The Father of American Comics Superheroes

Chapter 261

Tallahassee, Florida.

At night, a bar in the corner of the city opened.

A man with a black walking stick and a top hat walked into the bar.

Looking at each other\'s strange dress, some people flashed a look of surprise in their eyes, while others made a low voice of laughter.

This old-fashioned dress, I don\'t know, thought that the other party lived in the last century, and was like a third rate magician.

However, now there are all kinds of people in this world, so people in the bar just look at each other, whisper a few comments, and then ignore them.

The man walked to the bar with a smile.

The bartender smiled and said, "old rules?"

The man smiled and nodded.

The bartender skillfully mixed out a colorful cocktail and put it in front of the man.

"Please take your time."

Smiled at the bartender. The man reached out and pinched the cherry on the top and put it aside. After drinking the wine in the glass, he put the cherry in the empty glass.

He smiled at the bartender in front of him, "thank you these days. Your wine is very good."

"Thank you."

The bartender answered.

The man turned to the door, looked at the people who came in, and said, "your movement is really poor."

Hearing this, the faces of those people changed.

They were found.

Without hesitation, he took out his weapon, aimed at the man and said, "don\'t move, please go back to investigate with us!"

Seeing this scene, other customers in the bar screamed.

The man frowned and whispered, "quiet!"

With the whisper, the whole bar seemed to live.

When the door slammed shut, all kinds of utensils in the bar instantly became murderous weapons.

Sitting stools, wine glasses in your hands, and even lights on the wall

Screams sounded in the bar, and the smell of blood gradually became strong.

As the man began to fight, the disguise he made himself disappeared, revealing his true face.

He has gray skin, a little wrinkles on his face, and looks like bark. In addition, the most prominent feature of this person is that he has no nose and a half bald forehead.

And the other party\'s walking stick has also become a scepter with a blade.

There is a blue gem on the scepter, which is always flowing with light to attract attention.

Although the shape is strange and even funny, it looks strange and chilling in the background of the bar, which has become a killing ground.

The bartender behind him looked at this scene and was scared silly. As for the several s.h.i.e.l.e.l.d. agents who pointed weapons at men, they also stood in place in a cold sweat.

Their weapons floated beside their heads, and even their clothes were wrapped around them, binding them.

They can\'t do anything now. They can only watch the people in the bar die one by one, and the whole bar becomes like hell.

The leading secret service agent took a deep breath and asked coldly, "who are you?"

"Who am I?"

The man with gray skin showed a strange smile and said, "man mieba, ebony throat."

"Oh, sorry, you animals must have never heard of the name of the great SANOS."

Ebony throat smiled faintly, walked slowly to several people, looked at the fear and anger in their eyes, and smiled, "don\'t show this expression, they just contributed to the balance of the universe."

"Speaking of it, the number seems to be a little higher."

With that, he raised his eyebrows, and the guns floating in the ears of the s.h.i.e.l.d. agents shot bullets.

"Bang, bang!"

Accompanied by gunfire, blood splashed.

A drop of blood flew out and landed on the leading agent.

It was obviously warm blood, but it made him shiver.

"Now it\'s much more balanced."

Ebony throat smiled faintly and said in a slightly complaining voice, "your speed is really slow."

When he deliberately revealed his flaws, it took him another week to find him, which really disappointed him.

Facing ebony throat\'s roast, the leader of the s.h.i.e.l.d. agent was just silently sweating.

Ebony throat flashed a dull color on his face, and touched the other party\'s chest with his scepter.

The gem on the scepter flashed slightly.

The invisible power of the mind invaded the agent\'s head, and the agent\'s eyes turned dark in an instant, and then returned to normal.

Ebony throat smiled faintly and said, "I have something to ask you."

The agent nodded respectfully and sat in front of the bar with ebony throat. Ebony throat knocked on the bar and said to the bartender who fell to the ground because of fear: "please mix two more drinks."

Looking at the tragedy in the bar, the bartender could only get up in fear and mixed two glasses of wine for the other party.

Ebony throat first ate the cherry on the wine, then slowly tasted the wine, and asked the agent, "what\'s your name?"


"So, masala, you are the Divine Shield, right?"

Since he was sent to earth by the respected Lord mieba a month ago, he has started his investigation.

The force on earth, powerful people, and where the infinite gem is, are all the information he wants to collect, and in the process of collecting information, the Divine Shield bureau is a name he constantly contacts.

After he learned about this organization, after investigation, he learned that this organization has great ability, not only has been resisting unknown threats, but also has been collecting mysterious items, so he was moved to the Divine Shield Bureau.

If he wants to find infinite gem, it is a good choice to start from the Divine Shield Bureau.

"No, I\'m Hydra."


Ebony throat was stunned, and some interested expressions appeared on his face.

Under the control of the spiritual scepter, there is no possibility of fraud in what the other party says.

So, what is this Hydra?

Hydra, an ancient organization, rule the world is one of its goals, and the current Divine Shield Bureau has long been infiltrated by Hydra.

With masala\'s story, ebony throat became interested in Hydra.

If what the other party said is true, what else is the Divine Shield bureau? Just go straight to Hydra.

So he smiled and said, "come on, take me to meet the leader of Hydra."

"Sorry, I don\'t know who the leader is."

"Then take me to your boss, and we\'ll find it layer by layer."

"Can I ask what you want to do with the leader?"

"Do what?" Ebony throat got up, walked out and said slowly, "I want to talk about a business with him, cooperate with him, or... Hehe."

Directly controlled the other party.

Masala caught up.

Ebony throat gently waved his hand, and the closed door of the bar opened. Just as he was about to walk out of the bar, he suddenly turned around and said to the bartender who was secretly congratulating himself, "thank you for your wine, this is for you."

With a slight pick of his finger, the cherry in his first glass of wine flew up and nailed into the center of the other party\'s forehead in the bartender\'s frightened eyes.

The next second, the wine in the wine cabinet burst in an instant, and a candle cup flew up from the card seat.

A few seconds later, the fire spread, ebony throat disguised again, with masala into the night.

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