The Farming Little Girl

C317: Great Learning in it

Especially just now when a pig pooped, an old man felt very comfortable. It's a happy laugh.

"The villagers also know that these pigs are raised to improve the composition of our land, so they do not want to eat their meat at present. Just as if they were a baby. These excrement will be cleaned out by the villagers every day and then put out. Now there are almost 50 acres of land in our village where this kind of excrement is spread. "

Chen nianran was very happy to hear the figure. You know, it's only a few months to raise pigs. It's good to improve dozens of acres.

"Well, we can plant some necessary plants next year. Grow millet this year. When the millet is harvested, we also have surplus food to feed these greedy guys. We have to raise a few pigs to celebrate the new year. Don't be reluctant to raise these guys just to improve their lives. "

Zhou's family touched the piggy. "Grandma Zhou, you don't know. We really want to kill these piggies, but we can't bear it. However, no matter how good these guys are, they are also prepared for us to eat meat

Chen nianran looked at it. Zhou Village only raised about 30 pigs. There are a pair of boars and a wild boar here.

No way, it's not that she doesn't want to expand the scale of breeding, but that the current food and other supplies are not complete. Just rely on some weeds and wild fruits in the fields to raise pigs. Pigs grow slowly.

Fortunately, she uses some modern ways of raising pigs. It is not cooked pig food, but raw pig food.

Of course, the most important nutrient is the wild fruit on the mountain.

This kind of fruit is to wash five to see, immediately surprised to point out that this kind of fruit can be used as feed for piglets.

The villagers didn't know this kind of fruit pig before, because they didn't remove the skin. If the soft skin outside the fruit is not removed, it will become an anesthetic thing. So for a long time, people in Zhoucun didn't know there was such a use of this fruit.

After the fifth washing explained the use of the fruit, Chen nianran praised him on the spot.

After all, this kind of fruit grows in many villages in Hancheng. Because of this, this kind of fruit can replace the gap of food.

"Now these fruits serve as the main food for the piggies, but they also grow well. You don't know. People in our village like to walk around once a day, just to see and smell the taste of these baby pigs. Hee hee... "

Chen nianran is speechless. How can people in Zhoucun have such bad taste. However, it has to be said that for the villagers who are used to poverty and are afraid of suffering, if they can smell such a smell, it is equivalent to smelling it.

After seeing Zhoucun, they went to the next village. This time I went to see a larger village. It is also a small Li village where Chen nianran invests a little more.

Xiaoli village has also developed some fish ponds here because it is along the river.

It was the same type as before when I was in the new village. It was not far from the fish pond, so I built a chicken house. As for the pigsty, it was built elsewhere.

It's not that I don't want to build the pigsty and the chicken house together, because Huang Ge de just built the two kinds of houses together, once there was chicken plague, which soon spread to the piglets in the pigsty.

With experience, Chen nianran would never dare to build the places of these two animals together again. This is also a heavy experience from pain.

Because willows can survive in this area, so there are many willows in Xiaoli village. At this time, the wicker was just in the time of prosperity. When the master and the servant came to Xiaoli village, they saw the willows on the Bank of the plum river dancing in the wind.

From a distance, the garden looks like a group of girls dancing in the wind.

The river wind came with a special smell of chicken farm. Chen nianran felt a little sorry. "Alas, such a beautiful scenery would be perfect without this smell."

Shuangxi is very happy. She points to some old people who are driving ducks not far away. "Little grandma, the people here are the same as the people we saw in Xiaozhou Village before. They all like to smell the strange smell. What's more, the Jiang family, who is in charge of the chicken farm here, must smell this share to sleep. "

"Poof, what's the matter with these villagers now? Why do you have such a bad problem? " Chen nianran is happy.

"Little grandma, they are afraid that the hope in front of them is gone, so they all feel that smelling this kind of smell is like smelling the hope. Alas, those who are poor cherish their happiness now

This is indeed the case. Although there is no effect at present, because chickens, pigs and other eggs and fish can not be exported, these villagers do see hope.

"I think the first batch of eggs that were sold out recently by the head of the household should be able to come back."

