The Father of American Comics Superheroes

Chapter 268

In a secret military base.

An old man with gray hair and a mustache on his lips is making a difficult decision.

Although his face was wrinkled, his back was still straight.

He looked at the man in front of him with sharp eyes and said, "how sure are you?"

"After the disgust..." the man sighed and said, "there is more than half confidence."

"Good!" General Ross answered and said in a deep voice, "then start with me. If you succeed, you can continue. If you fail, you know the result."

"No problem, general."

The man grinned and said, "now that you have made a decision, I\'ll go and prepare. How about the experiment in three days“

Ross waved his hand, and the man turned and left.

After the other party left, Rose\'s straight back suddenly bent down. He looked at a group photo on the table, and his face was full of remorse and regret.

A few seconds later, his face was full of murderous intent and anger.

Hawke, hate

On the other side, the man who just walked out of the room came to his laboratory through the long corridor, in the eyes of the soldiers who were frightened or even disgusted.

A man\'s skin is green. In addition, the most noticeable thing is his big head.

He is Bruce Banner\'s netizen, Mr. Lan - Samuel stone.

In that day\'s hatred and the battle of hawk, he was affected by the battle. When he was injured, because hawk\'s serum entered his wound, he mutated and became what he is now.

However, he likes his present appearance very much.

Every moment, different ideas and new experiments flashed through his mind.

Haoke\'s serum didn\'t make him hate. He had a powerful body monster, but it made his brain mutate, improved his intelligence, and even gave him strange spiritual power.

Recently, he is doing a new experiment, an experiment that can reflect his intelligence and cause a sensation.

Thinking of his experiment, Samuel stone couldn\'t help smiling happily.


Mike\'s restaurant.


Looking at the customers coming in, sol smiled and took them to an empty table.

"Today\'s special is steak."

"Steak? Is it steak today?"

A female diner exclaimed in surprise. After being confirmed by sol, she sat happily at the dinner table, but her eyes turned on sol, with a giggle from time to time.

Saul went to the kitchen and said, "another steak."

Mike nodded, glanced at sol with the light from the corner of his eyes, and the corner of his mouth tilted slightly.

A long blond hair was tied behind his head and tied into a ball head. Two strands of blond hair hung in front of his forehead. It was two points more playful. With Saul\'s high face and beard, it looked very charming.

This is the image created by Gwen for sol, which looks good.

Take out a small book from his black apron pocket and write down the order of serving. Saul looked at the guests outside and whispered to Mike, "Mike, have you found it? There are more and more people recently."

Mike looked at sol and saw that the other party\'s blue eyes were full of doubts. He said silently, "it\'s not because of you."

The performance improvement of a store by a handsome man is visible to the naked eye.

But it made Mike feel helpless.

He wanted sol to be a waiter to relax, but he was getting busier and busier.

"Ha, their eyes are good."

Sol laughed and picked up a prepared steak.

"Saul, if you come again, tell them that steak is limited and we won\'t sell it today."

Mike asked.

Sol nodded and said, "no problem."

Mike breathed as sol left.

Let\'s call it a day. There are more and more people. It\'s too tiring.


After half a month of beating, sol has changed a lot.

He still remembered that when he was a waiter on the first day, sol had a dark face, and he was always ready to fight with the guests, even as if he wanted to hit people.

In this regard, Mike had to beat sol with Asgard back.

Saul was angry but helpless about it, and half a month later

He is used to it.

In the past half month, he has met many difficult diners.

Under the premise of not being able to fight, his temper became less irritable except that his mouth became poisonous.

As for the mantras that have been on the lips all the time, such as\' I am Thor \'and\' the glory of Asgard \', it has also been less and less recently because every time I say it, I am regarded as a psychopath.

Now, he is already a basically qualified waiter.

As for why it is basic

"Damn it, do you want to die?"

With a grumpy roar, Mike sighed and walked out of the kitchen.

Saul was angrily holding the collar of a bald diner, looking like he was going to kill each other.

Although such things happen less and less, they still happen from time to time.

"What\'s the reason this time?"

Mike sighed and went out.

Seeing Mike coming out, the bald man\'s eyes turned. His face, which was a little afraid, suddenly became angry and shouted, "are you the boss? Look at what your employees are doing? He wants to hit me!"

The bald man shouted angrily, and his saliva splashed, "I\'ve been hit mentally, wait for me to sue!"

"You despicable tortoise!"

Saul raised his fist, which was extremely angry, but he never waved it down.

He promised that if he was still Thor, if he was new to the earth, he would directly kill the other party, but after half a month of beating and tempering, even if he was very angry now, he could control his temper.

Looking at this scene, Mike nodded secretly.

Those diners were not beaten in vain.

But what happened this time?

Just when he was confused, a beautiful young lady who was confused by Sol\'s appearance angrily scolded, "Why are you so shameless? You started with sol first and bit back!"

Mike looks at the obscene bald middle-aged man.

Brother, you are different.

"Look! Your employee hit someone! Do you still want to open a shop? Believe it or not, I\'ll sue you for bankruptcy?"

Bankruptcy? Sue me?

Mike raised his eyebrows, looked at sol who was about to run away, and whispered, "don\'t kill him."

As soon as the words came out, the store was quiet, and several diners looked at Mike in surprise, while the bald man exclaimed, "no, you can\'t..."


With Sol\'s roar, the man was thrown out of the store by sol, and then the angry sol rushed out like a red eyed bull.

Ah ah!

The shrill scream sounded, but several diners in the store gave Mike a thumbs up.

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