The Farming Little Girl

C86 special breeding

March 4th, the next crop of rice.

Although it was said that it was spring and March, the truth was that the weather was still rather cold.

At this time of the year, it was still very difficult to get rid of the thin film.

He thought about how farmers in his previous life had to cover their plants with a thin film, but here he could just sprinkle the seeds on the ground. The seedlings that grew were definitely slow and stunted.

"Ai, if only there was a membrane that could be covered, and there was nothing to replace it with? Warm houses existed in this era as well. However, the vegetables grown in the greenhouse were only grown and eaten by the rich. As for the poor peasants' homes, they didn't have the economic means to grow warm houses. Forget it, I don't understand this path, so let's just follow the flow. "The central seedling has been nurtured, and the potatoes will be planted again today."

As Central Miao Yu was not a lot, Chen Nianran, Huang De An and the rest finished the task in a single morning.

Stealing time to plow in the spring was something that he did every day.

In the afternoon, Chen Nianran would cut the potatoes into pieces and plant them on the grindstone field.

Although the soil requested by the potatoes was not very fat, they still needed to be basic.

There weren't that many potatoes, so Chen Nianran and Huang Dean, as well as the three permanent workers, were able to settle the matter in one afternoon.

In the end, Little Sister and Fifth Sister went down together and settled this matter in the evening.

"Well, tomorrow we'll have to raise the sweet potatoes, too."

Huang Dean was in the midst of pulling mud from his legs. Upon hearing that sweet potatoes were going to be bred tomorrow, he nodded in excitement.

"I heard that sweet potato is very productive. If there is such a thing, then we won't need to worry about eating it in the future."

Chen Nianran also admitted, "That's true. This sweet potato and potato are both high-yield crops, once they are served well, they wouldn't have to worry about food in the future. However, this potato, we have to take it easy first. "Oh right, that magic potato, I think it's better to grow it on the sandy ground at the foot of the mountain. After all, I can also eat this stuff myself."

When he mentioned Xue Mo Yu, Chen Nianran also laughed. It had to be said, she had done a great job in establishing herself in the village and promoting the cultivation and practices of konjac.

Especially the winter Snow Demon, made the villagers even more grateful.

Under Chen Nianran's suggestion, Chen Ziming and her wife came out and found a few packaging that were pretty good. They bought the Snow Demon Taro from the village and wrapped it in a bag before selling it to the rich families in the city.

Because it was new, and also added with Chen Nianran's marketing effect of being able to feed and support people, it was with the sales volume of Snow Demon Taro, although it was not opened to a large extent, but there was still a small amount of sales.

Chen Nianran felt that these things were only small income, but to the families in the village, these things only cost them a little labour, and were able to earn a little more than half a year's worth of income. This income felt like a pie in the sky.

This way, could the villagers not treat Chen Nianran well? This was also the reason why when Chen Nianran went to pay tribute this year and saw how much food she used, those people would still speak up for her.

Even if Little Sister and a few others were to go to school, right now, other than a few people who treated them as enemies, many other children were also happy to interact with this girl.

"Amorphophallus konjac, potato, sweet potato, rice, 9 meters (glutinous rice), black valley, cabbage... There were many seeds to be bred. This was the time for breeding. This spring, he was really busy, but of course, he wouldn't be able to get rich quickly with just these things. The most important thing is to open up barren mountains and ponds! "

As for the matters in the fields, Huang Dean was left to manage them as an old crop. With the help of a few workers, the seeds were quickly planted.

That day, after Huang De An finished with his arrangements on the land, he followed Chen Nianran to the pond.

"Now, plant the lotus roots according to my instructions. After that, the water in this pond will be less. We'll talk about the fish raising process in the future."

It was the same plant, but there was also a need to pay attention to it. Sometimes, the ditches would be too shallow or too deep, and that would affect the growth of the lotus roots.

What Chen Nianran had to do was to follow the instructions she was familiar with to guide Huang Dean and plant these things inside.

Since there weren't many seeds, it took him half a day to settle this lotus pond.

"Let's put some fish into the pond here. Once the fish seedlings are here, we'll put some in."

"But boss, there's something I've never said before. There isn't much rain right now, and once the water rises, the riverbank will easily collapse. He was not afraid of raising other fishes. If the riverbank were to collapse or the water were to leak out, the fishes would be like floating on water. "If it wasn't for that, I don't think the villagers would have given us this pond so readily."

Chen Nianran nodded his head, "Yes, you are right. The safety of this type of riverbank is indeed the first thing to be resolved. However, since I dared to say that I was raising fish, of course I would have my own thoughts. This embankment, now substantial, why don't we make it into a section with a broken embankment? If we turn it into a river bank with a break in it, and then intercept it and put it on the fish net, how would the fish be able to escape? "

Embankment was the easiest way to solve the problem of rising water levels.

