ruan was really poisonous. The young master with a firm heart was poisoned!

Big Feifei, sure enough, the power of love is immeasurable. The young master fell into it so quickly!

The two then reported on the investigation.

After going through the formalities today, Chen Hui stepped on the heels of her high heels in an elegant manner. When she returned home, she was very angry. Her obedient adopted daughter and the servant who didn\'t cook for Ruan Tang were angry.

Zhou Jiacheng, the successor of the Zhou family, looks at a good-looking talent. In fact, he has known and had a relationship with Chen yunnuo for a long time. He is a scum man with no integrity and no responsibility. He is a hypocrite.

In addition, the pervert who played hooligans in the hotel and the process of handling the case at that time made an investigation report.

As "enthusiastic citizens", they "kindly" sent the evidence to the new mayor and so on.

Mingyu was not satisfied: "before sentencing, find a few people and let the pervert taste the feeling of being touched!"

ADU: "... Woman?"

Mingyu: "man!"

ADU Dafei: "

Young master is really crazy!