The Farming Little Girl

C330: Refugees

The waterway from Hancheng to the outside has always been a shortcut.

But it's not very convenient for waterways to transport large-scale things, or living things. It is also inevitable to build by land.

In the past, the flow of people in the cold city was small, so even if there was a road, there were not too many people walking.

Along the way, because we have to climb some deep mountain roads, for fear of meeting wild animals and so on, people in the cold city do not love to walk that way.

But it's different now.

Nowadays, because of the war and banditry in Bajiao town and frontier town, many people flock to places like Hancheng.

Those with skills can live in the city.

However, people without skills can only find their feet in some remote places.

Although the place is secluded, Chen nianran, the city Lord, also assured them that he would bring people to guide the improvement of their land, and they would not be charged with their taxes for the previous few years.

It will be three years before a certain amount of tax will be levied.

Of course, if there is no income from the land you planted three years later, you can't blame the city Lord for collecting taxes. In any case, the three-year period of detente has brought peace to many people.

Many smart people also know that the scale of the cold city will be expanded, so that when choosing a foothold, they can actually choose some places where the cold city leads to the outside.

In this way, these places will become lively and popular.

"The road is to be expanded, but our current capital has not been recovered. It costs a lot of money to build a city. "

To be honest, now Chen nianran and Zhou Aoxuan have the place of cold city.

I have no money in my hand.

The couple fought back and forth to build this backward cold city.

Others only see that they have a city, but they don't know that all the outside businesses, businesses and other incomes accumulated in previous years are invested in it.

"Next year, we will be able to make normal income. At that time, we can allocate some funds to build the road. Daughter in law, when the construction of the cold city is completed, let's go out for a visit. It's also very good for businessmen to go around the world and see the scenery of other places. "

"Well, let's go. I've long wanted to travel around the world. " Chen nianran responded with pride.

Chapter 57: the refugees are developing well.

More and more people are settling down.

This morning, Chen nianran and Zhou Aoxuan went to inspect the mountain road outside the village as usual.

But I saw a group of refugees. These refugees are no less than hundreds of people, and they also seem to be mentally tired. One by one, when they see someone with their frightened eyes, they stand nervously and look at them.

"Madam, it's a good thing that so many people have come. But how can I smell the unrest? "

Zhou Aoxuan frowned and glanced at the group of refugees in front of him. There are several men who are obviously injured.

Chen nianran was also a little heavy inside. He saw a child in front of him in rags. The exposed arm is still festering.

Obviously, after the injury, I didn't take good care of it. Five or six-year-old girl, arm so suppurative, after growing up can not leave scars.

She went up and picked up the little guy. "Does it hurt?"

Black only left a pair of eyes in the little girl around weak to let her support, "no pain, just hungry."

Said, the little girl then licked to lick the mouth, the eyes looked at not far away Volume Volume Volume hand's burning sweet potato.

"Here you are." The volume looked at her like this, but she didn't have the heart to eat any more, and directly handed the food to the little girl.

"Eat..." The little girl picked it up and shoved it into her mouth. Choking tears are all flowing out, or a strong to the mouth. The little red face and Chen nianran's eyebrows are all tangled.

"Slow down the child." A woman with a knot in her hair patted her gently, but her eyes fell on the sweet potato. Looking at her skinny appearance, I don't think she has food for many days

"Madam, you are a good man. We are from Fengguo. Because of the war, we had to escape from the wind country. But I met many bandits on the way. I heard that we can avoid bandits here. The city Lord is also recruiting a lot of people, so I want to come here to settle down... "

"Are you fighting?" The couple looked at each other, and Zhou Aoxuan's eyebrows were darkened. War is not a good thing. Especially in the neighboring countries of the great Ruo Dynasty, if they fight, there will be more and more refugees.

Although cold city can solve the problem of food and clothing at present, it is only a temporary solution. If we take in too many refugees, it will be nearly half a year before a large amount of food will be planted next year. How to spend this half year's window time?

Headache, Chen nianran also has a headache.

