The Farming Little Girl

C333: a habit turns the world upside down

"Hooligans..." Chen nianran didn't know that the man was so powerful in disguise. Beating makes men feel more comfortable. "Ha ha, daughter-in-law, the man will take you to fly."

The master looked at the cheerful man who was carrying his daughter-in-law on his back and ran away. For a while, he was speechless

Six son is also tired at the moment, he wiped the sweat to look at the front of Zhou Aoxuan enviously, "young master is very human."

"That's a genius, this boy." The master thought that he laughed humorously, but the six children who laughed were puzzled, "master, what is this talent?"

When the master was asked, he remembered that he was not with the girl.

"Come here, boy."

Just a few words, six son's ears are shy red.

"Master, you must be joking. In this world, where is there such a man "

" why not? Absolutely. Some women are born with body fragrance. Some women are born with that thing. As soon as the man enters, how about * *. Women can have such unique skills. Do you think this man can't be gifted? "

"Ha ha Ha ha... Master, then, how can women get Satisfied... " Six children think of what little grandma said, in a period of time, as long as waiting for the father and mother of Da Lang Er Lang to come, they will have to prepare the wedding together, which is quite nervous.

He is worried when he wants to contact with his daughter-in-law. What if he can't satisfy his daughter-in-law?

Shiye looks at this kid's hurry. He is a thief with a smile. Take a look at the middle of someone's leg.

"Well, I said boy, remember, when you are with a woman, as long as you can insist Half column incense, that is successful. "

Shiye smiles secretly. Boy, the first time a man wants to, are you sure you can insist on half column incense? I'm looking forward to your coming to me after the marriage.

I don't know the six sons calculated by the master. Once I heard that only half a pillar of incense is needed, I can prove that I'm an excellent man. When I look up on the spot, "isn't half a pillar of incense? Six masters will definitely stick to one pillar of incense."

Anlu is very confident. His physical strength is so good at ordinary times. If he can't hold on to banzhuxiang, he will be blind.

The master coughed, "little six, I believe you can do it. At that time, you only need half incense, I will say you are a man. If not It's OK. I'll help you find a solution to this problem. I have a lot of medicine and wine in my family. It's said that after drinking it, it will make men have more and more heroism. "

Six son excited, have logistic support, this thing son does not worry about.

A Tian, who is a little farther away, shakes his head secretly. The master is getting worse and worse now. It's really good to have such a family!

The first stop of the party was Taoli village.

Today's Taoli village is really a real Taoli village.

It was a fine April day. Before entering the village, I could smell the fragrance of peach trees and flowers.

Face to face the wind gently sent, the couple hand in hand.

"This Taoli village, I remember when I first came, was a very backward village. At that time, the popularity in the village was very low. Even if the peach blossom in the village was in full bloom, it was listless. It's only a year and a half. Unexpectedly, Taoli village has recovered its former style and really become the land of Taoli village. "

"Madam, I don't think who changed all this. There is no unchangeable reason for my wife to go out. Those crows of chickens and pigs are very comfortable to listen to. "

Zhou Aoxuan listened to the crowing of chickens and pigs not far away. In fact, the crowing of pigs was the crowing of some cubs. Because of this season, many kinds of pigs have given birth to cubs, and now some of them are also young.

"Now I understand the reason why people in the village should listen to the pig's cry and go to bed smelling the stink. This is hope. " Chen nianran laughs.

Just then, the villagers came out to pick up a group of people.

Lishan village head is a warm-hearted man. He is in his thirties. Although he lost his wife in middle age, he is a very charming and beautiful man. Many girls in the village are also eager to marry the man who lost his wife for five years.

However, Li Shan is very emotional. He is afraid that his young child will be hurt by his stepmother, so he has been reluctant to loose his mouth to get a wife.

Chen nianran usually comes, also can bring some food to little mountain baby. This time is no exception.

When the five-year-old YAMAWA saw her coming, she came to her face brightly, "Auntie......"

"Come on, one for my aunt. I'll give you something delicious." Little YAMAWA shyly bowed her head, but still could not resist the temptation of eating. She stepped forward and gave a shout.

Chen nianran took the opportunity to hug people. "Come on, give the sugar. However, you are not suitable for eating too much sugar now, that's all. Others are all delicious food. "

"Cluck, sugar, sweet..." Cute silly little shanwa likes candy as soon as she sees it.

Cuddling these small candy bars, his head rubbed against Chen nianran's arms. Aunt's body is fragrant. It's really comfortable.

Accidentally rubbing against his aunt's bulging little package, little YAMAWA's mother gave birth to him and died. For women, there has always been less contact.

