The Farming Little Girl

C349: Blood grandma

"Oh, I heard that the lady of the city Lord is a beautiful woman. I didn't want to, but I suffered such a heavy demagogue. Is this Gu going to break your heart? It's scary. People are afraid. "

Zhou ruoyuan said, looking back in fear.

Zhou Aoxuan kicks her middle acupoint.

"Zhou ruoyuan, the people in the Ming Dynasty don't speak in the dark, but ask for your help. Otherwise, today is your death. It's a big deal. My wife and I took you to die together. "

Staring at Zhou Aoxuan's sharp cold eyes, Zhou ruoyuan takes a breath and knows that he can't flirt any more.

She shrugged.

Raise your hand and shake out a small bag of medicine.

"Well, fortunately, I have been in miaojiang, and I know a little about demagogic fur. Take this medicine to Madame Ling first. It can calm her down for a while, as for demagogues and the like. That kind of demagogic poison, which is to say that it can be neutralized. It's hard without ten or eight years. "

Zhou Aoxuan hugs Chen nianran's hand and makes an effort. Take a deep breath, "OK, as long as you can make it back to normal, like a normal woman, ten years and eight years, I can wait."

"Let's say that I can't get rid of this kind of poison. This, fortunately, I have a person by my side. Let her help me to have a look. If it can be relieved, I will help the Lord of the city. "

"Yes." After Zhou Aoxuan fed Chen nianran to take the medicine, she no longer grabbed her flesh and skin, and the whole person recovered calm and calm.

At this moment, he became the God of negotiation.

For Zhou Aoxuan's face changing way, Zhou ruoyuan is also amazing.

"Mammy, I'd like to ask you to check it for this lady. If it can be solved, let's help the Lord."

Zhou Aoxuan's eyes followed the mother who had been waiting.

The old woman was wearing a veil and could not see her face clearly.

However, the pair of old eyes exposed outside can still see that this man is an old man.

"Play the devil." Standing beside Zhou Aoxuan, Xi Dalin hums.

Zhou ruoyuan glanced at him with a smile, "Lord, your guard still lacks discipline."

Zhou Aoxuan glanced at her impatiently. "If you have something to talk about, don't talk about it with people around me."

Zhou ruoyuan, this man, is very close to his people. Even if it's a slave, it's so important.

If I follow him, maybe I will. In this way, Zhou ruoyuan's heart calmed down a lot.

Mother Zhou went up, just looked at Chen nianran's lower vein and the black tattoo on her forehead. She turned back and made a sample announcement.

"Back to the eldest lady, this lady is really poisoned by poisonous insects."

"Well, there's a solution?"

"Yes, but if you want to get rid of it completely, as Miss guessed, it's not ten or eight years. It's difficult. After all, the worm has entered the heart and lungs. Deli teased it out slowly with something else. Just killing insects or small things. The most important thing is to kill the eggs of this kind of insect. In this way, it is a complete elimination of the poisonous insects. "

"Lord, you heard me. It's hard to get rid of the demagogic poison. Even if my people have spent their lives trying to get rid of it, it will take a lot of time. "

Zhou Aoxuan opens his clothes and sits down quietly. "Say your terms."

"Well, this, Lord, don't you say that to us. I... " Zhou ruoyuan is embarrassed to explain.

But he was interrupted by Zhou Aoxuan's raising his hand. "Conditions..." The suddenly increased volume made Zhou ruoyuan shiver.

"Well, I said."

"The condition is to give me and Yuanyuan a name that can stand in front of people!"

"Good." To Zhou ruoyuan's surprise, Zhou Aoxuan unexpectedly answered without thinking.

"You, yes?" Victory came too fast, Zhou ruoyuan still can't respond.

"Why not? Don't you just want a name? Do you want to be a woman of Zhou Aoxuan? I give you a name, but I would rather touch a pig or a dog than a woman inferior to a beast. "

Zhou ruoyuan listened to the bow, not a little joy, on the contrary, there is also some sorrow. She did it right or wrong.

Mother Zhou didn't seem happy with Zhou Aoxuan's crisp promise.

She coughed and motioned to Zhou ruoyuan with her eyes.

"Well, I think you may be mistaken. I mean, to be your wife. As for the sleeping one, I can let her stay in the house, and it doesn't matter if she is a concubine or a girl. "


The table in front of Zhou ruoyuan was kicked over by Zhou Aoxuan.

The man raised his head proudly, "impossible!"

"Cough..." Mother Zhou coughed again.

Zhou ruoyuan was a little panic, she reluctantly smiled. "Then it's hard to talk about it. Alas, after all, I will stay with you for ten years and eight years. She has been living in such pain. I don't have a good reputation. How can I take care of her? It can't be said that let the big lady take care of the concubine? Is that unreasonable? "

Zhou Aoxuan suddenly came out with a sharp sword point against Zhou ruoyuan's throat.