"Auntie, please settle down in some places near here. There are too many people in Hancheng now. You may not be able to settle down in a while. Those favorable conditions for investment promotion are also changing. Now it's impossible to buy preferential houses with skills. Stay here for a while and someone will help you build the house. "

Now that they have joined in the cold city, they must be resettled.

"How are our eggs sold?" Along the way, Chen nianran asked this question leisurely.

Zhou Aoxuan, who manages export sales, rubs his forehead. "It's not very easy to sell these days. It seems that the frontier war still has an impact on us. At first, it was just bandits and so on. Now it's an influx of wind country refugees. This war has only begun. In the future, I'm afraid there will be more refugees. These people are not stable, and they are not stable when the refugees revolt... "

When people are hungry, no one can guarantee that they will do something extraordinary.

These concerns are not unreasonable. Chen nianran felt sad.

The influx of refugees cannot be denied.

But to eat so many people, her cold city does not have so much food at all.

"We have to get through this first, then we can talk about the future. Alas. "

Originally, this year should be a good one.

But because of the war and banditry of Fengguo, the people in cold city have to shrink their clothes and eat tight.

Chen nianran got up that day, and was rushed in by the fish.

"Ma'am, ma'am, it's not good. There are many villagers coming. They all stand outside and surround our yard. Now... "

Chen nianran's face changed a little. He got up quickly.

Zhou Aoxuan holds her down. "I'll go. You stay to protect the two children. "

"No, I'm with you." Chen nianran gnaws his teeth, unwilling to stay.

"No problem."

When the couple went out, they saw a large group of villagers standing outside the courtyard.

At a glance, these people are actually from all villages. Although there are many of them, there are not too many actions around them.

When seeing the couple come out, the first old men tremble and come forward to salute them.

"Lord, lady of the Lord."


Chen nianran looks at these people puzzled.

Let's say these people are making trouble. Don't look like it?

But what did they do when a large group of them came?

He Wushu, the leader, looked up and smiled at the couple. "It's our business to disturb the city Lord and his wife so early. But we also know that you are worried about the stability of the refugees recently. Today we are here to tell you that you are not the only couple in this cold city. We, the people of Hancheng, are willing to go through these difficulties with you. "

Chen nianran's heart swings, and he looks up at the hundred people in front of him. These people are all sent out from the villages of Hancheng.

They came so early in the morning to tell her that the people of cold city are with her as the city Lord!

"We know that the Lord spent all his savings in order to build the cold city. Now it's not easy to be better, and our life seems to be getting better. But so many bandits happened. The troubles of refugees and bandits are not only for adults and you, but also for all of us in the cold city.

Cold city is here, our home is here. Only through this difficulty can our cold city develop better. "

"So, today we are here to provide some grain, meat and eggs, pots and pans that can be used in each village."

Looking at these kind faces, Chen nianran's nose is sour. These people

If you have ever played a retreat drum in the face of difficulties, you want to quit the construction of this cold city. But today, the couple are really moved by these ordinary people.

Zhou Aoxuan raised his hand and made a deep salute to the people present, "Zhou Aoxuan thanks all the villagers here. We have been in trouble recently. There are too many refugees, and some meat and eggs for export are not easy to sell. So recently, our meat and eggs, as well as our food, may no longer be exported, but will be provided to the people of this city... "

Uncle he Wushu grinned with his beard. "It doesn't matter. Anyway, these things are not for export. It's not bad for each of us to share a little. As usual, we don't have these things. Have we had a different life. Now it's nothing more than to provide these plants and raised things. As long as we keep the root species, we are not afraid... "

The so-called root seed is to keep pigs and seeds.

Chen nianran quietly wiped his tears and raised his head sonorously. "Folks, we are temporary now. Only next year, the first season of next year's harvest. I believe that the native people and the refugees in our cold city will have food and meat to eat. We must make it through this half year. "


The cry of hundreds of people, listening to Chen nianran heart ripples.

"Niang, from today on, we also eat a meal less."

The little girl's clear voice, listening to the presence of the villagers are full of laughter. He Wushu shook his head. "We adults suffer, and we can't suffer for the next generation of you. Lord, miss and young master, you can't treat them badly. It will be over... "