Now bumping into such a small package, YAMAWA is confused.

He gazed timidly at the film, his little claws touching uncontrollably forward.

"Steamed bread..."

A pair of claws is holding, holding the little girl Chen nianran stunned.

Looking down at the little guy, he just stared at his little mountain bag strangely and cried.

"It's not steamed bread here, Wazi..."

"My aunt is deceiving people. There is steamed bread in it. I want to eat it."

Little YAMAWA was aggrieved and stared at Chen nianran with anger.

I thought my aunt was very generous and loved YAMAWA very much.

But who knows, Auntie will hide steamed bread. Oh, I despise you so much.

Being despised by a little fart child, Chen nianran is not crying.

"Come here."

Just at this time, Zhou Aoxuan came from a distance and saw other "men" grabbing their daughter-in-law's bag, which also required.

Angrily rushed to the front and grabbed little YAMAWA, looking at the stunned child, angrily not hit a piece, gently in his ass up two eggs.

"If you dare to touch again, it will be the end."

Although YAMAWA didn't feel pain, Zhou Aoxuan was so scared, but she still cried.

"Woo Bad guys, bad guys... "

Chen nianran thought that Zhou Aoxuan was making a fuss. He pushed Zhou Aoxuan away angrily. "What's the matter with you? The doll is so cute. How do you beat him. The child lost his mother when he was young. To those It's not too much of a curiosity. Why don't you say it well. "

He was trained by his daughter-in-law without any questions. Zhou Aoxuan was also angry. He stared at her slightly open clothes.

Red face, angrily pointed at her and scolded. "You said that you are a woman's family. If you have nothing to do, you should hug the men. No matter how small he is, he is also a man. It's strange that you can't be misunderstood if you don't have to go out to be blind. "

Usually quite polite a man, in the face of the opposite sex eat daughter-in-law tofu, incredibly also so unreasonable. Chen nianran is really angry.

Point to him, "you, you..."

"I see you for nothing. Go away."

After roaring, holding still timid looking at these two inexplicable quarrel little YAMAWA, dawdle to the front.

Zhou Aoxuan is also angry, "this woman, a woman can't be used to it. Look at it, it will turn the sky when she is used to it."

The master shook his head and patted him on the shoulder. The child who has no mother is curious about your daughter-in-law's place. It's also the child's nature. Why do you eat such flying vinegar. Alas, with my understanding of Chen nianran, you must be the one who has suffered losses and won the defeat this time. "

"What I love is what I am. I'm not being right, and I'm still blaming me." Zhou Aoxuan hums. An obstinate figure who is not afraid of death.

But the master laughed. Even the new apprentice of an Xiaoliu and shiye, a Tian, shakes his head secretly. Young master, at this time, you still pay attention to a big man's face. I'm afraid that you won't know how to die for a while.

On this day, Chen nianran ignored Zhou Aoxuan. Even if this guy deliberately wanders in front of her, she doesn't take a look.

In the evening, the group rested in Anping village.

Although this village is not as beautiful as Taoli village.

But the popularity is very prosperous. In addition, there is a family who is just doing a wedding ceremony, and a group of people gather in the courtyard to get busy.

Chen nianran thought it was very interesting to watch everyone perform sacrifice dance.

Then clap hands, "come on, I'll teach you a very interesting dance. Follow me to dance and sing, and make sure you're crazy and happy today. "

Finish saying, Chen nianran defiantly toward Zhou Aoxuan and grimly smiled. Hum, you dare to be a man, master. I'll let go of it today.

By her sweep, Zhou Aoxuan's intuition was extremely bad. Stop it! But will that stop it? With his knowledge of the woman, she is now determined to be crazy. Come on, let's see first.

Just let her make a fuss and let go of her anger. Self hypnotic Zhou Aoxuan can only comfort himself like this.

"Little grandma, what do you want us to do?"

Chen nianran made a mysterious gesture. Turn around, carry the wine Gulu Gulu to pour wildly.

"Come on, let's show you what my special harvest dance looks like tonight. Remember, the dance I taught you tonight is a very special harvest dance. This kind of dance should be sung and danced at the same time. "

With that, Chen nianran tied up his skirt.

When his elbow came out, Zhou Aoxuan's face turned black in an instant. This woman, make a scene.

The master smiled and grabbed him, who was going to rush forward. "Look, look, this woman, you are angry, you have to spill it. You're going to rush up. I promise she won't forgive you again. If you want to live a long time, you have to be patient. "

Zhou Aoxuan's whole body is full of rage. Anlu and Xiaotian both step back. Young master at this moment, I really can't provoke you.