The Father of Superheroes

Chapter 416: Sure

Iron Woman, no, it should be Fiora.

Just as she stabilized her body, she saw Mike flying towards her.

Her face changed and she flew home.

Right now, there was only one thought in her mind.

Her son, Oren!

But as soon as she flew a distance, Mike blocked her.

"Go away!"

She roared angrily, her eyes instantly turned red, and two hot eyes shot towards Mike.

Mike\'s eyes flashed and he greeted him with thermal vision.

The thermal vision of the two sides slammed together in mid-air, and the terrifying energy flew around, as if the space was going to be burned through, and began to distort and distort at the intersection.

Mike snorted coldly, his thermal vision skyrocketed, knocking Fiora out, and before the others had stabilized, he had already appeared behind Fiora.

There was a flash of light in his hand, and a kryptonite short gun flashing green light appeared in his hand, and lightly pointed at Fiora\'s neck.

The strength of the two began to drain rapidly and slowly fell to the ground.

Fiora\'s face became very ugly, and she finally recognized Mike.

The man who killed General Zod and other Kryptonians in the Battle of New York, she was no match at all.

"Don\'t move!" Mike felt the disappearing power and said, "I want to talk to you."

Fiora nodded silently.

Mike waved away the kryptonite pistol in his hand and flew to the apartment.

Fiora quickly followed.

When the two returned to the apartment, Fiora rushed straight to Oren, holding the little guy in his arms.

Oren: ?)?Д?(

Why do you suddenly hug me?

Although it is very happy to be hugged by Iron Woman, why do you want to hug me?

Oren\'s little head was full of question marks.

"Oren, my Oren, are you all right?"

Fiora asked in a low voice, running her hands from Oren back and forth.

Oren\'s face instantly turned as red as a tomato.

"What are you doing!"

Oren waited for Fiora, his eyes wandering.

Fiora breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Oren\'s suspicious eyes, gritted his teeth, and removed the battle suit on his body.

As the suit disappeared, so did the disguise on Fiora\'s face.

Looking at the familiar face, Oren\'s eyes widened.

"mom, Mom, Mom!"

His mother is Iron Woman?

Fiora touched Oren\'s head, put it behind him, looked at Mike calmly and said, "What do you want me to do?"

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She is very aware of Mike\'s power and knows that she can\'t escape in front of Mike, but the other party didn\'t kill her the first time, which means that it is useful to get her.

Gwen\'s eyes flashed with joy, and said, "We need you..."

"and many more!"

Mike raised his hand and said to Gwen, "I\'ll talk about that later. I have a question for her."

Fiora pursed her lips and her eyes were gloomy. She had probably guessed Mike\'s question.

"Who is the father of this child?"

Hearing Mike\'s question, Gwen was a little inexplicable, but Oren showed his head from behind Fiora, looked at his mother, and looked at Mike again, a thought flashed in his mind, and his eyes widened.

Could it be that this man is his... father?

He hurriedly looked at his mother.

Fiora pursed her lips and squeezed a few words between her teeth.

"It\'s none of your business."

Gwen also looked at his father strangely, wondering why Mike asked this question.

Noticing Gwen\'s eyes, Mike explained: "This kid is very similar to Clark\'s childhood."


Gwen screamed and looked at the child.

And Oren also blinked, looking at Fiora with questioning eyes.

It\'s a pity that Fiora\'s face is expressionless and can\'t see any emotion at all.

Mike raised his hand, a card appeared on his fingertips, and said, "Does it have anything to do with me? It\'s not that you deny it with a single word."

When the words fell, the cards in his hand turned into light spots and dissipated.

Name: Professor X.

Mike\'s eyes flashed, and the power of the mind drilled into Fiora\'s head with his thoughts.


He couldn\'t get into Fiora\'s head at all.

This is definitely not a Kryptonian ability, so...

He said indifferently: "Did you take down the mind shielding device, or did I take it myself?"

Fiora\'s body trembled slightly.

As a female commander under General Zod, she has never been threatened like this before.


She looked at Oren in her arms and said with difficulty, "I\'ll take..."

Saying that, she slowly stretched her hand to the back of her neck, put Mike and Gwen\'s attention on her hand, hugged Oren, and rushed out.

But Mike is faster than him.

His body flashed, and when Fiora wanted to leave, he blocked it, and a kryptonite short gun appeared in his hand again.

Fiora\'s face turned pale and took two steps back.

"Don\'t drain my patience with these little tricks."

Mike said lightly, and a touch of killing intent permeated.

Fiora looked at Oren and saw her son looking up at her. She took a deep breath and took off a black device the size of a thumb nail that was covered by hair at the back of her neck.

This is the mind shield invented by the Kryptonians. In the Battle of New York, it was with this thing that Charles\'s ability lost its effect...

In the next moment, Mike\'s eyes narrowed, and the power of the mind entered Fiora\'s mind.

Even Kryptonians cannot resist this level of spiritual power.

After a while, Mike withdrew his ability, and Fiora put the mind shielding device on his neck with an ugly face.

Gwen asked curiously, "Dad, this child?"

"It\'s Clark\'s son."

"What?" Gwen exclaimed and said, "How is it possible? Brother and her? But he has been missing for seven She looked at Fiora and Oren in shock, while Oren But quietly wrote down the name of Clark.

"Clark\'s disappearance has something to do with her. She and the stars caught Clark."

Mike said while looking at Fiora.

The cold murderous aura rested on Fiora\'s neck like a sharp blade.

"Then this child?"

"It\'s artificial insemination."

Mike\'s eyes twitched slightly.

Luckily it wasn\'t what he thought.

However, this Fiora\'s idea is also very strange.

I wanted to keep the blood of Kryptonians, and I didn\'t want to mix other bloodlines, so I used Clark as a tool man and gave birth to a pure-blooded Kryptonian child.

Gwen breathed a sigh of relief, then excitedly asked Fiora, "What about my brother? Where is he?"

Fiora shook his head, with no expression on his cold face, and said slowly, "I don\'t know, I haven\'t seen him since then."

Mike nodded.

He had already seen this in Fiora\'s mind.

"Is he still alive?"

Gwen asked eagerly.

"she does not know."

Mike said softly.

Regarding Clark\'s information, he has searched Fiora\'s head all over the place.