The Father of American Comics Superheroes

Chapter 279


Strack didn\'t touch it at all.

Only by surviving the experiment and successfully integrating energy, it will be valuable to him.

"Go and experiment."

Strack waved his hand and sat on the sofa beside him.

His room is separated from the laboratory by a layer of high-strength unidirectional glass, which can see the whole process of the experiment.

The scepter that provides energy is located in his room and connected with an energy extraction device. After extracting the energy, it will be transported to the opposite laboratory.

Suddenly, there was a cold voice in the room with only one person.

"Strack, you\'ve run out of experiments today."

A man with gray skin and no nose on his face quietly appeared in the room.

Ebony throat lay lazily on the sofa next to Strack. With a slight pick of his fingers, a bunch of grapes flew up from the tea table in front of the sofa. After the skin and meat separated, one by one fell into his mouth.

"Do you think I care about those experiments?" Strack looked at ebony throat with a faint smile and said, "besides, isn\'t this contributing to the balance of the universe?"

"Er, haha!"

Ebony throat was stunned and laughed.

Strack\'s mouth slightly stirred up.

Suddenly, ebony throat stopped laughing and said, "although it sounds good, I would like to see the experimental results."

After he found the leader of Hydra with the help of the mind control ability of the mind scepter, he cooperated with the other party.

Hydra helped them find the trace of the universe cube, and then with the help of the power of the universe cube, after summoning their army, they helped Hydra unify the world.

During the cooperation, ebony throat accidentally learned that the other party had an experimental plan, and was very interested in this experimental plan.

They made a device that can integrate energy with people and let people get supernatural power.

But when they experimented, the energy they fused with people was some ordinary energy. Although the experiment was successful, the power that that person got was very weak.

Therefore, after considering, ebony throat handed over the most special energy source - the spiritual scepter to the other party for experiment.

As long as the plan is successful, they can continuously produce super soldiers to serve them.

This is a good thing for Hydra and them.

But the experiment has been carried out for a long time, but it has not been successful.

Ebony throat gradually lost patience.

Strack pulled out a smile and said, "don\'t worry, Mr. ebony throat."


Ebony throat laughed, and the grapes floating in front of him fell into his mouth one by one.

He gave the other party another week. If he didn\'t see the results, he would give up the plan.

At the same time, Dr. Lister has come to the last two experiments.

The two subjects were locked in a cage. They were a young man and a young woman, whose faces were three times similar, handsome men and beautiful women.

Although it is difficult to protect themselves now, men still protect men behind them.

"Don\'t be afraid, I\'ll accompany you."

Pietro Maximov smiled at his sister Wanda Maximov.

Wanda nodded, his eyes still full of fear.

"Take them away."

Liszt whispered, rubbed his eyebrows, and waved to the two Hydra soldiers beside him.

After they were brought out at gunpoint, Liszt whispered to them, "come on, survive."

The two were pushed into the laboratory with ugly faces.

"You come first“

An experimenter standing in front of the energy injection module pointed to Wanda.

Wanda\'s face changed, but Pietro shouted, "let me come! I\'ll come first!"

Even if he dies, he will die before his sister.


Wanda took Pietro\'s hand.

The experimenter looked at the two people as if they were separated by life and death, and their expressions did not change at all.

During this time, they have seen too many deaths and have long been accustomed to them.

"Don\'t waste time, bring her."

The experimenter still pointed at Wanda persistently.

Dr. Lister frowned and said, "you\'ve fulfilled his brother\'s kindness. Let him come first."

The experimenter nodded.

Seeing this, Pietro said gratefully, "thank you!"

Thank me for sending you to hell?

This is really a lovely child.

This book is compiled by official account. Pay attention to VX [book friends\' base camp] and get cash red envelopes after reading!

An idea flashed through Dr. Lister\'s mind. After pitero entered the injection chamber, he said, "get ready to start."

After that, the countdown began, and special energy was extracted from the scepter. After the countdown, the energy flowed to pitero.

Pietro\'s eyes shrunk and he cried out in pain.

Wanda stood aside, struggling and shouting anxiously.

As time went by, all the experimenters\' faces gradually lit up with joy. Looking at pitero, who was still in pain and scream, their eyes lit up with expectation.

It has broken the record of persistence, and the integration of energy and it is very smooth.

A moment later

Finally, after all the extracted energy was fused with Pietro, there was a cheer in the laboratory.

Dr. Liszt asked people to release pitro from the injection chamber, looked at pitro eagerly, and said, "how do you feel, is there anything uncomfortable? Do you feel any strange power?"

Pietro was in a trance and didn\'t know what the other party was talking about, but when he saw Wanda with a worried face, he instinctively smiled.

Just when he wanted to say something, his body trembled violently, like distortion, and blurred in place for a moment.

And no one noticed this scene.

"Take him to collect physical data and check his physical condition."

Dr. Liszt gave an order and said calmly, "continue the experiment."

Although he couldn\'t believe that the experiment would succeed, he decided to continue the experiment.

What if this girl also succeeds?

As a result

A quarter of an hour later, looking at the girl who fused energy and fainted, he seemed to be stupid.

Did you really succeed?

Now he suddenly has the impulse to add more experimental materials and continue the experiment.


Finally, he took a deep breath, calmed himself down, abandoned the crazy ideas in his brain, and looked at the glass behind him.

Although he can\'t see Strack\'s expression now, he knows that the other party\'s expression must be as excited as he is now.

"Pa, PA!"

Ebony throat clapped his hands, looked at Strack with appreciation on his face, and said, "Congratulations, it\'s successful."

"No, congratulations."

Strack said faintly.

Ebony throat stretched out his hand and picked it. A bottle of wine and two glasses floated out of the wine cabinet in the office, as if they were held by an invisible hand. After pouring two glasses of wine, ebony throat stretched out his hand to hold one cup, pushed the other cup to Strack, and smiled, "happy cooperation!"