"Remember, don't challenge my bottom line. To give you a name that can be on the table is to give you the greatest face. Don't think that I dare not kill you, you, and the old woman. They dare to wander in the cold city and bewitch the demons. They want to walk in the private official salt affairs. Do you think if it is publicized, there is still a way to live? "

Say, wash five from next door escort shopkeeper and tea came out.

"Lord Huicheng, I found a lot of private salt and salt making tools in this shop."

Zhou ruoyuan stared at Zhou Aoxuan angrily, "you nonsense, this is a frame up. When did we make official salt in private. You are... "

On one side, mother Zhou raised her head at this time. "Lord, it's easy to calculate. Is it really good to have such a wonderful way?"

"Yes, yes." Zhou ruoyuan responds quickly.

Zhou Aoxuan's knife is strong.


Blood flowed freely.

The feeling that life is passing makes Zhou ruoyuan's body paralyzed. It's terrible. As long as she goes further, she will die. Cherish life like her, tremble and beg for mercy, "Mammy, beg him, beg him to let me go..."

Zhou Aoxuan collected his sword and looked down on mother Zhou.

"It seems that you are the old woman who pretends to be the real master here."

Words fall, wash big suddenly bully body attack to that Zhou surname Mammy.


However, it is surprising that mother Zhou, who has been standing there quietly, suddenly attacked her.

A treacherous move, stupefied is to fight back to the ground.

"Ah..." When Xi Da gets up, he will come back.

But Zhou Aoxuan raised his hand to stop it.

"I'm sorry, master!"

Zhou ruoyuan glanced at him coldly. "For the famous blood grandma in the Jianghu, you won't win much."

Mother Zhou was stunned and screamed, "how do you know I'm a blood grandmother?" This secret identity is rarely known.

Apart from those old guys, who else knows her past.

Mother Zhou, the blood grandmother of that year, looked deeply at the man in front of her.

He looked at himself contemptuously, as if nothing in the world were in his eyes.

It's so casual, but it has the momentum of overriding people.

For a while, blood grandma felt as if she had no secret, so she was in front of Zhou Aoxuan. This feeling made her quite angry.

"Hum, yellow haired child, you just heard some news. Don't play tricks here. "

"Mammy Zhou, the mammy who married into our Zhou mansion, I have been looking for these years. I never thought that I would meet you here. Blood grandma, Mammy, long time no see. It seems that you came to see me for the sake of your master. It's a pity that you've got the wrong person. Today, I'm going to let your old dog live and get some interest back for my daughter-in-law. "

Say, Zhou Ao Xuan Mou inside murderous gas rises suddenly.

Blood grandma giggled.

"It's not bad. It's the man Miss wants. I just let out a little bit of information on purpose, and you'll find that out. Very well, since you know that I am the master of all this, you are obedient. Otherwise, Chen nianran would have to suffer so much and die. Ha ha... "

Hearing that the old woman once again threatened Chen nianran's life, Zhou Aoxuan's eyes were more murderous. '

Zhou ruoyuan, on one side, had already rolled to the other side in fear.

The inner feelings of Xi Da several were appalled.

Ordinary people may not know the name of blood grandma.

But they do.

There is a mysterious and treacherous sect in the Jianghu.

Bloody palace.

The characters in the blood evil palace, without exception, are all some strange people in the Jianghu.

Some people are bloodthirsty.

Some people study the formation of various poisons.

Some people like to plunder children, and molestate children and have sex with them.

Some people prefer to collect human organs or eat human flesh raw.

In a word, all the people in this bloody palace, without exception, are disgusted and disgusted to the extreme in the Jianghu.

These evil men come together to hunt and play with human life.

At that time, there were several famous elders in the blood evil palace.

Blood grandma is famous for raising poisons and playing tricks on people's lives.

At that time, it was said that she was angry and killed all the people in a city.

Even the pregnant woman was stripped of her stomach, and she gave birth to the fetus in her stomach and then tested the poison

The ferocity of the wrist is abhorrent.

Alongside them, there are four elders. Two palace owners.

However, this blood evil palace is not born. Born, it will stir the bloodbath in the Jianghu.

Even the imperial court is powerless to take this sect.

In the blood evil palace, the second palace leader, the first and the second palace leaders, as well as the five elders, now show such a blood grandmother.

It's because Xida and others are so shocked.

However, the more powerful the opponent is, the more excited he is.

Just want to rush past again, Zhou Aoxuan but a lift clothes.

"It's just the right time. Today, I'll try grandma Xue's accomplishments over the years. I don't know if the blood grandma can be more powerful after so many years of elite animal husbandry. "