As long as the water tank was opened during the flood, it would be easy to release the flood.

Huang Dean was also a person who understood easily, but when he heard that, his eyes immediately lit up, "That's right, we only know how to dig the hole in the field, but why didn't we think to use this method on the riverbank? Oh my, boss, if the villagers find out about this, won't they regret dying? "

Chen Nianran shook her head, "No, the people in the village are not idiots either. The reason why they did not think of digging a river bank to raise fish is because the survival rate of the fish in the river is definitely not high. And for more hardworking people, going to the village's common pond to fish for fish is also possible. Although they had to be diligent and pay attention to luck, the fish in the village's public riverbank could still be fished out. The reason why they had to put in so much effort to raise fish and failed was probably because their survival rate was low as well as their management fees, income and income were too low. This was why the villagers were unwilling to raise fish. However, I will still think of a way to solve these problems. "

Generally speaking, fish also scored points.

Chen Nianran clearly knew that raising fish was not something that could be fed just by throwing them into a pond. This fish, also scored the breed raising.

In modern times, when she went to the countryside, she had heard from her friends.

When raising this fish, you must pay attention to a type of fish, the Changliang Fish.

This fish is a species that eats other fish and has a high survival rate. Once this fish is mixed with other fish and raised, it is very difficult for the carp, silver carp, and so on to survive. In my hometown, there is a saying that a prodigal fish cannot be bred with other fish. A pond with a large fish in it is easy for other fish to be bitten to death. Actually, this fish is not very big and is very small, but when it's hatched, this type of fish is very harmful to other fish ~

Before you can raise a fish, you have to clean up the rest of the fish.

As for the growth of the fish, Chen Nianran had thought of it as well.

In this era, fish were raised in lakes and allowed to grow naturally.

Although growth like this was the original ecology, its speed of growth was truly too slow. In this era where fish feed was not produced, what she needed to do was to use raw feed to raise the fish and make them grow rapidly.

This was also the reason why she wanted to raise chickens. Chicken poop can be used to feed fish. As for sweet potatoes, such as their old stem and leaves, they could be used as food for chickens.

Thinking about the chicken food, Chen Nianran hurriedly headed back home. She didn't know how the reproduction rate of the things she had asked Little Sister and the others to dig out previously was going.

As soon as he returned home, he found Ox-Head holding his son in his arms and bathing in the sunlight.

The little guy grinned when he saw her coming home. After teasing him for a bit, she asked the little Fifth Sister to bring the two children with her to the pond in the backyard.

"Sister-in-law, last time I had you throw all those cow dung and dried up leaves in here, were they all done?"

"Alright, oh, I really don't understand. Let Little Six and the others dig out so many earthworms for me to do?" That bug is so disgusting just by looking at it. "

"Sister-in-law, these are all things that chickens love to eat. We don't have that much food to feed the chickens. If there is this kind of earthworm to replace the food, do you think that they would look much better?"

As the two of them spoke, they crouched down and pulled up the dried grass covering them. Raising earthworms to feed the chickens was obviously a good method. After all, chickens raised by earthworms are more nutritious with high protein.

More importantly, if a chicken looked good, this egg could also look good!

He used a stick to pry the soil that was like a pine tree, and the earthworms that he pried out continuously struggled and squirmed.

After a few more attempts, they were all broken open to reveal the wiggling thing.

"Alright, boss, you're right. I feel uncomfortable looking at these disgusting things. However, thinking about eggs, chicken and the like, the bad feeling in my heart lessened a lot." When will our chickens be reared? Those walls, they were only half-built! And a chicken cub? Is that a problem as well? "

These things were the things that Chen Nianran was most annoyed about. Everything was just starting. "Poor seed, poor resource, poor person, poor market..." Missing money...

"Let's try to buy some chicken cubs first. As we raise them, we try to figure out how to hatch them. "

"Right, there are a few more of these earthworms in the desolate mountain. Although the chicken cub had yet to be purchased, the earthworm could not grow and mature within one or two days. "What we need to do now is to raise as many earthworms as possible."

Just as they entered the courtyard, they saw Huang Dean and the man who built the wall rushing over.

"Boss, boss, something bad happened." Boss, something bad happened.

"What happened?" Chen Nianran was shocked, if something were to happen at this moment, she really did not know if she would be able to hold on.

"Boss, the places where we set up our mountain are filled with calamities."

"What do you mean by scum?" Chen Nianran asked suspiciously.