Many of these chickens are laying eggs. Of course, these eggs must be collected, picked by the villagers to the side of the canal in Hancheng, put together in a unified way, and then taken out for export.

Because this is the first time for export sales, and it's really money making. Zhou Aoxuan led the trip himself.

All the villagers are actually looking forward to the output of this export. It's a good thing to hope for money. In fact, Chen nianran is also very upset. After all, this is the first time to produce a lot of eggs.

This era is no more modern. If we produce too much at once, it will impact the market price. In particular, their batch sales are going to be impacted by the price.

But this is the first sale of Hancheng. If the sales volume is not good, it will be a heavy blow to people's hearts.

"Don't worry, young grandma. Our young master is a capable man. He is sure to sell the eggs. "

At this point, Chen nianran has only a astringent smile. In fact, she doesn't think much about it. Zhou Aoxuan has been out for more than ten days.

Normally, things like selling eggs. The journey back and forth is six days. Plus the sales date outside, I'll be back in about ten days.

But after more than ten days, it's not a good situation.

"Well, wait. Anyway, the big deal is that the price of eggs is lower. I'm not worried about anything else. "

The egg is the thing of the people's livelihood, as long as we find the hotel and the like, we can still sell it. If we can contact several people, we can sell a lot. But for a while and a half, where can I find so many families and so on.

Besides, the spring city outside the cold city is the city of tens of thousands of people.

If you want to sell better, you need to go to Jicheng outside Chuncheng. It's a full 20 days' journey to Jicheng. Just the way Sincerity is enough.

Chen nianran was helpless about the ancient transportation. It can't be built like she used to be in Xiaoxin village, if she wanted to build a Mao road. It's ancient times. It's a long way to go. You need to build mountains and mountains.

"Well, I hope it goes better." With a sigh, Chen nianran goes to the place where the horse and chicken house is.

Jiang's family is still busy picking earthworms for chickens. These chickens are raised in batches, and they need to eat a lot of earthworms every day.

Fortunately, the villagers all got Chen nianran's method of raising earthworms, because this thing can barely be supplied.

Seeing Chen nianran and his wife coming from afar, Jiang's family quickly put down the basket to welcome them up.

"Little grandma, hi girl, I was thinking that you would come today. It's quite accurate without me."

"How about, do we have a lot of hens now?"

"Almost. The last ten have laid eggs. Little grandma, we used to have a chicken or two. But it's very difficult to produce more eggs. It's common to have an egg in three or five days. But the chickens we raise in batches can produce an egg in two days. It's not too small. Haha, if we go on like this, we will not worry about having no eggs. "

When the Jiang family mentioned the chicken farm, it was more like a treasure. These simple villagers, in order to get rich, in order to get rid of the difficulties, they really put together.

"Well, it shows that our way of free breeding is correct. Later, when the scale of the pig farm is a little larger, these chickens can be kept in separate pens. "

Now because we need to store things like chicken manure, we must keep them in captivity.

"I know. Now the village is planning when to expand the pig farm. However, our pig is not easy to raise in winter. The most important thing is not so much boar grass. "

Because there are too few edible crops for pigs to grow in the land, so there are too few things for pigs to eat.

There is a pig food, Chen nianran also let people in the spring when they cut a lot to nauseous.

As long as in winter, these disgusting half rotten, or dry pig grass can be used.

But just eat dry, so many pigs in case of eating a problem, it is also a terrible thing.

No matter what, we have to eat some fresh ones. So we have to find a lot of vegetables that can be planted in winter.

Chen nianran knows that in modern times, many people grow thick skinned vegetables and the like for pig grass.

But here?

The winter here is cold and dry. The ground is not suitable for planting such dishes. Most of the people here go out to find jobs in winter. It will be winter in another three months. If these pigs don't go out, they will die hungry.

The scale of breeding has expanded, but Chen nianran didn't think of the problem of eating in winter. Now she is worried, but she can't help it for a while.

"Pig food in winter is very important. Now there are three months to go. I should be here. I hope Zhou Aoxuan can find a solution this time. "

In fact, Zhou Aoxuan's trip, there is an important task, is to find some seemingly simple plants outside.