The Father of Superheroes

Chapter 359: "Stealing" is not a bad thing, is it?

Due to a misoperation, he, who should have been traveling on the timeline, directly traveled through the world and came to the current new universe, and the energy of the time-space shuttle was completely consumed.

"I\'ll just say, if you just travel through time, it\'s impossible to use so much energy!"

"No, now is not the time to think about that..."

Wade was silent for a while, and said in a narration tone: "Wade is very sad now, super sad!"

Gwen was about to chime in when he suddenly felt sick.

I saw Wade slapped the time shuttle on his wrist, and then couldn\'t help but licked it lightly, kissed it twice, and then...

"Damn it! The energy is not full! Can\'t my love be used to recharge? What a piece of shit!"

He couldn\'t help cursing loudly, but smiled again and said, "Fortunately, I know how to charge."

Gwen couldn\'t help shaking his head when he looked at Wade babbling on.

This guy can\'t be seen as a normal person at all.

She stood up from the edge of the rooftop, turned around and jumped, landed on the roof, and said to Wade, "Goodbye, Deadpool."

"Wait a minute!" Wade stopped Gwen: "You helped me, I want to repay you!"

"Repay? How much will you give me?"

"I\'m a poor ghost." Wade changed his voice and said, "However, I\'m a mercenary. If you have someone you want to kill, give it to me."

Gwen thought about it.

People who want to kill...


Shaking his head, Gwen said: "Goodbye, and, don\'t do bad things, you will be caught by superheroes."

Wade waved frantically at Gwen\'s back, and after Gwen disappeared in front of his eyes, he raised his head and said quietly: "What a wonderful girl, it\'s a pity she\'s too young, otherwise I\'ll fall in love with her."

But don\'t do bad things?

Stealing shouldn\'t be such a bad thing!

Wade thought about it for a while and nodded with certainty.

Not counting! He didn\'t kill anyone!

And, how does he get home without doing something?

Thinking of this, Wade sighed heavily.

He can\'t do it! He was forced!

He jumped for life...

"I rely on!"

With a desperate cry, he fell down the stairs.

He forgot that this was the thirteenth floor.


He fell to the ground and became an abstract painting, but his injuries were recovering quickly.

At the same time, a technology company called AIM is conducting human experiments in a secret research institute.

A man with meticulously combed hair was standing in the observation room on the second floor with a woman with long hair, a good-looking appearance, and a white coat, looking down at the upcoming experiment below, with a serious expression.

In the laboratory on the first floor, several experimenters were busy in front of each experimental subject.

"Aldridge, is that person trustworthy? Just let him participate in our experimental project..."

Wearing a white coat, Maya Hansen looked at Aldridge Killian hesitantly beside her, and her words were full of worry.

Killian\'s gaze fell on an experimenter below.

The man had messy hair and a beard that grew haphazardly. His entire face looked like a ball of fur covered in thick hair, with only a pair of bright and frenzied eyes sticking out.

"Does it matter?"

A smile appeared on Killian\'s face, and he turned to look at Maya Hansen: "As long as he can help us with the desperate virus at night and improve the success rate of injection fusion, is he trustworthy? Does it matter?"

Maya Hansen hesitated and nodded firmly: "Important!"

She knows how much potential this project has, and if the other party has bad intentions...

"Rest assured, everything is under control."

Killian said lightly. Seeing what Maya Hansen wanted to say, he waved his hand, pointed to the experiment below, and said, "It\'s about to start, and you\'ll know immediately whether he is worthy of trust."

If successful, he will give the other party a \'certain\' level of trust.

For him, value is the measure of trust.

Maya Hansen bit her lip.

Things had gone beyond her expectations and had been completely out of her control.

She just wanted to research the Extremis Virus and use it for medical purposes, but Killian didn\'t seem to have such a plan.

He has bigger ambitions, or the people behind him have bigger ambitions.

However, she had no idea who was behind Killian.

At this moment, Killian said lightly: "It\'s started."

Maya Hansen looked hurriedly.

She still attaches great importance to the experiment to improve the success rate of Extremis Virus fusion.

I saw a few physically disabled people, as well as a few people who had already received the first-stage injection, slowly walked into the transformation cabin.

Then, a magnetic, yet cold voice sounded.

I saw the man with the head like a ball of hair looking up at the observation room on the second floor, and said slowly: "Your desperate virus is very good, but the way of fusing the virus is too rude."

It turned out to be injected through intravenous injection, which is simply... outrageous.

Whether the drug can be absorbed or not, and the effect of the absorption, depends entirely on the individual\'s constitution and will, and the entire process cannot be controlled, which is a complete failure.

His fusion device can perfectly solve this problem. After all, the Desperate Virus is too soft compared to the energy of the Mind Scepter.

Desperate Elixir is such a good thing, if he finds out in advance, they won\'t be killed by those **** Avengers...

Thinking of Strucker\'s eyes flashed with hatred.

"That\'s why you are here."

Killian said lightly: "Let\'s start, let me see your ability."

Strucker turned indifferently and started to operate on the console.

The desperate virus begins to fully integrate with the people inside through the ability fusion cabin. The process is very smooth, but when the virus is fused, it will still bring pain to the fusion person.

However, compared to the method of meridian injection, it is much smaller.

Therefore, all the experimental samples survived this time.

An hour later, the fusion cabin door opened, and all the people inside came out. The limbs they were missing had regrown, and in the second stage, the experiments that were most likely to get out of control and self-explode were also intact and in a very stable state.

Strakta looked at Killian.


Killian applauded and said, "Great, we can talk."

"I want to talk to your boss."

Strucker looked at Killian silently.

Killian\'s expression stiffened, and he said, "I am the boss."

"Heh." Strucker smiled lightly, but there was sarcasm in his eyes: "Stop joking."

"As far as I know, ten years ago, you were just a poor **** with a business card to woo money around."

"To shut up!"

Killian looked at Strucker angrily, a red light faintly appeared under his skin.

Strucker just looked at each other silently.

After a few seconds, Killian took a deep breath and said, "You will see it!"

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